Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Best ETFs for Recovering Markets

With the market moving decisively off of multi-year lows in March, you need to position your portfolio for the rebound with the right ETFs and mutual funds for recovering markets. 

With this in mind, we are emphatically endorsing our longtime partner Janet Brown's NoLoad Fund*X investment newsletter.  This bi-weekly newsletter has employed a proprietary system of fund investing that has placed it on top of the Hulbert Financial Digests' independent ranking of investment advisory performance for many years with outstanding long-term performance. 

Janet Brown's specialty is making her subscribers big money without taking big risks. If you are already familiar with her "Upgrading" strategy of buying no-load winners and shedding losers, you can simply click here and get immediate access to her current recommendations of no load mutual funds and ETFs. If you are interested in finding out more about No Load Fund*X, read on.

Over the past 25 years, Janet's average risk model portfolio has earned a 11% average annual return - without owning a single individual stock.

As a result, her recommendations would have turned an initial investment of  $100,000 in June, 1983 into $1,298,655 today ... through bull markets and bear ... with far less risk than the S&P 500.

Janet's NoLoad Fund*X portfolios of the world's top-performing no-load mutual funds and ETFs have outperformed the Wilshire 5000 for more than two consecutive decades. According to Hulbert Financial Digest, NoLoad Fund*X is one of its prestigious "Honor Roll" newsletters with an annualized total return of 12.3% since 1991.

NoLoad Fund*X has consistently beat the S&P handily, with much less risk. Now you can, too.

Just click here to get your subscription to Janet's market advisory, NoLoad Fund*X -- a proven investment letter Forbes has partnered with that is dedicated to making steady profits in no-load mutual funds. And when you subscribe, you will receive a Guide to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), absolutely FREE.

The Hulbert Financial Digest ranks NoLoad Fund*X #1 amongst mutual fund newsletters for the most recent 10-year period. Janet comments, "My Momentum or Upgrading Strategy is like pleasure sailing. We don't try to predict the prevailing winds. We just follow them and have a good ride." 

The winds are shifting. After a brutal year for the market the big question today is which will be the best ETFs and no load mutual funds given Obama's economic recovery plan and stimulus package? Which funds will thrive during a period of inflation?  How can I best position my portfolio for a market rebound? What kind of mutual funds? Right now mid and large cap growth funds and ETFs are topping No Load Fund*X's buy list.

Before the bursting of the commodity and emerging markets bubbles in 2008, Janet's Monthly Upgrader Portfolio sold most of its international funds like T. Rowe Price Latin America (PRLAX) and locked in a 127% gain in less than three years. It's now buying safer large cap domestic stock funds. In almost any market environment, there's some area of the market bringing in good relative returns and NoLoad Fund*X leads readers to invest in the top performers.

Will this subscription pay off for you? Consider the facts: Mutual funds and ETFs give you the diversification you need to considerably reduce your risk and protect your wealth against today's roller-coaster market volatility.

Yet with NoLoad Fund*X, we can use diversified funds to actually make more money than if we owned risky individual stocks!

You may already own mutual funds and ETFs, but chances are you're making the most common fund mistake: Holding on to funds regardless of whether they're still top performers. This is where the "buy and hold" mentality of mutual funds can really shoot you in the foot.

In fact, if you just stick with names like Fidelity, Vanguard and T. Rowe Price, chances are that you'll miss out on the best performing funds, which as of mid-April included fund names like Oakmark, Hussman, Neuberger Berman, and Yacktman. 

Janet's approach is totally different: "Our strategy, called Upgrading, involves buying no-load mutual funds and ETFs that rank highly in our scoring system -- the top performers -- and holding those funds as long as they continue to outperform their peers," she says.

Janet continues: "When funds fall down in the rankings, we sell them and move on to the new current winners."

Some of her previous winning fund picks include:

Dodge & Cox International Stock -- bought November 2003, and locked in a gain over 134% in August 2007.

Driehaus Emerging Markets � gained 86% from November 2005 through July 2008.

Janet has been finding top performing funds and ETFs even in the most recent challenging market environment. Since 1994, upgrading into Janet's fund picks would have produced an annualized return of 10.6% a year -- that's nearly double the 5.8% annualized return of the Wilshire 5000 broad market index.

How does Janet Brown pick so many winners even in down markets? "Don't just invest in sectors but in managers that are getting it right," Janet says. "Our whole strategy is to find them during their periods of outperformance."

And that's exactly what you get with a subscription to NoLoad Fund*X.

Click here to see what top performing funds are currently being recommended.

When a no-load fund manager is hot, you'll hear about it in NoLoad Fund*X. When a fund manager is not, Janet has no hesitation in dropping that fund like a hot potato.

One other thing: As you figured out from its name, NoLoad Fund*X covers ONLY no-load funds and ETFs. If a fund charges a load, NoLoad Fund*X doesn't touch it.

Why not?

It's simple: With more than 1,100 no-load funds to choose from, and hundreds of ETFs, there's no need to ever go anywhere else. NoLoad Fund*X continuously monitors all no-load funds and ETFs to make sure your portfolios always contain top performers.

For instance, let's say you put $20,000 each in two mutual funds, one with a 5% front-end load, and an identical fund without any load. Both generate an 8% annual return. At the end of 10 years, your no-load fund would be worth $43,178.50.

But with the load fund, you had to pay a $1,000 load up front. So right off the bat, you actually began with only $19,000 invested in the fund, not $20,000.

After 10 years, your load fund would be worth $41,020. That's $2,158 LESS than what the no-load fund is now worth.

The NoLoad Fund*X advisory monitors and averages funds performance over 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, then compares them to returns of other funds of similar risks.

Based on the comparison, Janet recommends the top best-performing funds in four different categories - speculative stock funds, highly speculative, quality stock funds and total return funds.

Buying mutual funds based on sporadically published "best funds" lists in Money or Kiplinger's Personal Finance may seem smart at the time. But when the fund quietly slips, you may be totally unaware of the better funds you could be moving into.

With NoLoad Fund*X, you have the comfort and security of knowing:

The funds you own are top performers.

The funds you own are in the category that matches your tolerance for risk -- and your investment objectives.

Every dime of your money is fully invested. There is never any load, either on the front end or on the back.

You can sleep without worrying about whether Yahoo is going to tank, or what quarterly profits Cisco will report, because the diversification of your funds frees you from dependence on the performance of any one company.

You won't be flying blind: 12 monthly issues plus a Mid-Month Report by e-mail keep you up-to-date -- so you can own only today's top-performing funds.

Best of all, if you're not 100% satisfied, simply cancel. All the issues and bonuses received are yours to keep! Simply click here to subscribe and get a Guide to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), FREE with your subscription.

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