Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gain $1,000 With Following Stocks

A few days ago, Ian Cooper came to me with an outrageous idea...

He suggested that either he shows you 50 double-digit trades by April 15th, 2010 or we pay you $1,000.

With that kind of money at stake, my first thought was that he's completely off his rocker.

But after reviewing his ridiculous trading track record, 20 for 23 - averaging 55% a piece - this year alone - I realized no matter how much money we put at stake, we simply can't lose.

In fact, we liked the deal so much that we're calling it the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet."

The free report - attached below - details exactly how it works, and what you need to do to enroll and start collecting your double-digit trades today.

I know. I know. It looks crazy.

And I sure don't blame you.

Heck, that's what I thought too when Ian Cooper first pitched the idea to me, last weekend.

In fact, immediately after reading his extremely radical "proposal", I almost deleted the email.

I thought he was out of his mind... left the reservation.

After all, going along with it meant that we'd be throwing almost $2,000,000 of our own money on the line - in this economy!

But not ten seconds later, I found myself starting to get psyched over the idea.

The truth is, unlike virtually every other outfit in this industry, we're more than proud to put our money where our mouths are.

And that's the way it should be.

After all, it's our job to show you the fastest and easiest way to become truly wealthy - no matter what the markets do - so you can finally live your life on your own terms...

And nothing makes us happier than when we - on a daily basis - open emails like this one from Robert H:

"Thanks so much for the last few trades! I have recovered nearly all the losses from trades I have made in the past 6 months. That may not seem like a success story to some, but to most traders, this is a huge success! Again, thanks and keep them coming. I actually have funds to invest!!!"

... Or this one from Henry F:

"Just a quick note to say THANKS!! I closed out the second half of XJZMM with a 100.14% gain after 9 days. I pulled the trigger early and missed out on the last hour today, oops. In just a month I am 6 for 6."

They were just two out of the dozen or so that poured in immediately after Ian closed one of his latest trades, in the financial sector, for a total of 221% gains.

It was a play hardly any traders saw - even Wall Street's elite. Yet this "no-brainer," as Ian would call it, rapidly turned every $5,000 into $16,050... within 11 days for his readers.

It's just 1 of the 23 similar big winning plays he successfully uncovered since the year started... totaling 845% in gains for the year - and 3,481% since he launched this incredible advisory in May!

And he's so confident that he'll find dozens more over the next few months that we're ready to put up the gains for you - or cough up the dough!

That's why we just opened the doors to what we're calling the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet." It just could be the boldest opportunity we ever offered investors like you.

Here's how it works:

If we can't show you how to make 50 - that's right, fifty - double-digit trades by Tax Day 2010, we'll give you $1,000. It's that simple. No strings attached. And it starts today.

I know it might seem a little ballsy - given the market's volatility - but from our perspective, not only do you deserve a guarantee that strong, it's a "dare" of sorts that we simply can't lose!

You see, Ian has a few tricks up his sleeve to uncovering these gems for you. In fact, that's how...

Ian's Already Opened And Closed 23 Trades For
Investors Like You... Since January 1st, 2009

That's right. Since January 1st, 2009, even as the market continued to crumble, Ian's opened and closed 23 trades... 20 of which have been double-digit winners!

Read that again: 20 Double-Digit Winners!

In fact, each of his plays - winners including losers - averages a 55% gain!

And here's the biggest kicker, his tight-knit group of investors (of which I'll show you how to become a part of) only holds each one of these trades for about 10 days.

Sometimes... like when he issued a put on Morgan Stanley for a rapid 71% gain... it's a matter of hours.

That means on average, his investors more than triple their money every 30 days!

In other words, imagine turning $5,000 on March 1st into $18,619.38 by April 1st.

Honestly, I can't think of a single other investment opportunity on the planet that could deliver those gains... especially in today's unpredictable market.

And according to Ian, thanks to the crashing of more institutions by the day, he's finding more and more of these knock-em down winners than he knows what to do with.

And in just one minute, I'll show you exactly how you can get started putting our research to the ultimate test by taking the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet."


But first, let me quickly share with you Ian's biggest secret to success in this or ANY market. You see...

Ian Never Pigeonholes Investors Into Just One Sector Or Style Of Trading

To put it simply, you can't - no matter what - focus on one sector or industry in this economy if you want to make any serious money - or money at all.

The truth is, with the way things are going, the successful investors - the guys still churning gains like they're picking fish from a barrel - are the ones looking at the big picture.

They're not falling victim to investor's tunnel vision or "it'll come back... eventually" syndrome.

No. They're analyzing the past and current trends for everything and ANYTHING that could POP tomorrow - no matter where it is.

Be it energy stocks, banking and financials, precious metals, technology stocks, retail, fast food, you name it, and they're covering it.

For example:

They were the investors who knew, as the financial sector's collapse was set in stone and mass layoffs across the U.S. ensued, many Americans - seeking protection - would set the firearms industry ablaze.

Just take a look at the Dow over the past several months compared to Strum Ruger:

And here's Smith & Wesson compared to the Dow:

I don't care what your opinion on the mass buying is. The fact remains that both of these companies are absolutely on fire. And every investor who saw it coming is sitting on a small fortune right now.

And they're not just looking for opportunities where companies are poised to go up. These slick traders are cashing in on the flocks of companies whose share prices are dropping like birds at a Nebraskan pheasant shoot.

They're successfully turning this "crisis" into the biggest cash-cow of their investment careers. Collecting gains of... 70% in a single day as American Express declines... 38% inside of 6 days as Equity Residential prices slid... 68% in 12 days as Prudential Financial tumbled... etc.

The list goes on... for about five pages. But you get the idea.

And the amazing part is, these investors aren't taking super-risky "short" positions or margin calls where they need to cover their losses for the full value if things don't pan out.

In fact, all they need in most cases is a few hundred dollars to get started.

That's because they're taking advantage of one of the least understood - yet most profitable - investment tools around... options.

And in this market, options plays are where the big, rapid gains are coming from.

In fact, Thanks To Not Being Pigeonholed And Open To Playing Options, Just Loosely Following Ian's Trading Advice For The Past 4 Months Could've Rapidly Turned $5,000 into $31,357.08

This is where his trading philosophy of puts and calls excels.

It's also preciesly why you need to be trading stocks right now instead of strictly investing in "buy and holds." You see, with the right trades...

You don't need to start with a lot of money to make a fortune in the market... You don't need to have all your savings tied up in multiple investments for several years either... You don't even need to find dozens of trades every year.

In fact, even though Ian's opened and closed 23 trades since 2009 started - each averaging a 55% gain - all you needed to make more than six-times your initial investment was to loosely follow four of them.

Take the following REAL scenario for example:

Trade #1

On January 5th, Ian shot this amazing alert to his readers:

It's really nice to have such great readers. And I'm not just saying that to butter you up. My inbox is usually full this time of week with plays you want me to look at.

Just yesterday, for instance, one of you e-mailed me about SunPower (SPWRA) downside, but I missed recommending it, because the e-mail was opened so late in the day... and Yahoo e-mail sometimes doesn't work so well.

But that doesn't mean there aren't more opportunities to go short the solar market. Sure, solars got a nice pre-Obama inauguration run, but the party may be over as the group faces weak consumer demand and poor credit markets.

JPMorgan seems to agree, recommending a sell of solar stocks on expectations of bottoming later in the year. They also warned investors not to expect a recovery in solar stocks on a broad economic rebound, as "solar subsidies may have peaked in 2008 when Germany and Spain primarily drove demand."

Worse, JPMorgan mentioned that a tight credit market "bring the alternative energy industry to a screeching halt if access to capital is not made more available."

One company that could continue to fall nicely for us is Energy Conversion Devices (ENER), which we'd recommend playing the short side with. The best way to play this is to buy March 2009 25 puts (EQIOE) up to $4.60.

Again, this entry price is being set high so that all of you can get in.

Good Investing,

Ian L. Cooper

Options Trading Pit

The timing was perfect. Take a look at what happened to the share price shortly after he issued the put.


And just eight days later, they sold their positions for a rapid 38% gain, turning every $5,000 into a cool $6,900.

Trade # 2

Then, on February 3rd, he issued this urgent alert:

Wynn Resorts (WYNN) just broke below double bottom support. At this pace, it could test lows not seen since 2005. As we said earlier, casino stocks are acting like they're going to continue falling hard, as Las Vegas media talk about how Vegas travel numbers are way off thanks to a pullback in discretionary spending.

Two weeks later, like clockwork, his readers dropped out of WYNN after collecting a generous and quick 26% gain.

Now every $5,000 his investors loaded in were worth $8,694... from just two trades!

And it didn't stop their either.

Trade #3

The very next day, he urged his traders to buy puts on Prudential, saying...

We've got a falling knife on our hands, and the best stock is looking as if it'll re-test the $13 level before (hopefully, for us) plunging to the single digits.

It was dead on.

Less than two weeks later, his group of investors (which you can now become a part of) were cashing out after collecting 57.5% gains.

By this time, everyone was sitting on $13,693.05 - from just $5,000 and three trades!

Trade #4

Once again, the very next day, on March 10th, he alerted his investors to a call in the financial sector of all things!

The recommendation was simple - and a little ballsy. But he knew what he was doing.

Buy June Calls on Financial Sector SPDR.

Within ten days, the simple option paid out 129%

In other words, investors following Ian's advice on these four trades since the beginning of the year turned every $5,000 into $31,357.08.

A $10,000 stake would be worth more than $62,714.17 - within four months!

Of course, as you can imagine, you don't even need that much to start enjoying the rapid gains that Ian's been showing his investors for almost a decade now!

And I haven't even mentioned the big winners that Ian's been raking in!

Gains like, 242% gains from Coca Cola in 39 days... 113% gains from JA Solar inside of 7 days... 208% gain from Lehman Brothers within 4 days... 157% from iShares in 6 days... you get the picture.

All in all, if you include every trade he's issued over the past five months, Ian's made his investors...

... Twelve Times Their Money - In Five Months!

Imagine how quickly you can compound your wealth with gains that large - gains that fast - again and again.

That's the sort of hit-and-run excitement you'll get when you take us on in the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" by enrolling in the Options Trading Pit. You can make a fortune in several rapid trades.

And starting today, we're going to give you at least 50 more of these monsters, by April 15th, 2010.

But Just How Can I Be So Confident That You'll Make At Least 50 Double-Digit Trades That I Can Risk Putting $2,000,000 On The Line?

Here's why: Ian Cooper has spent the better part of the past decade perfecting the art of trading options for triple-digit gains.

Over that time, he's shown thousands of investors exactly how to exploit carefully targeted market sectors for lightning-fast short-term gains... gains that prove to be several times larger than simply buying stocks alone.

It's his phenomenal track record of triple-digit, short-term winners that put Ian in such high demand from mainstream outlets such as Investor's Business Daily and Forbes... and on investment shows such as Money Matters with Barry Armstrong and On the Money with Mike Stein.

Truth is, people who follow Ian Cooper's advice make an immediate killing almost every time he alerts them!

And while millions of Americans have been in an absolute panic over our current financial crisis... Ian and his readers have been consistently raking in some amazing gains.

In fact, the volatility we've seen in the markets over the past twelve months is actually perfect for options traders like Ian. It "turbocharges" the profit opportunities and delivers winners much faster than in the "old days" of two years ago or more.

And the beauty of it all is that Ian's readers are just everyday Americans like you and me who have refused to become victims of the U.S. financial crisis... and have decided to take their investment future into their own hands.

People like Neil M., who recently used one of Ian Cooper's recommendations to collect $4,195 after a single trading day...

Or Bruce H., who collected an extra $5,000 inside 13 days by following Ian's advice...

Or Brian A., who, after months of following Ian's recommendations, turned an initial $10,000 into an astonishing $450,000!

And thanks to the massive fluctuations in the markets, for Ian and his readers, the fast money's rapidly turning into the easy money.

That's why I'm not the least bit worried about him being able to deliver to you at least 50 trades by Tax Day of next year.

But before I share with you how to get started today - and the clock is ticking - let me quickly reiterate what it is that makes Ian head and shoulders above virtually every other options trader around. You see...

Not a Single Recommendation Is Released Unless It Has the Potential for Short-Term Gains of 100% or More

So what is Ian Cooper's "secret" to making a killing for his readers with carefully selected options trades?

The truth is... there is no secret - just some good, old-fashioned, roll-up-the-sleeves research and analysis.

And fortunately for you - Ian handles all of the heavy lifting.

He sifts through general market analysis. He looks at the bigger picture. He finds what sectors will benefit from any situation. Then he scrutinizes hundreds of potential opportunities for his readers to invest in.

Once the initial analysis is complete, Ian then incorporates four specific indicators, including Bollinger Bands, W%R, candlesticks, and the news.

Using just these four, Ian can call for tops and bottoms on indices, as well as individual stocks.

And that's just the beginning.

After sorting through hundreds of opportunities each week, Ian identifies the "best of the best" using his time-tested methods of analysis. Then... Ian goes one step further, insisting on providing his readers with only those opportunities that have the potential for explosive growth.

Imagine - instead of only pulling in marginal gains on stocks that do well, say an 18% gain in 23 days, you could be sitting on 140% gains on the same stock during the same period!

All thanks to the "magic" of options trading.

Now I know what you're thinking.

Isn't Options Trading Highly Complicated?

The truth is, it's actually much easier than you might think. And Ian goes to great lengths to explain to his readers every step of every trade.

And to make certain you know exactly how everything works, Ian has prepared several special reports with easy to understand explanations of all of his jargon so you can follow along with everything he might alert you to.

They're called:

Understanding Options for Maximum Gains... an easy-to-understand guide to successfully profiting from options.

How To Secure Long-term Profits with LEAPS

The Bear Market Baron's Guide to Options... a hands-on guide to making a fortune, even when the markets are crashing.

How To Lock in Huge Gains by Going "Greek"

And every single one of them is yours - absolutely free!

All you have to do is take this rare opportunity to challenge our work... and put it to the ultimate test by signing on to the Options Trading Pit and enrolling in the "Fifty Trade Gauntlet."

But before you scroll down and click the subscribe now button, I have to warn you...

This fast-paced trading is unlike anything else that we offer. And it certainly isn't for everyone.

In other words, as a result of this ridiculous market we're in right now - Ian is issuing alerts rapidly... and as you've seen, sometimes they're only open for a day or two.

So it's impeditive that all members of the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" are able to act quickly to get the biggest gains.

In and out. Take the profit and run. That's precisely the game plan that's made this service an incredible success in the first place.

And that's exactly how we're able to make such a bold offer.

Of course, if the number of trades bothers you - maybe over 100 this year - then this service simply isn't for you.

But if you're like most Americans and want to gain more than all the money that you've lost in this market back, I urge you to join now.

An Exclusive Options Opportunity Unlike Any Other

Unfortunately, the number of investors who can sign up for our Options Trading Pit and take us on in the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" is strictly limited.

In order to make sure every one of our subscribers has the ability to get maximum value out of each recommendation, membership will be strictly limited to 2,000 seats.

And in all honesty, we fully expect that nearly half of these seats to be gobbled up by our premium, profit-hungry readers by the end of the Easter weekend.

So it's important that you act quickly if you'd like to get in.

But I must tell you... in order to enter the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" and become a member of the Options Trading Pit, you need to do so soon. In fact, come 12 A.M. on April 23rd, the doors to the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" will be closed for good. But I fully expect the remaining seats to fill up well before then.

After all, we've limited Options Trading Pit to only 2,000 people.

That's because we don't want 5,000... 10,000 people buying the best stock. If we allowed an unlimited number to join, we could easily push the stock up several hundred percent. That would be a disaster.

That's why we have a strict limit on membership.

But if you're one of the lucky investors that lands a spot, you can expect that you'll see at least 50 double-digit recommendations this year in Options Trading Pit. That's a lot of trades. But we don't plan on holding these positions very long. In and out. Take the profit and run. That's what we'll be doing.

And like I said, if the amount of trades bothers you, then I'm sorry, but this service isn't for you.

Lightning-Fast Profit Alerts

One more thing: your trading alerts will be sent to you via e-mail directly from Ian Cooper.

Options Trading Pit is not a fax service - instead, Ian uses e-mail because we want everybody to receive the trade at approximately the same time.

And just so that you don't have to recheck your email 10 times a day, we're also offering Options Trading Pit updates VIA live RSS feeds - so you can get the alerts the split second they're available! (We'll even give you simple, detailed instructions on how to set up and use your RSS feed within a matter of minutes.)

If you're comfortable with what I've shared so far, then I urge you to join us today.

Again, I know this style of trading isn't for everybody. But by signing up for the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" by joining the Options Trading Pit, you're elevating yourself into the top tier of the trading community - light years beyond what most unfortunate American investors can handle.

So if you're interested, welcome aboard.

How To Get Ian Cooper's Recommendations Sent Directly To You - Starting Today!

When you fill out the membership form, you'll immediately receive a confirmation and a welcome letter, as well as a link to the Options Trading Pit site, where you'll be able to access every single one of the positions Ian issues... 24 hours a day.

We'll also rush you Ian's latest report, Understanding Options for Maximum Gains.

And that's not all!

As I mentioned a moment ago, if you're able to enroll into the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" before the doors close, you'll also receive Ian's four crucial reports.

So just to recap, by signing on today, you're gaining:

Enrollemnt into the "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" - your chance to collect $1,000 if Ian Cooper doesn't uncover at least 50 double-digit trades by April 15th, 2010.

Full access to the Options Trading Pit website - giving you full, unrestricted access into every single trade Ian's ever issued and will issue.

Live RSS Feeds just to make sure that you're able to get the latest trades the split second they're released.

4, easy to understand reports where Ian breaks down in human-terms exactly how options trades work with:

Understanding Options for Maximum Gains... an easy-to-understand guide to successfully profiting from options, How To Secure Long-term Profits with LEAPS, The Bear Market Baron's Guide to Options... a hands-on guide to making a fortune, even when the markets are crashing., How To Lock in Huge Gains by Going "Greek"

And, of course, you'll be placed on the e-mail distribution list so you can begin receiving Ian's trade alerts - which can arrive any time of the day, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Now at this point, I'm sure you're wondering - with the explosive, triple-digit profit potential of every trade recommendation... the chance to collect $1,000, access to Ian's complete trading history with Options Trading Pit... plus his latest reports...

How Could You Possibly Afford A Subscription To Ian Cooper's Options Trading Pit?

First, let me reiterate one very crucial point.

This level of service is highly specialized. And the countless hours it takes Ian to find, study, and recommend just one of the calls or puts he uncovers - as you can imagine - takes a lot of time, expertise, and resources.

He doesn't draw stocks from a hat. He's not paid by other companies to recommend one over the other.

His secret is that he's an insomniac, sleeping just three hours a night.

The rest of the time, when other traders and researchers rest, spend time with their family, and take vacations, he's intently focusing on the latest news, studying the markets, and developing high-ranking contacts.

That is, however, precisely what it takes in order to hold a track record as clean as Ian's... a portfolio that scores investors like you the greatest option trades the market has to offer.

After all, I can't think of a single other trader on the planet who's collected cumulative gains of 3,481% since May!

And with just one of Ian's most recent trades, you could have turned $10,000 into $22,161 in just seven days. Again... that's just with one trade!

That being said, I've seen other "experts" billing themselves out for several thousand dollars a day - and their trading advice can't tread water next to the winners Ian shows you on a weekly basis.

So I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty charging as high as $5,000 a year for a membership to his advisory.

But I'm not going to go anywhere near that.

In fact, the normal membership price is only $999 a year - only I'm going to make you an even better deal than that.

"Fifty-Trade Gauntlet's" Special Pricing

If you enroll in the Options Trading Pit today, assuming there are still spots remaining, you can save a full 20%, and join for just $799 this year!

I know for many of you $799 is a big lump of money to take down, even considering that many of you have made hundreds of thousands of dollars following our advice.

So here's the deal. We're also offering a quarterly bill program. If you choose that method, you'll be charged just $250 every three months.

It's as easy as we can make it to get you on board.

** Please keep in mind - we're capping Options Trading Pit's "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" at 2,000 investors.**

In addition, we want to make sure you're 100% satisfied. So, if for any reason you're unhappy with Options Trading Pit, you can get a full refund at any time before the end of the first month of your membership.

After that, the refund is prorated.

The "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" Guarantee:

And if you sign on today, and we don't deliver at least 50 double-digit trades by Tax Day, 2010, we'll give you the entire following year absolutely free! That's a $1,000 value we're passing on to you!

Even if only 49 out of 50 reach double-digit gains, you'll still get the next year absolutely free!

But you have to act now. The "Fifty-Trade Gauntlet" special pricing and offer ends promptly at 12 am on APRIL 23rd.

Best ETFs for Recovering Markets

With the market moving decisively off of multi-year lows in March, you need to position your portfolio for the rebound with the right ETFs and mutual funds for recovering markets. 

With this in mind, we are emphatically endorsing our longtime partner Janet Brown's NoLoad Fund*X investment newsletter.  This bi-weekly newsletter has employed a proprietary system of fund investing that has placed it on top of the Hulbert Financial Digests' independent ranking of investment advisory performance for many years with outstanding long-term performance. 

Janet Brown's specialty is making her subscribers big money without taking big risks. If you are already familiar with her "Upgrading" strategy of buying no-load winners and shedding losers, you can simply click here and get immediate access to her current recommendations of no load mutual funds and ETFs. If you are interested in finding out more about No Load Fund*X, read on.

Over the past 25 years, Janet's average risk model portfolio has earned a 11% average annual return - without owning a single individual stock.

As a result, her recommendations would have turned an initial investment of  $100,000 in June, 1983 into $1,298,655 today ... through bull markets and bear ... with far less risk than the S&P 500.

Janet's NoLoad Fund*X portfolios of the world's top-performing no-load mutual funds and ETFs have outperformed the Wilshire 5000 for more than two consecutive decades. According to Hulbert Financial Digest, NoLoad Fund*X is one of its prestigious "Honor Roll" newsletters with an annualized total return of 12.3% since 1991.

NoLoad Fund*X has consistently beat the S&P handily, with much less risk. Now you can, too.

Just click here to get your subscription to Janet's market advisory, NoLoad Fund*X -- a proven investment letter Forbes has partnered with that is dedicated to making steady profits in no-load mutual funds. And when you subscribe, you will receive a Guide to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), absolutely FREE.

The Hulbert Financial Digest ranks NoLoad Fund*X #1 amongst mutual fund newsletters for the most recent 10-year period. Janet comments, "My Momentum or Upgrading Strategy is like pleasure sailing. We don't try to predict the prevailing winds. We just follow them and have a good ride." 

The winds are shifting. After a brutal year for the market the big question today is which will be the best ETFs and no load mutual funds given Obama's economic recovery plan and stimulus package? Which funds will thrive during a period of inflation?  How can I best position my portfolio for a market rebound? What kind of mutual funds? Right now mid and large cap growth funds and ETFs are topping No Load Fund*X's buy list.

Before the bursting of the commodity and emerging markets bubbles in 2008, Janet's Monthly Upgrader Portfolio sold most of its international funds like T. Rowe Price Latin America (PRLAX) and locked in a 127% gain in less than three years. It's now buying safer large cap domestic stock funds. In almost any market environment, there's some area of the market bringing in good relative returns and NoLoad Fund*X leads readers to invest in the top performers.

Will this subscription pay off for you? Consider the facts: Mutual funds and ETFs give you the diversification you need to considerably reduce your risk and protect your wealth against today's roller-coaster market volatility.

Yet with NoLoad Fund*X, we can use diversified funds to actually make more money than if we owned risky individual stocks!

You may already own mutual funds and ETFs, but chances are you're making the most common fund mistake: Holding on to funds regardless of whether they're still top performers. This is where the "buy and hold" mentality of mutual funds can really shoot you in the foot.

In fact, if you just stick with names like Fidelity, Vanguard and T. Rowe Price, chances are that you'll miss out on the best performing funds, which as of mid-April included fund names like Oakmark, Hussman, Neuberger Berman, and Yacktman. 

Janet's approach is totally different: "Our strategy, called Upgrading, involves buying no-load mutual funds and ETFs that rank highly in our scoring system -- the top performers -- and holding those funds as long as they continue to outperform their peers," she says.

Janet continues: "When funds fall down in the rankings, we sell them and move on to the new current winners."

Some of her previous winning fund picks include:

Dodge & Cox International Stock -- bought November 2003, and locked in a gain over 134% in August 2007.

Driehaus Emerging Markets � gained 86% from November 2005 through July 2008.

Janet has been finding top performing funds and ETFs even in the most recent challenging market environment. Since 1994, upgrading into Janet's fund picks would have produced an annualized return of 10.6% a year -- that's nearly double the 5.8% annualized return of the Wilshire 5000 broad market index.

How does Janet Brown pick so many winners even in down markets? "Don't just invest in sectors but in managers that are getting it right," Janet says. "Our whole strategy is to find them during their periods of outperformance."

And that's exactly what you get with a subscription to NoLoad Fund*X.

Click here to see what top performing funds are currently being recommended.

When a no-load fund manager is hot, you'll hear about it in NoLoad Fund*X. When a fund manager is not, Janet has no hesitation in dropping that fund like a hot potato.

One other thing: As you figured out from its name, NoLoad Fund*X covers ONLY no-load funds and ETFs. If a fund charges a load, NoLoad Fund*X doesn't touch it.

Why not?

It's simple: With more than 1,100 no-load funds to choose from, and hundreds of ETFs, there's no need to ever go anywhere else. NoLoad Fund*X continuously monitors all no-load funds and ETFs to make sure your portfolios always contain top performers.

For instance, let's say you put $20,000 each in two mutual funds, one with a 5% front-end load, and an identical fund without any load. Both generate an 8% annual return. At the end of 10 years, your no-load fund would be worth $43,178.50.

But with the load fund, you had to pay a $1,000 load up front. So right off the bat, you actually began with only $19,000 invested in the fund, not $20,000.

After 10 years, your load fund would be worth $41,020. That's $2,158 LESS than what the no-load fund is now worth.

The NoLoad Fund*X advisory monitors and averages funds performance over 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, then compares them to returns of other funds of similar risks.

Based on the comparison, Janet recommends the top best-performing funds in four different categories - speculative stock funds, highly speculative, quality stock funds and total return funds.

Buying mutual funds based on sporadically published "best funds" lists in Money or Kiplinger's Personal Finance may seem smart at the time. But when the fund quietly slips, you may be totally unaware of the better funds you could be moving into.

With NoLoad Fund*X, you have the comfort and security of knowing:

The funds you own are top performers.

The funds you own are in the category that matches your tolerance for risk -- and your investment objectives.

Every dime of your money is fully invested. There is never any load, either on the front end or on the back.

You can sleep without worrying about whether Yahoo is going to tank, or what quarterly profits Cisco will report, because the diversification of your funds frees you from dependence on the performance of any one company.

You won't be flying blind: 12 monthly issues plus a Mid-Month Report by e-mail keep you up-to-date -- so you can own only today's top-performing funds.

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Is the Bounce Still Bouncing?

"What's that smell?"

We were on an airplane when Edward, 15, noticed an odor that seemed out of place.

" should have at least cleaned your boots!"

The manure began accumulating when we rode up to the high pasture on Tuesday. More about that below...

In the meantime, the Dow rallied a bit yesterday - up 127 points...barely half of what it lost on Monday.

Is the bounce still bouncing? We don't know. But we don't trust it. They say the stock market 'looks ahead.' So, it is possible for it to see things we can't see. On the other hand, what was it looking at two years ago? Didn't it see the economy going over a cliff? Apparently not.

But investors tend to believe what they want to believe. And what they want to believe is that the stock market has had its vision corrected and now sees a recovery.

Our guess is that they are wrong on both scores. The stock market is just as blind now as it was in early 2007...and there is no recovery coming any time soon. As to the first point, we have no further evidence to present...but as to the second; at least we have a theory.

By our reckoning, this is not a recession...this is a depression. In a recession, the bull market formula still works. It just needs a little time to rest...catch its off inventories...and rebuild cash accounts. But in a depression, the formula stops working.

The basic formula that drove the U.S. economy for the last 60 years has been the expansion of consumer spending. At first, that spending was healthy spending. People had built up savings during the war. In the Eisenhower years, they were ready to get back to work in the consumer economy, get married, have children, and spend money. America was the world's leading lender...leading exporter...leading manufacturer...and leading everything. Gradually though, having so many advantages caught up to the United States of America. By the '70s, the Nixon administration thought it could do away with the gold backing for the currency. By the '80s, the United States slipped from being a net creditor to being a net debtor to the rest of the world. By the '90s, American consumers were spending more than they made...and by the '00s they had given up saving all together - depending on the savings of poor people in China and elsewhere in order to continue living beyond their means.

Each time this system was faced with a recessionary correction, at least in the last 25 years, the feds tried to stimulate consumer spending with easier credit. And each time, consumers took the bait and got hooked on more debt. That's why the financial industry expanded so sold more and more debt in more and more grotesque and amazing ways.

This time is different. This time the feds have responded with zero interest rates...and $13 trillion worth of bailouts and boondoggles. But the old magic doesn't seem to work anymore. This time, the formula no longer works. Consumers already have too much stuff - and no way to pay for it all. They have no choice; they have to cut back. This is not a pause in the long cycle of increasing consumption, debt and speculation. It is a reversal of the cycle - with less consumption and less debt (more savings). This is a depression.

If left alone, this cycle will see falling asset prices, falling bond prices and rising savings for many years. Stocks should sell down to levels where they are attractive again - at average P/Es below 8...7...or even 6. And with dividend yields above 5%.

Of course, when that happens people will have lost interest in top stocks. The financial magazines will have pronounced the stock market "dead" and Jim Cramer will have been booted off the air.

By that time, the economy will have been restructured too. There will be less retail space. Many malls will have gone broke. Living standards in America and Britain will have gone down. And many of the people in the financial industry will be doing what they ought to have been doing all along - taking lunch counter orders.

Still a long way to the meantime, check out our latest report that explains exactly how to set up your own 'Personal Bailout'...because you know you can't count on the federal government to lend you and your assets a hand. See it here.

Now, we turn to Addison for news on the global financial losses:

"Banks, brokerages, fund name the financial firm...they've now seen nearly $4.1 trillion in digits evaporate since the beginning of the credit crunch, says the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this morning."

"More than half the losses - $2.7 trillion - were sustained by U.S. firms," explains Addison in today's issue of The 5 Min. Forecast.

"So far, global financial losses in this bust are almost equal to the entire market cap crunch of the tech bust early in the century:


"In an effort to paper over the losses abroad, the IMF has already funded over $55 billion in emergency loans to European nations including Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Iceland, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia.

"Last week, Mexico became the first Latin American country to put up the white flag, asking for a $47 billion line of credit. Just yesterday, Columbia followed suit, seeking $10.4 billion. We'll go out on a limb here... they won't be the last."

Each weekday, Addison brings readers the The 5 Min Forecast, an executive series e-letter that provides a quick and dirty analysis of daily economic and financial developments - in five minutes or less.

The 5 is free to subscribers of our paid publications, such as the Hulbert #1 Performing Investment Letter, Outstanding Investments.

And back to Bill, with more thoughts:

Compuel is a huge valley...probably about 10,000 acres...above 3,000 meters in altitude. There are no trees. And a cold wind blows through the sage even in summer. This time of year, at least it is green.

The summer rains came late this year. A river runs through the center of the valley, wide and can splash through it on horseback. For a few months of the year, it turns the center of the valley into wetlands. Later, in the winter months, it will be dry as Death Valley and as cold as a tax collector's heart. But last week it was wet and marshy...with ducks flapping up suddenly wherever you go.

You can get to Compuel in a 4x4...but it is an almost impossible drive...not to mention dangerous. There are sections of the road that are hardly as wide as the wheelbase...with a 1,000 ft drop off the edge.

"It was probably an old Inca or pre-Inca trail," explained Veronica. She was one of three archeologists who showed up at the house on Saturday. They asked if they could camp out and do some digging in the Indian ruins on the ranch.

"We won't take anything. Besides, the law requires that anything we find belongs to the state," she anticipated our questions.

"This area is very rich in archeological evidence," Veronica continued. She was from Buenos Aires, a cheerful, talkative woman with a librarian's air about her. With her was Paola...another archeologist from Buenos Aires ...and archeologist from Salta. They were trying to figure out dates.

"We don't really know much about the Indians who were here before the Inca," Veronica went on. "All we know is that they were brave and independent. This tribe resisted the Inca...and the Spanish. The Incas tried to subjugate them...forcing them to pay tribute. But they fought them off. I guess they figured that if they could beat the Incas they could also beat the Spanish. In fact, they were the last Indians in all of Argentina to surrender. And the story is that women took their babies up into what they call the 'fortress' - a natural stone formation - and threw them onto the rocks down below rather than see them enslaved by the conquistadors.

"But we don't know much more than that. So we dig down to try to find bits of pottery...and seeds...and soil samples that will tell us what they ate and which groups of other tribes they were related to. Then, we put the pieces together and gradually develop a better picture of who they were and how they lived.

"That's why we need to go to the ruins at Compuel."

"How are you going to get there?" asked Jorge, the farm manager.

"We're going to hike. What do you think...can we get there in 4 hours or so?"

"Ha...ha... it will take you at least 7 hours... depending on how strong you are. And of course, you will need a pack mule to carry your equipment."

On horseback, you can get to Compuel from the ranch house in 4 hours. The trail is rugged...with the horses stepping from stone to stone in some areas. By the time we got there we were already tired and saddle- sore. When we arrived, the roundup had already begun. The vaqueros - our local cowboys - had already rounded up the cattle from the whole valley and driven them into a big stone corral. They were roping the calves and separating the bulls from the cows. Occasionally, a bull would charge...but the cowboys were fast, they dashed to the side and jumped up onto the stonewall. Their dogs stood on top of the stonewall watching attentively. This was a once-a-year spectacle they didn't want to miss.
People often accuse me of making "irresponsible" forecasts of massive price inflation. Even though they know that history is replete with examples of central banks ruining their currencies, these critics are sure that "it can't happen here." So in the present article I'd like to make the brief case for why we should all be very alarmed about the prospects for the U.S. dollar.

First, let's look at what those penny pinchers in the federal government are up to. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released its analysis of the Obama Administration's ten-year budget proposal. The projected deficit for (fiscal year) 2009 is a whopping $1.8 trillion. Now the president has said, in effect, that you need to spend money to save money, but the CBO projects deficits once again exceeding $1 trillion by 2018. In fact, over the whole CBO forecast from 2009-2019, the lowest the deficit ever goes is $658 billion.

This should be rather surprising to anyone who actually took Obama at his word when he promised to restore fiscal discipline to Washington. In fact, the CBO projects that the outstanding federal debt held by the public will increase from 40.8% of GDP in 2008 to 82.4% in 2019. In other words, the CBO predicts a doubling of the national debt in a mere decade.

One last thing to give you chills (and not the good kind): The CBO is not exactly a doom-and-gloom forecasting service. They're run by the government, for crying out loud. This is the same CBO that projected at the start of the Bush Administration ten years of an accumulated $5.6 trillion in budget surpluses.

I would caution readers not to dismiss all CBO numbers as obviously meaningless. On the contrary, I think we will see the same pattern play out under Obama as under Bush: Because the CBO in both cases is grossly overstating future tax receipts, its projections for the Obama proposal are going to turn out just as rosy as they did back in 2001. Besides anemic tax receipts, if mortgage defaults continue to increase, the CBO projections on losses from the Treasury's numerous "rescue" measures will also be far too optimistic.

In short, I think we should view the doubling of the national debt (as a share of the overall economy) over the next decade as a naïve best- case scenario.

If fiscal policy is a disaster, monetary policy is even worse. Unfortunately, the issues here get very complicated, and so it's difficult for the layman to know whom to trust. Not only do left- wingers like Paul Krugman say that we need more inflation, but even (alleged) right-wingers like Greg Mankiw are saying the exact same thing. With all due respect, those guys are crazy.

Normally, I do my best unshaved-guy-wearing-a-sandwich-board routine by showing this Fed chart of the monetary base. But every time I do that, some wise guy argues that I don't understand how our banking system works, and that because of "deleveraging" we are actually experiencing a shrinking money supply.

No, we aren't. It's true that there are forces tending to shrink the money supply, but Bernanke has more than overwhelmed them. All of the standard measures of the money stock went way up during 2008, even though prices (as measured by the CPI) fell in some months. For example, the monetary aggregate M1 consists of very liquid items such as actual currency held by the public, and checking account deposits. It does not include the monetary base (which we know has exploded through the roof). Even so, look at the annual percentage graph of M1 recently; it's grown at almost a record rate:


Now the reason prices haven't exploded is that the demand to hold U.S. dollars has also increased dramatically. (That's also what happened in the 1980s: the Reagan tax cuts and Volcker's squelching of severe price inflation made it much more attractive to hold dollars, and so the Fed got away with printing a bunch even though the CPI didn't increase wildly.)

Once people get over the shock of the financial crisis, the new money Bernanke has pumped into the system will begin pushing up prices. Others have used this analogy before me, but it's still apt: The U.S. economy right now is like Wile E. Coyote right after he runs off a cliff but hasn't yet looked down. Once the spell of a "deflationary spiral" is broken by a full quarter of significant price hikes, there will be an avalanche as people come to their senses.

Some analysts concede that the traditional Fed policies have indeed left the dollar vulnerable to serious devaluation, but they think the central bank wizards can save the day by acquiring new "tools." For example, San Francisco Fed president Janet Yellen has been arguing that the Fed should be able to issue its own debt, to give the Fed more flexibility. The idea is that when the time comes for the Fed to sop up the excess reserves it has pumped into the banking system, it would be devastating to the incipient economic recovery if the Fed has to dump a bunch of mortgage-backed securities, or Treasury bonds, back onto the market. This would ruin the banks with MBS on their balance sheets, and/or it would push up interest rates for the government. Thus, the Fed would have painted itself into a corner, and it would have to choose between massive CPI hikes or a renewed recession. To avoid that nasty tradeoff, Yellen argues that if the Fed could sell its own debt, then it could drain reserves out of the banking system without unloading its own balance sheet.

For a different idea, economists Woodward and Hall think the Fed just needs the ability to charge banks for holding reserves. The Fed already (recently) obtained the right to pay interest on reserves, and so Woodward and Hall think the Fed should also have the ability to do the opposite, i.e. to be able to pay a negative interest rate on reserves that banks hold on deposit with the Fed.

How does this avert the threat of hyperinflation? Simple, according to Woodward and Hall. If banks ever start loaning out too much of their (now massive) excess reserves, and thereby start causing large price inflation, then the Fed can simply raise the interest rate it pays on reserves. Banks would then find it more profitable to lend to the Fed, as it were, rather than lending reserves out to homebuyers and other borrowers in the private sector. Voila! Problem solved.

Obviously these tricks can't avoid the consequences of Bernanke's mad money printing spree. At best, they would merely push back the day of reckoning, while ensuring that it grows exponentially (quite literally).

A quick numerical example: Let's say the Fed wants to drain $100 billion in reserves out of the banking system, in order to cool off rising prices. But it doesn't want to sell off some of its assets on its balance sheet (like "toxic" mortgage-backed securities), so instead the Fed sells $100 billion worth of the brand new "Fed bonds," as Yellen hopes.

In the beginning, this will indeed solve the problem. When people in the private sector buy the Fed-issued bonds, they write checks on their banks and ultimately those banks see their reserves go down at the Fed. There is less money held by the public, and so prices don't rise as quickly.

But what happens when the Fed bonds mature? For example, if the Fed sold a 12-month bond paying 1% interest, then after the year has passed our private sector buyers will hand over the securities and now their checking accounts will be credited with $101 billion. At that point, the economy would be in the same position as before, only worse: there would be an extra billion in newly created reserves (because of interest on the Fed debt).

The financial gurus running our financial system and advising our political leaders aren't even thinking two steps ahead when making their cockamamie recommendations. For those readers who share my skepticism, the solution seems clear: You need to transfer your wealth out of assets denominated in fixed streams of U.S. dollars, and switch to something that responds to large price inflation. In short, sell your corporate and government bonds, and start stocking up on precious metals.

Top Stocks Market Report: The Pittsburgh Tea Party

Yeah, we drink tea in Pittsburgh. But really, Pittsburgh is more of a shot-and-a-beer kind of town. What else would you expect from the place that ― back in 1794 ― challenged the authority of the newly established national government in the Whiskey Rebellion? I wrote about it five years ago, in one of my first articles for Whiskey (hence the name) and Gunpowder. You can reread it here.

Old Whiskey Rebellion and Modern Tea Party

During the Whiskey Rebellion of old, irate Western Pennsylvanians burned down the house of George Washington's appointed tax collector, General John Neville. This wasn't without provocation, of course. The bonfire started after one of Neville's federal marshals shot and killed an unarmed tax protester. Lesson to the feds: Be careful who you shoot, especially when they can shoot back. 

The recent Pittsburgh Tea Party was far less inflammatory, although some of the issues and basic sentiments are much the same as those of the 1790s. The original Whiskey rebels opposed a distant and aloof government that reflected the interests of an East Coast cultural aristocracy. Despite the personal popularity of George Washington, his federal government was imperial and out of touch. To answer a summons in federal court, for example, a Western Pennsylvania farmer had to trek near 300 miles across the mountains to Philadelphia. And the lack of a useful national currency ― one of the key functions of any government ― handicapped economic growth. In fact, for lack of real money on the western frontier, people used whiskey as a form of currency.

The final straw came in 1792 when Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton proposed raising revenue by taxing the capacity of stills. And in those days, stills were no mere means of making recreational moonshine. By 1794, the draconian collection of Mr. Hamilton's new tax placed at risk the ability of farmers to transform their surplus grain into more transportable and saleable whiskey. 

In other words, the whiskey tax damaged the farm economy, which was about all there was west of the Alleghenies. Inept government economic and monetary policy placed the future at risk. Thus did many citizens rebel. And rightfully so, some say.

Rooted in Citizen Anger and Frustration

What's behind the modern "Tea Party" sentiment? I believe that it's rooted in citizen anger and frustration that the federal government just spends and spends and spends, with no evident heed for tomorrow. 

The justification for heedless increases in government spending ― even worse, increased spending with borrowed money ― is along the lines of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt's famous comment that "If we borrow funds, then we owe it to ourselves." The modern justification, as a Federal Reserve official once explained to me, is that "As long as we can afford to pay the interest on the debt, it'll be OK."

But the people are not blind, let alone stupid. It is clear that the federal debt just grows and grows. How much longer can this last?  Today many informed citizens understand that the national debt is way too big. The rate of growth is out of control. We don't "owe it to ourselves." We owe it to the Chinese, the Japanese, the Middle Easterners. And we cannot afford to pay the interest anymore. Well, not if we want to be able to do anything else as a nation except work like tax-slaves to pay interest on past debt.

By any technical measure, the federal government is insolvent ― except for that quaint custom of inflating the currency with fiat dollars. So really, the nation is long overdue for a national discussion on the fundamental nature of its money. Hence the Tea Parties.

The Pittsburgh Tea Party Crowd

In Pittsburgh a crowd of several thousand (estimates range from 2,500 to 5,000) formed last week in the city's old, historic Market Square. Market Square dates to the 1700s, and perhaps the bedrock still recalls the events from the days of George Washington. The mid-April weather was characteristically lousy, with drizzle and rain falling in 50-degree temperatures. If you were there, it was because you wanted to be there.   

The Tea Party attendees struck me as a cross section of Western Pennsylvanians. There were many Steelers jackets, and ball-caps with military logos and veteran patches. I asked around, and met business owners and office workers, factory workers, lawyers, health care providers, restaurant workers, and a few people who are, as they put it, "between jobs." There were off-duty cops and firefighters, courthouse employees, bus drivers and even a few bikers resplendent in their leather and tattoos. 

The Tea Party brought out the creative side of attendees as well, with people dressed in Colonial period costumes. To my observation, it was an orderly and respectful crowd, filled with sincere people who appeared to know their American history. My gut feeling was that the Tea Party attendees understood why they were out standing in the cold rain. (One 30-something woman told me, "I've never been to a political rally in my life. But I'm just scared for the country's future. We're going to be broke.")

The makeup of the crowd was young and old, men and women. There were retirees (as indicated by their hats and T-shirts), middle-aged people, and young people complete with pink hair and metal in their ears. There were parents with children. (One participant told me, "I brought my son with me because I want him to remember this day. I think we're at the beginning of something that's going to change the country.") There were white and black, Asian and Indians.

Many Tea Party attendees carried signs, all apparently homemade. The verbiage ranged across a conservative to libertarian political spectrum. Some signs were historical, with deep roots in the 1913 coup d'etat of American Progressivism under Pres. Woodrow Wilson. ("The Fed is Illegitimate." and "Abolish the 17th Amendment.") You don't see many signs like that these days, that's for sure.

Other signs were rock-ribbed statements of protest about taxes and spending. ("Give me Liberty, Don't Give Me Debt." and "Born Free, Taxed Beyond the Grave." and "Abolish the IRS, Support the Fair Tax" and "Wall Street Banks Got Billions, and All I Got Was This Lousy Sign.") 

Other signs ― not many ― knocked Pres. Obama; but I would not characterize the Tea Party as just an anti-Obama rally. There were indications of deeper dissatisfaction with the federal government, at a systemic level. One sign knocked the "Bush-Obama Ripoff." Other signs were along the lines of "Abolish Congress," which is not exactly realistic, considering the wording of the U.S. Constitution. (Vote the bums out, maybe?) 

One sign hit on the corruption of the process of governance, stating, "Big Fraud from Little ACORN Grows." These were not the usual mass-produced, "union-label" signs that you see at those "other" kinds of political rallies. I'm sure you get the idea.

The Tea Party Organization

The 2009 Pittsburgh Tea Party was organized by a suburban housewife, albeit one with an MBA from the Harvard Business School. From what I heard, a few politicians volunteered to speak. The terse reply from the organizers was along the lines of, "No, this is where the people will speak. You politicians need to shut up and listen."

There was no indication that the Tea Party was an "Astroturf" event. The Tea Party received almost ZERO media coverage in the days leading up to it. It had all the markings of a "flash rally," organized on the Internet. The local talk radio guys scarcely mentioned it, to my knowledge. (If they did, I missed it.) The local newspapers gave no advance publicity. The local TV stations were too busy covering the usual pabulum about car crashes and house fires. If it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead.

It seemed to me that the attendees of the Pittsburgh Tea Party were there of their own volition. I sensed no mind-control from the evil Fox-News Network, and I wasn't even wearing my radio-blocking aluminum skull-cap. Contrary to the defamatory stereotype pushed by the incompetent mainstream media (the LA Times characterized Tea Party attendees as "insane"), the Tea Party people seemed to be decent folk, able to think for themselves and form independent opinions. And many Tea Partiers have apparently formed the opinion that the federal government is spending the country into ruin. To those of us who follow the issue, it's a valid point.

The Tea Party Festivities

The Tea Party stage was decked out with flags. Festivities began with a musical mixture of patriotic tunes and Country-Western music. The Tea Party kicked off with a brief welcome from the organizers, followed by a moment of silence in memory of three Pittsburgh police officers who were killed in the line of duty a couple weeks ago. Then a prayer. Then the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the national anthem. In other words, it was as patriotic as the 4th of July. Nothing radical.

The first speaker discussed the ever-expanding federal budget. If you've seen the movie I.O.U.S.A., produced by Addison Wiggin of Agora Financial, then it was nothing new except that this was a Tea Party protest in downtown Pittsburgh. And criticizing federal spending in downtown Pittsburgh is not something that happens very often.

Another speaker gave a spirited history lesson about the origins of the Federal Reserve. It was Creature from Jeckyll Island-kind of stuff.  It was surprising (to me) how much of the discussion the crowd appeared to understand. It was astonishing, really. I think that most of the Federal Reserve scholars in town must have been in the audience, because people seemed to know exactly what the guy was talking about. 

A third speaker gave a solid speech about the evils of ever-expanding government. This guy is a multi-millionaire who built his own nationally-ranked high-tech business and made a fortune. He's met a few payrolls in his career. He discussed the exploding levels of federal expenditures. He hit on the ballooning national debt, and asked rhetorically how the nation ever intends to pay just the interest, let alone the principal. 

And so it went, with more speakers giving talks along the same lines.

The Hecklers in the Crowd

Of course, a few hecklers showed up to make noise. While one of the early speakers was discussing how federal borrowing is crowding out private investment, a group of five (I counted them) people started to chant, "O-Bam-A! O-Bam-A! O-Bam-A!" 

At first, the crowd ignored the hecklers. Then the hecklers realized that they were having no effect, so they yelled louder. Eventually, it was kind of hard to hear the speaker. A few members of the Tea Party crowd turned to the hecklers and told them to shut up, have some respect, etc. That was like throwing kerosene on a fire. Now the hecklers were hollering at the top of their lungs.

There were a few TV cameramen from local stations covering the event. Needless to say, the camera-guys rushed over to film the hecklers in action. By now the five hecklers were having a great time, yelling and making enough noise to disrupt the proceedings. Then some Pittsburgh cops and event organizers walked over to tell the hecklers to keep it down.

The cops must have said something, because the hecklers broke up and started walking around the edge of the Tea Party crowd, yelling epithets like, "You're all racists. You can't deal with a black man in the White House." To which a black guy standing next to me said, "I'll bet these punks are ACORN activists." He turned and talked right at one of the hecklers, saying, "Why are you causing a disturbance? Get out of here. Go home to your mama." So the heckler called the black guy an "Oreo," as well as a few other words that I thought were banned from modern vocabulary. Then a Pittsburgh cop walked up to the heckler and politely asked him to "move along, unless you have some other reason to be here." Pittsburgh's finest.   

Media Coverage

The local media gave almost no coverage to the Pittsburgh Tea Party. The TV stations focused on the hockey playoffs between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Philadelphia Flyers. One station ran a short, insubstantial fluff piece, with plenty of attention to the five hecklers.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, located three blocks from Market Square, buried its next-day coverage within a critical, anti-Tea Party story distributed by the Washington Post. The photo on the inside pages of the Post-Gazette was from a Tea Party in Cincinnati. On its editorial page, the Post-Gazette ran an insulting cartoon by the predictable and pedestrian Rob Rogers. The cartoon showed three raw-looking, hirsute men sitting around a table, sipping tea and bellyaching (get it? Tea Party?) Meanwhile, the circulation of the Post-Gazette is falling and the newspaper is laying off staff. Gee, I wonder why people don't bother to read the Post-Gazette?

What Were the Tea Parties About?

But it's not just the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that's missing the boat. The talking-head androids of Big Media also missed the point of the Tea Parties. To the extent that there is any remotely accurate reportage going on, the focus seems to be that the Tea Parties are well-off people bitching about high taxes. Even the Gallup Poll organization took the bait, publishing a recent report stating: 

"A new Gallup Poll finds 48% of Americans saying the amount of federal income taxes they pay is 'about right,' with 46% saying 'too high' ― one of the most positive assessments Gallup has measured since 1956. Typically, a majority of Americans say their taxes are too high, and relatively few say their taxes are too low."

But focusing on the level of taxation is the wrong issue for Gallup to track. It struck me that the Tea Party attendees in Pittsburgh were worried more about the use of their tax dollars, and the explosion in federal deficit spending. The Tea Party movement strikes me as more about the dangerously growing size of the federal government. From what I could gather, the Tea Party attendees opposed the unalterable trend of endless federal growth. And coupled with this there is, of course, a deep fear about the eventual decline in value of the dollar.

Like I said earlier in the article, it's about time for the U.S. to have a national discussion about the nature of its money. What is a U.S. dollar any more? Where does national wealth come from? We ought have that national chat while we still have some money, and while we can still create wealth. Because a lot of people appear to sense that something important is coming to an end. 

And when things fall apart, we'll be in for a generation or two of very tough times. So the political class, and its Big Media androids, are ignoring the Tea Party movement at their peril.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Top Penny Stocks Can Rally in Any Market

Today has been quite a relief. After a seemingly endless descent, the market picked itself up by its bootstraps and marched upward. We don't have to tell you that in conditions like these, you have to work twice as hard ― and be twice as vigilant ― when it comes to selecting the best stocks for your penny portfolio.

However, no matter how low or high the market goes, we believe you can still see incredible gains. You see, an undervalued, profitable company has the ability to defy all odds (and the market, for that matter). And a good stock can fly no matter what the broader markets throw at it…

That's why we're prepared to give you access to our exclusive portfolio of more than 20 penny stocks. All you have to do is read on for the details…

In just the next five minutes, I want to show you how you could have turned $200 into $9.4 million in just over 18 months.

Sound impossible? It's not!

In the last year and a half, one of Wall Street's most profitable 'stock strings' could have turned $200 into $9.4 million. I'll show you how in a second.

I'll also show you what four stocks you need to own right now to start your own string of gains (potentially worth millions!) for the rest of 2008.

I'm so sure that these top stocks could make you a tremendous amount of money...

I'm willing to refund you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY if my recommendations do not produce AT LEAST FOUR 100% gains in the next year Does that sound like a fair deal?

No one else can make a promise like that. No one. That's how sure I am that you can make money following my recommendations.

You see, these 'stock strings' are Wall Street's best-kept secret. Those who know how to play them become insanely rich ― and FAST! But the vast majority of investors have NO IDEA what they are, or how to profit...

So before you read on, let me warn you...

Only a few people will have the insight, intelligence and know-how to make the huge gains I am going to show youin this report. That's because in order to beat the market and make spectacular gains, you have to choose the highest-yielding, fastest-growing and most-ignored stocks in the world.

I'm talking about the hot stocks that are left out of your nightly news reports...that are never featured in The Wall Street Journal or Investor's Business Daily...and that your broker would rather die than tell you about (since he wants them for his own portfolio!).

These stocks are where the huge profits can be made month in and month out. They are the same class of stocks that...

Gave readers gains of 146% in less than 2 months, 221% in 18 months, 68% in 21 days and 61% in 3 months

Helped the finest fund manager of all time quadruple his money in only 4 years (Today, he is a retired billionaire living out his days in the sunny Bahamas!)

Formed one of Wall Street's most profitable stock chains ever and could have turned $200 into a potential $9.4 million in just 18 months

USA Today, Yahoo Finance,, and well-known money managers are touting them as the best investment opportunities on the market right now.

In fact...

Forbes reported in December 2006 that 'Small companies are expected to grow earnings considerably faster than large companies [...] and small 'penny' stocks are likely to remain popular as long as they are delivering superior earnings growth.'

And if you are willing to invest in them now, you could make a fortune just like the $9.4 million that could have been made in 2006 - 2007.

The key is to recognize these stocks before anyone else does ― and to string the gains together over several months ― even a year ― at a time. This technique is certainly not for everyone. No one can predict the future, and every string of success ends with a loser. So there is significant risk involved, but the potential for profits is limitless. Of course, we would never recommend rolling all money invested from one play to another. The best thing is to take out winnings as you go, and continue with only as much of the profits as you feel comfortable putting on the line. That way, you keep your core money safe and play with the rest.

In fact, if you'll give me just a few minutes, I'll show you how one of Wall Street's most profitable stock strings could have made $9.4 million...starting with just $200.

The magic is in knowing what type of stock yields the highest returns. And the great thing is you could have done it with only nine investments! Here's how...

Profit Chain Step 1:
Invest in an Undiscovered IT and Network Security Company that Racked up 457% Gains in Just 2 WEEKS

On Jan. 20, 2006, shares of China Technology Development Group (CTDC:NASDAQ) traded for just $2.18 per share. Most investors had never heard of this tiny company, but CTDC was poised for an amazing run.

CTDC is an IT and network security firm based in Hong Kong. The company has less than 70 full-time employees ― but in late January 2006 ― it was about to see a stock price increase for the record books. CTDC is a good company. It's small, it's growing, and it operates in the hottest technology region in the entire world.

In short, this unheard-of company was a solid business ― the kind that can make educated individuals like you a lot of money (but you NEVER hear about on TV or in the newspapers). And that lack of coverage is exactly what led a select few investors to enormous profits, while most people had never even heard of CTDC!

Between Jan. 20 and Feb. 2, shares rose from $2.18 to $12.15. And it was the first step to turning $200 into $9.4 million. If you invested $200 on Jan. 20, you were sitting on $1,114 by Feb. 2. That's a 457% rise in TWO WEEKS.

As impressive as 457% in two weeks is, it is not going to turn $200 into $9.4 million, is it? Well, no. It was only Step One in the profit chain.

Now, the safe way to play it would be to pull out your original investment at some time and roll on the rest. Only the very bold would bet the entire pot, so for the sake of demonstration, let's say you took your initial $200 out of that $1,114. That means you're forwarding $914 in pure profits to the next stock in the profit string. You're playing with house money!

Profit Chain Step 2:
1,500% Gains in Less Than 4 Months

The day after CTDC's amazing profit run, another small company called NaviSite Inc. (NAVI:NASDAQ) really started to take off.

NAVI specializes in hosting and application management for mid-to-large-sized companies. Its roster of software solutions reads like a hot list of current problems in the computing world.

On Feb. 3, 2006, NAVI traded for just $1.54 per share. By May 10, it had shot all the way up to $5.45. Had you been stringing together your profits from CTDC, your $914 would've been worth $3,234 in about three and a half months.

In about 100 days, you could have grown your money over 1,500% by investing in just TWO of the fastest growing stocks on Wall Street ― the ones you NEVER hear about in the mainstream media.

But turning $200 into $3,234 is just the beginning. Check out what happened next ― Step Three in your quest to turn $200 into $9.4 million...and Step Three in Wall Street's most profitable stock market.

Profit Chain Step 3:
This Stock Shot $3,234 All The Way up to $7,688

Step Three in the profit chain was International Assets Holding Corp. (IAAC:NASDAQ). IAAC is a financial services company that focuses on international markets. It has great earnings and shows enormous potential for future growth. But here's the thing ― on May 11, 2006, the day IAAC started its amazing run, no one knew what IAAC was, and very few investors were able to capitalize.

On May 11, IAAC traded at a relatively puny $11.90 per share. Less than four months later, the share price had more than doubled, to a healthy $28.29 per share. That was good enough to turn your $3,234 into a robust $7,688.

And the profits through the first three steps are just the beginning. Because this profit string was just getting started...

In Less Than 8 Months, You Could Have Turned $200 Into Over $7,600!

Starting with ONLY $200, if you had managed to get in on those three plays at the right time, you could have been sitting on $7,688 in pure profits in just eight months!

$400 to start would've had you sitting pretty at $15,376. $1,000 to begin with, all the way back at Step One ― and you'd be counting the dough with $38,440 in profits.

But those are hypothetical starting amounts. What I'm demonstrating here is how as little as $200 could turn into $9.4 million.

Talk about a profit chain! And all you had to do was...

Recognize the ignored stocks set to soar and...

Take your gains from the previous month and reinvest them in the next highflying stock.

That's it! Well, actually there was another step. When you finally decided to end the string, you had to collect your big check and deposit it into your savings account. If you chose to end the string of gains after investing in only the three top stocks I just showed you, you could have turned $200 into $7,688. Not too shabby. But in a second, I'll show how anyone with a steel stomach and amazing timing could have turned that $7,688 into over $9.4 million by mid-July 2007.

Sounds crazy, doesn't it? I know. But the only reason it sounds crazy is because you never hear about these stocks in the mainstream press. NEVER. So you are not used to these amazing gains. Think about it...

If you knew about these stocks, your broker would lose his business. You wouldn't want to buy shares of GE, IBM and eBay from him. You'd close your account and make your own fortune ― without all the pesky fees.

No broker wants that. If everyone knew about these stocks, Wall Street could crumble. And I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. You see, most people don't have the guts to invest in these stocks. Since they don't know much about them, they ignore 'em. And it's too bad...

The best investors of all time have built their fortunes buying these very kinds of stocks. In fact, the most successful money manager of the 20th century got his start by investing in stocks just like CTDC, NAVI and IAAC. And he quadrupled his money in four years!

I'll tell you all about his story ― and how you can make similar gains in this market. But first, let me ask you a question...

Are you beginning to see how $200 could transform into $9.4 million if you were brave and savvy enough to invest in the right stocks at the right time...and strung those gains out over several months?

Thousands of Undiscovered Companies Waiting for You Right Now

There are thousands of undiscovered companies that trade on the NYSE, Nasdaq and Amex every day. Many of them have growing sales and earnings, low debt, lots of cash and incredible products. And those are the companies that make investors rich every month.

They are companies like China Technology Development Group (CTDC), NaviSite Inc. (NAVI), and International Assets Holding Corp. (IAAC) ― three stocks that could have turned $200 into over $7,600 in less than eight months!

And folks, these high-rising stocks aren't rare. They are very common, in fact. In 2007 alone, here are just a few of the companies that saw astounding gains:

Just a Few of 2007's Biggest Stock Gainers so Far!

And there are many, many stocks like these (including the nine stocks I'll show you in a minute) that could have turned your $7,688 into $9.4 million! But before I get to those, I want you to know...

You could have made a LOT more than $9.4 million last year.You see, there are FAR more high-rising stocks than the ones I am showing you in this report. But it would take hours for me to list all of them. And by now, I think you get the point. An investor with the knowledge, insight and fortitude to invest in the right stocks at the right time could make a fortune.

And that is exactly why I am willing to offer you the best deal I've ever offered.
If you give my research service a try today and my string of recommendations does not deliver at least four 100% gains in my track record in the next year, I'll pay you back DOUBLE what it costs to join. All you have to do is ask.

Simple as that. If my analysis does not deliver gains, I'll send you a check for exactly TWICE what you sent in.

Sounds like a fair bet, doesn't it? If you're willing, I can show you how the best investors of all time made a lot of money. And get you on the road to joining them...completely risk-free.

From $200 to $9.4 Million in Just Over 18 Months

For instance, using a hypothetical example, I just showed you how you could have turned $200 into $7,688 ― in only three steps on the profit chain.

Let's take that example to its gutsy, but logical extreme. Pretend you could have kept the profit chain going all year long. I'll show you how you could have turned that $7,688 into $9.4 million by mid-July in 2007 with only SIX more stocks.

If you had managed to invest in one highflying stock after another ― taken your gains and invested in the next highflier ― just like I showed you with CTDC, NAVI and IAAC ― in just about 18 months, you could have turned $200 into $7,688…then into $9.4 million. Check it out...

Starting in January 2006 and ending in mid-July 2007, it was possible to turn $200 into over $9.4 million by investing in the right stocks, cashing out and reinvesting your winnings in the next stock on the profit chain! Of course, you couldn't have done it investing in General Electric, IBM, Intel, Cisco or any of the best stock your broker tried to push off on you.

You had to have the proper guidance and intelligence to put your money where no one else was...and you had to decide whether to do the safe thing and take some winnings out early ― or take a chance by rolling your winnings into the next play.

Of course, I can't promise you will turn $200 into $9.4 million this year by following my recommendations. What I showed was an extreme example of how powerful penny stocks can be. It took tremendous timing and a lot of luck to turn $200 into $9.4 million.

But those who kept up the string could have walked away millionaires in a year. And if you stay with me, I'll show you what four stocks you need to own now to start your own stunning chain of winning stock picks.

Remember, you need only $200 to get started.

Penny Stocks Beat the Pants off of Large-Cap Stocks Year in and Year Out

The best-performing stocks on the market are companies with tons of cash...groundbreaking products...and growing businesses ― the same stocks that have proven to be the BEST investments over the last century.

The one thing that makes these stocks different is...they're still small enough to make them affordable for small investors to make a grab for their share of the profits!

Since 1926, no other class of stock has made investors more money than these penny stocks. Let me repeat that...

Over the last 80 years, NO group of stocks has made investors more money than penny stocks. Not mid caps, not large caps, not gold stocks and not retail stocks.

In fact, a famous study done in 1996 by Ibbotson Associates ― a major research firm based in Chicago ― proved this once and for all.

After compiling cold, hard data on small- and large-cap stock returns from 1926-1996, Ibbotson Associates proved that small-cap penny stocks outperform large caps...

56% of the time in any given 1-year period

66.1% of the time if you hold for 10 years

94.2% of the time if you hold for 20 years

100% of the time if you are willing to hold for 33 years or more!

In other words, investors who buy shares of the smallest companies on the market beat those who buy stock in companies like Microsoft, GE, IBM, Intel and Cisco. That's exactly why everyone generates the same returns year in and year out. It's ridiculous!

But what investors don't realize is...

・ There are 3 times more small-cap stocks than large caps on Wall Street right now. That means you have 3 times as many opportunities to make huge gains every month ― like the 146%and 221% gains Penny Stock Fortunes readers could have made

The longer you are willing to hold solid small-cap stocks, the more money you can make.

Check it out...

$1,000 Turned Into $3.96 Million

Anyone who invested $1,000 in a basket of small-cap stocks in 1926 could have cashed out for $3.96 million by 2000. By comparison, a $1,000 investment in a basket of large-cap stocks in 1926 grew to only $1.76 million by 2000.


Over time, people who buy and hold small-cap stocks give themselves the chance to walk away MUCH richer than those who follow the Wall Street herd and invest in the same old large-cap stocks. I'm talking $2.2 million richer!

In fact, the most famous money manager of all time (now a retired billionaire living out his days in the sunny Bahamas!) made his first fortune following the same advice I am sharing with you now.

Here's How He Turned $10,000 Into
$40,000 in 4 Years

John Templeton is the most successful money manager of the 20th century ― and probably of all time. In 1954, he founded his flagship Templeton Growth Fund ― one of the highest-yielding funds of the modern era. Every $100,000 invested into John's fund was worth $55 million by 1999. That's an annual rate of return of 12.2%. To put that in perspective for you...

If you put $100,000 in Microsoft in 1986 ― arguably the best single investment opportunity of the last 100 years ― you would be sitting on $22.9 million today. That's less than HALF what the Templeton fund yielded investors!

And in 1992, John sold his entire group of funds ― worth $25 billion ― to Franklin Resources Inc. for $440 million. Today, he is living a life of luxury in Nassau, in the Bahamas.

Think he was just a rich kid who got richer as he got older? Think again...John Templeton wasn't born rich. In fact, he was born on Nov. 29, 1912, in Winchester, Tenn. ― a small town only miles from where the famous Scopes Monkey Trial took place.

After graduating first in his class at Yale (which he put himself through by working three jobs), Templeton took a job on Wall Street. He loved stocks, numbers and the promise of big returns. And he knew he could make a fortune investing in the most lucrative stocks of all time ― small-cap 'penny' stocks. By 1939, just five years out of school, John saw his opening. Problem was, he had no money to act on his knowledge.

But that wasn't going to stop the young farmer from Tennessee. In a move slated for the Investment Hall of Fame, John went to his boss and begged for a $10,000 loan. Remember, this was 1939 ― 10 years after the start of the Great Depression. The Dow Jones was down 73% from its high in 1929. And most people were petrified to invest in any stocks ― let alone small caps. Plus, $10,000 was a lot of money ― the equivalent of $135,899 today.

But John's boss knew there was something special about this kid. He studied the markets like a bloodhound looking for a faint scent in the woods. And when he found it, the gains were sure to follow. So he gave John the loan ― all $10,000.

It proved to be the best move he ever made.

Templeton took the money and invested it equally in every single small-cap stock trading on a major exchange for $1 or less. There were 100 stocks, all told. He was betting these stocks would lead the way out of the Depression. And, boy, he was right.

Between 1939-1943, John's investment grew from $10,000 to $40,000 ― despite four of the companies going bankrupt and losing everything! Today, Mr. Templeton is retired, living in the Bahamas. His net worth is an estimated $2 BILLION. He owes his fortune to that day he went in, hat in hand, to borrow the money from his boss...and took a calculated gamble on the fiery strength of small companies and their will to survive in tough markets.

Today, I'm offering you a similar shot...speculating on the very fiber of America's future leaders. With the right guidance, you could achieve similar results. In fact, I am so confident of these stocks' effectiveness, I'm willing to make you the best offer of my entire career.

If you give my research service a try today, I will give you an unbeatable offer...

If you aren't 100% satisfied with the results, all you have to do is say so. If my system does not yield the opportunity for four 100% winners in my track record in the next year, I'll send you DOUBLE WHAT YOU PAID. All you have to do is ask.

Simple as that.

No one else can afford to make that kind of an offer. But there's a simple reason for that. I know something no one else does...

These stocks were good enough to help John Templeton quadruple his money after the Great Depression. They have been proven to be the most lucrative stocks to own over long periods of time. And I have NO doubt they will help you make a pretty penny in this market!

Sign up today, and I'll give you ALL the details you need to start your own profit chain in 2008. I can't promise you'll have a chance to make $9.4 million like last year. That was one of the best runs of all time, and it took tremendous timing and a lot of luck. What I showed you was an extreme example of how powerful penny stocks can be. But the market is still ripe for huge gains. Even the mainstream press knows that!

What The Press is Saying About The Small-Cap Penny Stock Market

"Small companies offer individual investors like us many other advantages. Most institutional investors, who have billions of dollars to allocate, must avoid small caps ― at least until they grow larger. That makes small caps underfollowed and increases the chances that they're misvalued.'

-The Motley Fool

"Running a portfolio that targets some of the market's smallest stocks allows [investors] to buy growth opportunities, often in overlooked areas, and ride them before the rest of the market piles on.'

"Managers who own shares [of their own company] stand to reap a bigger benefit from a firm's success, which results in a big increase in share price [for small caps].'

The ONLY Major Group of Stocks to Beat Its 2000 Highs!

Not only are penny stocks making headlines. Since 1999, penny stocks have blown their large-cap peers out of the water.

The Russell 2000 (known as the "small-cap index" on Wall Street) pummeled the S&P 500 by 200% in 2000, 17% in 2001, 3% in 2002, 90% in 2003 and 77% in 2004. In fact...since the summer of 2004 alone, the Russell is up over 34%.

The small-cap index was the ONLY major stock index to not only reach its 2000 highs (during the height of the last bull market), but also pass them.

Small-cap stocks are making smart investors with the insight and intelligence to go after them a lot of money. And they are doing so at a record-breaking pace. In fact, readers have seen gains of:

87.5% on shares of little-known Alloy Inc.- a "Generation Y" marketing company

56.6% on shares of DURECT Corp. - a small pharmaceutical company

19.82% on leather maker Wilsons

25.2% on Salton Inc - maker of the popular Foreman grill.

And they also could have walked away with additional gains of 20%, 22.4% and 10% on, DURECT, Salton and Wilsons ― again.

But that's nothing. In a second, I'll show you a real-life string of gains that helped readers make 233%, 146.7%, 62.35%, 34.81%, 34.94%, 35.2%, 32.19% and more over a span of six months. In fact, from June - September 2003, EVERY single small-cap recommendation my publication closed out was a winner. Putting only $200 into each stock, you would have been sitting on a possible $3,051.06. And you have a chance to do the same thing NOW!

Before I show you this profit chain, let me introduce myself...please read on...

If I Put My Name on Something, It Must Be the BEST

My name is Greg Guenthner. I am the editor of Penny Stock Fortunes ― the single greatest penny-stock newsletter on the market today. And I can say that knowing it's 100% true.

I have spent time in newsrooms up and down the East Coast, and I bring a reporter's eye and skepticism to every stock I research. I'm not looking for fly-by-night stocks that might give your portfolio a tiny boost. I travel whenever necessary, meet with CEOs, pore over financial filings and take part in conference calls so I can uncover only the best small-cap stocks that'll put money in your pocket for years to come.

I also evaluate top stocks using my proprietary CXS Money Multiplier System. It's a complicated screen I perfected after reviewing the fundamentals and prospects of several of the most successful small-cap stocks in history. The CXS System is my most important tool in determining whether or not a stock is worth recommending. I rely on it in every single issue of Penny Stock Fortunes.

The great thing about the CXS System is that it isn't subject to fads in investing. Hot ideas of the month and wildcard hot stocks with no fundamental strengths are rejected by CXS just like all the other garbage stocks out there. You can always count on Penny Stock Fortunes to bring you only the very best picks from the world of penny stocks.

My peers are best-selling authors in the investment world, CEOs of major businesses and traders that have made millions on Wall Street. And I don't say that to brag. Rather, I want you to know...

If I put my name on any investment letter, it MUST be the best. And Penny Stock Fortunes is.

In years past, Penny Stock Fortunes readers have had the chance to rake in gains like these...

If you had put only $200 into each one, you would be sitting on $7,822.40 today.

Those are some pretty nice gains ― and they are only a few of what readers have seen through the years. There have been more ― lots more! And there WILL be more in the future. Because there are new blockbuster opportunities every day!

Every month, I highlight at least two penny stock opportunities for you. I tell you what the risks and rewards are. And I give you ALL the information you need to make an informed buy decision.

I even let you know when to take your gains and get out ― with detailed and reasoned sell recommendations. It couldn't be any simpler...or more potentially profitable.

Check out what some of our Penny Stock Fortunes readers have said...

I've Made More Money With You Than the More Expensive Services
'I depend on the recommendations of Penny Stock Fortunes, plus some research for peace of mind. I am not a rocket scientist in the area of investing and cannot afford huge chunks of change for best stock. I only wish I had signed up sooner for the service. I respect what you do. I've made more money with this service than any of the other more expensive services out there."

-Best Regards, Peggy B.

879% Return!
"A lot of talk about patience and holding onto a stock for the best returns. I bought (upon your recommendation) [company] stock at 66 cents per share and held it, and in the long run, I watched it go up (over $9) and down, and now it is at $6.50 per share, or an 879% return. Thanks again. Here's hoping that it goes higher still.


300% and Still Holding!
'Well, I always want/like quick profits. But I decided to try the longer hold on penny stocks. I chose Navarre Corp. You recommended it as a buy at 5.35. I am still holding it at $16.39. A 300%-plus gain!! Just wanted to let you know how right you were and say, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. "

-J. Nolan

You Allow My Money to Work for Me!
'Thank you for helping my dreams become a reality by allowing me to make my money work! Believe it or not, you are the only newsletter that I have found I can trust, because you consistently make me money. "

-A happy and loyal subscriber, R. Hunt

I Love Your Analysis!
'I am very new at trading stocks. In fact, my only experience prior to subscribing to Penny Stock Fortunes has been keeping an occasional eye on my 401(k)-type savings plan that my employer sponsors. I have been subscribing since August, and I love your analysis as well as your delivery. I have been able to profit 18.5% and 26.8% after commissions on Salton, Inc and Durect Corp. already!

-B. Frazier

What a Great Trip That Was!
'Just to let you know, I bought Coeur d'Alene Mines Co. at $1.33 and recently sold it at $5.29. What a great trip that was. Thanks for your expertise.

-M.L. Thornburg

Reaped Many Rewards
'I've been impressed by the results of the system and reaped many rewards. Your system has helped steer me in the right direction and prepare the foundation for a profitable future."

- T.K., Satisfied PSF Subscriber

Those are some pretty powerful testimonials. And it goes to show how you can make a lot of money if you are willing to invest in the right penny stocks.

In a moment, I'll give you all the details you need to know to invest in the four hottest stocks on the market right now ― the four stocks that could start your own profitable stock string and turn $200 into $9.4 million in 2008.

And if you take advantage of my 200% money-back guarantee today and sign up for Penny Stock Fortunes, you could begin booking the gains in just a few hours ― literally.

How so? Let's take a look...

I want to prove to you that my research service is the best in the world, so I'm going to give you four penny stock picks that could easily double your money...or more.

When you sign up for your risk-free trial to Penny Stock Fortunes, you'll get all the details on these four barnburner stocks in my groundbreaking report Four Penny Stocks You Need to Own. Here's a sampling of what you will find...

Barnburner Stock No. 1:Millions of shares of this small company were just snapped up by legendary investor George Soros. This company that has him so excited is a leader in a specific kind of telecommunications technology poised to return decades of great profits.

The company is solidly run, has great financials and will be a welcome addition to your portfolio. Its forecast for the future is one of the brightest you'll find in the entire technology sector.

Barnburner Stock No. 2: This small company makes the semiconductors used in the delivery of high definition (HD) content. Some analysts are predicting the HD industry to grow ten times over, or more, in just the next 5 years as televisions and video game platforms continue to advance.

You have a chance today to grab shares of a semiconductor company that's ready to ride the awesome profit wave of new technology!

Barnburner Stock No. 3: Through future mergers and mine startups, this junior mining company expects to produce 29 million ounces of silver in 2009. That's more than anyone else in the world. On top of just plain out-producing everyone else, this company will also have the lowest cash cost per ounce of silver in the industry at $1.73 per ounce.

So, it's not hard to see that the largest silver producer with the lowest production costs in the world will not stay a junior for too much longer. By 2009, this company should join the ranks of Silver Wheaton Corp. and Pan American Silver Corp. as one of the top silver miners on the planet. The profit potential for early-in investors is amazing!

Barnburner Stock No. 4: This company is a leader in touch-screen technology for cell phones and other devices. The instant feedback provided by a touch-screen will soon be all around us - from the pharmacy to the auto repair name it. This stock investing could return decades of great profits!

Any one of these four stocks could return four times your money or more. And if just two or three rise, one after another ― forming a profitable stock chain ― you could walk away VERY rich! Just how rich?

Well, that's impossible to forecast. But if it's as good as the profit string Penny Stock Fortunes had in back in 2003, you are in for a treat. I'm reaching all the way back to 2003 to show you these gains, because I want to prove to you just how successful this service has been...for YEARS! Check it out...

Nine Gaining Stocks in a Row!

From June 2003 until Oct. 22, 2003, Penny Stock Fortunes closed out positions in nine stocks. They were all for gains. Take a look at what can happen when you hit several successes in a row...

Right now, I also have stocks in the open portfolio that are up 78%, 52%, 40% - the list goes on and on!

Think about these results for a second...In only six months, nine Penny Stock Fortunes picks in a row returned profits. Not a loser in the group! This is a real-life chain of gains that you could easily see when you subscribe. And who knows? If you hit everything just right, you could even turn $200 into $9.4 million!

So how can you get started in this moneymaking venture? How can you get the names and ticker symbols of my four favorite small-cap stocks for 2008?

All you have to do to get in is join me at Penny Stock Fortunes. Take me up on my offer to try out my system risk-free. If my recommendations do not deliver at least four 100% gains in the next year, just let me know and I will gladly refund double you what you paid for the service.

A Chance to Make Tons of Money, or I Pay You

Penny Stock Fortunes is worth thousands of dollars a year. If, for example, just one of my Four Penny Stocks You Need to Own stocks rises 100%, you could make thousands of dollars right there, depending on your initial stake.

Between these and other upcoming opportunities alone, you could see $200 stakes shoot up to princely sums in no time!

With the profit potential this high, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask for $2,000 to join Penny Stock Fortunes. After all, you could make that up on one or two investments ― easily. But that's not all...

Sign up now, and you'll get the names of my four favorite barnburner stocks ― all of which could at least double your money in a heartbeat. The groundbreaking report is called Four Penny Stocks You Need to Own.. Inside this one report, you'll get the hard data on four excellent companies and what simple steps you need to take to start seeing amazing profits!

Plus, if you act right now, I'll also throw in two more reports...FOR FREE!

My Best Online Discount Brokers Guide will tell you what you need to watch out for when searching for a broker, and how to find a good one. Having the wrong broker can suck profits from even the tidiest of portfolios ― but having the right broker will put you on easy street even quicker!

Winning With Penny Stockswill give you an insider's look into the world of small-capitalization penny stocks ― how they work, how they grow and what you need to do to see the best profits. Investing successfully over the long term with penny stocks is both an art and a science. This report will get you started off on the right foot.

So that's four top stocks to get you started on your way to earning $9.4 million in 2008 and beyond, plus TWO other exclusive reports.

All of a sudden, $2,000 doesn't seem like so much to ask!

But don't worry, there's no way in the world I'm going to ask $2,000 for a subscription.

In fact, I'm not even going to ask $100! I'm going to offer you my best deal ever. And I mean that. Just keep one thing in mind...

I can't guarantee you will turn $200 into $9.4 million this year by following my recommendations. What I showed you was an extreme example of how powerful penny stocks can be. It took tremendous timing and a lot of luck to turn $200 into $9.4 million. But what I can promise you is this...

My Ironclad Promise to You

Every month, you will receive a full, in-depth report on the two very best penny-stocks on the market. You'll read my in-depth analysis and be able to dissect my CXS Money Multiplier evaluation of every pick.

I'll tell you when I think you should buy. I'll tell you what the risks and rewards are. And I'll tell you when to sell. You just sit back, read the e-mails, decide that you are ready and call your broker. I will do all the work for you. And know this...

Some of these stocks could double your money. Others could rise 10-fold. And still others could fall. That's OK.

These are exactly the kinds of stocks that helped John Templeton quadruple his money in 1939 ― despite four companies going completely bankrupt. They are the same kinds of stocks that could have turned $200 into $9.4 million from Jan. 2006 to July 2007. And they are the same kind of stocks that I recommend to my readers ― with tremendous success. For instance...

Penny Stock Fortunes recommended shares of Select Comfort. At the time, this beaten-up bed manufacturer was trading for $5.61 a pop. Less than five months later, every investor on Wall Street was buying the stock, and it shot up to $9.76 per share

・ Chinese diesel engine maker, China Yuchai, was also screaming, "BUY." It was trading for less than 10 times earnings. Its sales and net income were soaring. And demand for its diesel engines was sky high. When Penny Stock Fortunes recommended CYD to readers, it was trading for $7.50. Less than two months later, it hit $18.50. That's a 146% gain in 60 days!

・ Shares of gold and silver miner Coeur d'Alene Mines were once dirt cheap. And with precious metals on the rise, this was a no-brainer. Readers were able to buy shares of CDE for $1.71. Later, they were triggered to sell at $5.49 ― a mere 221% gain!

A bed maker, a Chinese diesel engine manufacturer and a gold miner...It doesn't matter what kind of company it is ― as long as it is a solid business in a growing industry.

Those are the kinds of penny stocks you will find in the pages of Penny Stock Fortunes every month. And if you sign up today, you'll take advantage of my best offer ever...

Sign up for Penny Stock Fortunes for Only $29!

Try Penny Stock Fortunes for one year for the ridiculously low price of only $29. That works out to less than 11 cents per day ― the best offer I've ever made! When you sign up, you'll get my three FREE reports with all the details on the four stocks you need to own to start growing your own profitable stock string.

Plus, you'll be signed up for the Agora Financial Executive Series...two daily e-letters that give you an insider's view of our editorial room here at Agora Financial.

You'll receive the groundbreaking Rude Awakening, which uncovers the latest big-picture trends in politics as well as in the markets, and the 5 Min. Forecast ― a daily snapshot of what our editors are saying right now. These respected letters are also yours, FREE!

These two daily letters are reserved only for elite, paying members of Agora Financial. And they're yours for FREE with your Penny Stock Fortunes subscription.

But that's not all...

If you find that my system lets you down, I make you this ironclad promise... If following my system of recommendations does not yield four 100% gains, I will refund you 200% of the subscription price. All you have to do is ask. In other words...

Basically, I am assuming ALL the risk. I am betting the house, and then some, that my research service is the best in the world. But you know what? I know Penny Stock Fortunes is the best.

I have nearly 80 years of data proving that small-cap stocks are the best investments of all time. I have studied the great investors ― guys like Warren Buffett, T. Rowe Price and John Templeton. I know how they made their fortunes. And I can help you make yours.

Remember, Templeton invested in small-cap stocks in 1939 and quadrupled his money in four years. And that was right after the Great Depression! After that, he went on to become the most successful money manager of the 20th century. And today he is living out his days in the sunny Bahamas ― worth a cool $2 BILLION!

You can do the same.

Heck, even the mainstream press knows these stocks are the best. Remember...

Forbes reported that 'Small companies are expected to grow earnings considerably faster than large companies, and small stocks are likely to remain popular as long as they are delivering superior earnings growth.'

The problem is most of those other so-called experts don't have the guts to recommend penny stocks investing! But I do. And if you join me today, I will ― starting with the four best stocks to own right now. But before you sign up, look at what my own readers are saying about Penny Stock Fortunes...

I Made over $10,000!
"Did great on Coeur d'Alene Mines Co. made over $10,000. Keep up the good work.'

-G. Dahl

You More than Quadrupled My Money!
'I'm having a ball...Last year, I started with $300 invested...currently, my portfolio is around $1,600...Being an accountant, I understand financials, however, I don't have time to research every stock I come across. You have done that for me.'


So there you have it. Readers love Penny Stock Fortunes. They have made good money following its recommendations. And I know you will too. All you need to do is sign up. When you do, you will get...

12 monthly issues of Penny Stock Fortunes sent to your home and e-mail box, complete with in-depth analysis and CXS Money Multiplier breakdowns

Weekly e-mail alerts telling you exactly when you should buy and sell every best stock we recommend

A copy of Four Penny Stocks You Need to Own, detailing my four favorite barnburner penny stocks of 2008 ― set to rise to amazing new heights

My Best Online Discount Brokers Guide to help you find the best broker and the level of service you deserve

The groundbreaking Winning With Penny Stocks report that routinely gets rave reviews from members

Access to our Penny Stock Fortunes Web site ― including all past issues, reports and portfolio holdings

FREE subscriptions to the Agora Financial Executive Series ― the 5 Min. Forecast and the Rude Awakening ― five days a week of the best investment analysis and news on the Internet!

But I'll tell you what...since I'm already making the best offer I've ever come up with, I'm going to throw in one more bonus FREE gift.

Another Gift to You for Trying Penny Stock Fortunes

Because I want you to make as much money as possible in the small-cap market, I will automatically sign you up for the daily e-letter ― The Penny Sleuth. With a daily circulation of over 100,000, it's one of the most fearsome and powerful small-cap penny stocks newsletters in existence!

Irreverent, Skeptical, Penetrating, In-Your-Face Coverage of the Small-Cap Universe

At The Penny Sleuth, , we're tired of the same old story on Wall Street ― especially when it comes to the small-cap market. Everyone's a "yes man" these days. Your broker loves any stock that will make him a commission. "Yes, it's a buy." The mainstream analysts do nothing but tout bad stock after bad stock. "Yes, they will rise!" Even your neighbors tell you only about their winners.

The best deals aren't found on the surface of Wall Street. They are hidden in the shadows, in the corners and under the rug. Most brokers don't know a thing about them. The Wall Street Journal doesn't cover them at all. And your neighbor doesn't even know they exist.

So who knows what secrets lurk in the shadows of the small-cap universe?


Sleuthing is about peering into the dark corners of the small-cap market. It's about asking questions no one else is asking and looking off the beaten path for answers.

It's about looking at the market with a fresh perspective and at small-cap investing with a fresh approach. Sleuthing is about seeking real insights...and real gains.

Every issue of The Penny Sleuth unearths corners of the small-cap market you didn't even know existed. It's a personal window into Wall Street's most profitable hidden treasures of all time.

By signing up today for Penny Stock Fortunes, you'll automatically receive Penny Sleuth five days a week, absolutely FREE. What do you have to lose? If you don't love it, you can just cancel ― and go back to listening to the same yes men you have been listening to for years. The choice is yours. But you must act now. This offer won't last forever. And remember...

If you aren't satisfied with Penny Stock Fortunes or my service to you, or I do not deliver 100% gains in my track record on at least four of my recommendations,just let me know and I'll pay you back 200%! That's how sure I am of this product and these small-cap stocks.

No matter what happens, all the free gifts you receive when you join are yours to keep ― forever. But with this much profit potential just around the corner, I highly doubt you'll ever cancel Penny Stock Fortunes.

I look forward to welcoming you on board. And I can't wait until you see just how powerful these penny stock profit chains can be. I do hope you will find out!
