Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide You Investing Stocks Market

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To hear Washington tell it, bailouts are for guilty corporations and greedy bankers, brokers, insurance executives or automakers.

But what about you and me?

Do they think our job is just to shut the heck up and pick up the tab? Do they think they can get away with using OUR money to …

Pay other people's mortgages …

Save guilty companies that should be allowed to fail …

Shower rich executives with million-dollar bonuses, and …

Kill the American Dream for the rest of us?

If so, they'd better think again!

"Martin Weiss is the only person who consistently, specifically and unambiguously warned the public of the dire events we are now experiencing, all months or even years ahead of time." ― David Goodnow, former CNN anchor.

In 2005, Dr. Weiss warned his readers that the housing bubble was about to burst and that the fallout would be catastrophic for the U.S. economy.

In 2006, he urged investors to sell their top stocks for 2010 well before they began to collapse.

In early 2007, he publicly warned that that the entire financial sector ― including Wall Street's largest brokers ― was about to crumble.

And in July of 2008, he wrote that the stock market was headed for its biggest decline since the Great Depression.

He warned that Bear Stearns would collapse 102 days in advance … that Lehman Brothers would fail 182 days ahead of time … and that Fannie Mae would ultimately collapse eight years before it happened.

Plus, he gave his readers a 110-day advance notice of Citigroup's disaster and a three-year advance warning that General Motors was headed for bankruptcy. Now, with even greater disasters looming, he is launching a national campaign to help all Americans protect their savings, boost their income and grow wealthy even in the worst of times.

That's worse than outrageous: It's an insult and patently unfair ― and it's high time someone put a stop to it!

Look: There's no doubt that these are dark days for America. There's no question that we are now experiencing the most severe economic catastrophe in eight decades:

Unemployment is soaring: More than 17 million Americans have already lost their paychecks. Another half-million or more become unemployed each and every week.

The dream of a secure retirement is fading: Home equity ― the largest source of retirement savings for most Americans ― has been wiped out. Massive losses in the best stock of 2010 and bond markets have gutted millions of retirement accounts.

Homelessness is spreading: More than 6 million middle- class families have lost their homes to foreclosure. Homeless shelters are packed and turning people away. Tent cities and modern-day "Hoovervilles" are springing up from coast to coast.

And all this DESPITE the fact that the government has spent, lent, or promised a total of $14 TRILLION in bailouts, rescues and guarantees! All the bailouts have not put a stop to this crisis. They have not prevented the massive job losses, the plunging home prices or even the corporate failures. And yet, Congress and the White House openly confess that they are already planning their NEXT round of trillion-dollar give-aways …

Throwing good money after bad … doing the same thing that has obviously failed … and STILL blindly expecting better results:


I've had it with Washington's plan to throw our money at failed bankers, brokers, insurers and automakers.

I'm fed up with bailed-out CEOs committing the same blunders that created this mess, then giving themselves multi-million-dollar bonuses.

I'm fighting mad at how spend-happy Washington is exploding the national debt and burdening our children for decades to come …

And I'm fit to be tied with obscene corporate bailouts that can only guarantee this crisis will cut far deeper and last far longer than necessary.

I absolutely refuse to sit idly by while Wall Street, the White House and Congress, destroy my future or yours ― and now, I'm doing something about it by giving you these all-important, six self-defense steps absolutely free!

I've spent my entire adult life ― more than four decades ― helping everyday people grow their wealth while avoiding the dangers that ambush so many consumers, savers and investors.

Throughout my career, I have issued these warnings repeatedly, emphatically and publicly …

Weiss Receives a Standing Ovation from the U.S. Media

The New York Times wrote that Martin Weiss was "the first to see the dangers and say so unambiguously."

The Wall Street Journal declared that Dr. Weiss' research is #1 in the nation.

Fortune wrote that Weiss provides "the most comprehensive source of information."

Barron's said Weiss is "the leader in identifying vulnerable companies."

Worth wrote Weiss' record is so good compared with that of his competitors, nervous buyers need look no further."

Forbes called Dr. Weiss "Mr. Independence."

To the hundreds of thousands who read my online newsletter, Money and Markets …

To millions of people watching CNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS, and …

To millions more reading The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post and virtually every major media outlet in the U.S.

But I take no satisfaction whatsoever in the accuracy of these dire forecasts. I have dreaded this day as often as I predicted it.

I prayed I was wrong; that by some miracle, we would somehow escape this disaster. And now that this crisis is upon us, I hope that you and your family have so far avoided the most painful consequences.

More importantly, I pray that you will now use the six crucial self-defense steps I'm about to give you to take IMMEDIATE ACTION ― to protect yourself and your loved ones from the even more severe catastrophes ahead ― because …

The time for trusting Washington to save you is long past …
ONLY YOU can save your family and your finances now!

Hopefully, someday, our leaders will wake up and recognize that it was insane to reward guilty corporations at the expense of innocent taxpayers and consumers.

But judging by the new bailouts being planned in our nation's capital, it's clear that TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY!

New York Times Bestselling Author Martin Weiss Gets Unanimous Accolades for his New Book, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide

"Absolutely provocative! Martin Weiss's prediction of the current economic crisis is uncanny. A must-read for the investor who wants to know what happens next!" ― CHRISTOPHER RUDDY, Editor, Newsmax.com

"Martin Weiss has done an excellent job of helping readers understand what they must do to adapt to the grim realities of a depressed economy." ― BILL BONNER, Bestselling author, Empire of Debt

"In a lively and informative read … meaningful insight into the financial dangers confronting us and serves up a course of action to avoid further wealth destruction." ― DAN DORFMAN, financial columnist

"Dr. Weiss shares with us his unequaled advice for investors during these frightening times … vital information for all investors looking for safe harbor in a very choppy ocean." ― KEVIN KERR, Editor, Global Commodities Alert

"This is Weiss's best book ever and so appropriate for the tough times! He tells all the steps we need to take now to protect ourselves and our families from financial disasters." ― STEVE CROWLEY, Host, American Scene Radio and WallStreetCast Television

"Read this book and you'll have a plan for growing your wealth rather than losing it in the difficult period ahead." ― ADDISON WIGGIN, Author, I.O.U.S.A.

That means we ― you, me, all of us ― are on our own. The sad fact is, if you and your family are to survive this crisis, you're going to have to pursue your own, PERSONAL BAILOUT.

This is why I have just put the finishing touches on the single most important book I have ever written: The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times ― a brand new book just released by John Wiley & Sons and offered by major booksellers everywhere.

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide gives you your own comprehensive step-by-step strategy to …

1. Save your income, your house and every penny you have saved and invested from the most devastating effects of this great depression …

2. Offset any losses you might suffer and also profit handsomely with investments that soar in times like these, and …

3. Spot the end of this crisis when it comes and then use the recovery to build the kind of wealth that endures for generations.

This complimentary special report is my way of helping you get started right now. In a way, it's a sneak preview of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide. At the same time, it's also my invitation to you to join my national campaign simply by buying the book from a major national bookseller, with every penny I make donated to an undeniably necessary charity.

Plus, later in this report, I'll show you how you can effectively get the entire book ― plus much more ― for free.

But time is precious if you use it; vicious if you waste it. And this crisis is growing more dangerous by the day ― so let's get started …

Six Urgent Steps You Must Take IMMEDIATELY To Protect and Even GROW Your Wealth As This Crisis Intensifies …

Debt is what got us into this mess. Getting rid of debt, no matter how tough, is what's going to get us out of it.

So my first piece of advice for you ― even before I begin giving you the six steps I promised ― is simple; nothing more than everyday common sense: Declare your own, personal war on debt beginning right now!

Even in good times, making payments on sky-high personal or business debts can be tough. In times like these ― with unemployment skyrocketing and most companies struggling, excess debt is the killer that pushes so many into bankruptcy.

And even if you think you have plenty of money to see you through a depression, the money you spend each month on loan and credit card payments is money you could better spend to see your family through the crisis ― not to mention taking advantage of major bargains in the months ahead.

First, raise as much cash as you can. Make a list of the things you own but never use or could do without. Have a garage sale. Post them on Craigslist and eBay. Then, set aside every penny you raise ― you'll need them for step four, below.

Second, put the family budget down on paper. Include every monthly expense you have. Here's a good starter list:

 Loan and credit card payments
 Life, health and property insurance premiums
 Leisure and entertainment
 Federal, state and local tax bills you expect

Third, be ruthless in slashing expenses and eliminating the things you can live without.

Fourth, list every loan you have, beginning with those that nick you for the highest interest rates. And as you pay off these loans, use the money you save on monthly payments each month to pay down even more debt.

Fifth, for our complete debt-killing strategy ― eight ways to reduce debt without bankruptcy ― be sure to check out pages 10-13 of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide!

Step #1:Secure your income NOW!

At a time when unemployment is shooting for the moon, everybody worries that their job could be the next to vanish ― and for good reason: So far in 2009, more than a half-million wage-earners are getting pink slips every week. That's more than two million pink slips every month!

No wonder most people feel like targets ― as if someone pinned a "Fire Me!" sign on their backs!

The good news is, you do not have to lose sleep wondering about how stable your employer is or whether your job is secure. Here's what to do …

1. In the accompanying table, I provide a short list of the largest, publicly traded companies that, based on our analysis, are at risk of failure. If your employer is on it, the steps I'm going to recommend in a moment are all doubly urgent.

2. At the same time, I provide a list of companies that are among the strongest financially, with the most capital and the best prospects for weathering this storm. Of course, this alone is no guarantee that they won't announce lay-offs with the goal of maintaining their strong financial health. But if your company is on this list, the chances of losing your income are greatly reduced.

Suppose your company is on neither list? Then, I recommend you rely more heavily on the next step …

3. Take a look at the long-term trend in their share price. More than any other financial indicator, their shares reflect the sum total of their performance and prospects. You can:

Go to BigCharts.com.

Enter the stock symbol of your company or a keyword in its name

Click on "Advanced Chart."

On the left side of the screen, under Time, select "Two Years" (the time frame that best covers this crisis).

Under Frequency, select "Monthly."

Then, just press the button "Draw Chart." At a single glance, you should be able to see if your company's performance and prospects are holding steady, going down or going up in this bear market.

For an even better reading, just click on "compare to," selecting "S&P 500." This will show you whether it's performing better than average, worse than average or on target.

4. If you work for a privately owned company ― a firm that is not listed on any stock exchange ― ask them two simple questions:

Discover …

Why America is now sinking into the second Great Depression of modern times Page 1 …

Shocking parallels between the 1930s and the 2000s ― what they can teach us about the headlines we'll be reading in the weeks ahead. Page 3 …

Why even the shocking trillions in bailouts and guarantees Washington's handing out are a mere drop in the ocean compared to the size of this crisis ― and four reasons why all attempts at bailing out the economy are doomed to failure. Page 8 …

The four powerful forces that created this great crisis ― and why they are many times more powerful than other economic disasters in our history. Page 25 …

How Washington AND Wall Street share equal blame for creating this crisis ― and why neither has the power to stop it. Page 27 …

5 shameless deceptions that virtually guaranteed the bursting of the debt bubble and created what former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan has called the most severe financial tsunami in 100 years. Page 30 …

Why this great crisis is still only beginning ― and why the next phase will be, by far, the most painful and terrifying for everyday wage-earners, consumers and investors. Page 35 …

Why the value of your home is likely to plunge at least another 33% in the months ahead ― and in some areas, even more. Page 36 …

Three crucial lessons you MUST learn from this crisis before it's too late. Hint: How you think about it will have a huge impact on your chances for surviving with your wealth intact! Page 36 …

Why Wall Street cheerleaders, top economists and our leaders have been so wrong at every stage of this crisis ― and why listening to them now could cost you up to half your wealth in 2009 and beyond. Page 43 …

3 rules of thumb for getting your stock market investments in 2010 to safety ― when to sell, what to sell, how to sell and more. Page 46 …

How to make sure the multiple "sucker rallies" and dead cat bounces in every bear market do not cost you money. Crucial self-defense. Page 47 ―

Why searching for the handful of top stocks that might rise in an otherwise down market could cost you dearly. What to do instead. Page 48 …

8 sneaky tricks brokers use to stop you from doing the right thing. How to defuse each one of them. Page 49 …

3 shocking reasons why Wall Street ratings on hot stocks and bonds are dangerous. Hidden conflicts of interest, bias, payola, cover-ups and scams that lure investors into deadly investments. Page 55 …

CAUTION: Most corporate and municipal bonds are grossly overrated! Here's why ― and what you must do right away to protect yourself. Page 59 …

How to find safe insurance: What brokers never tell you … policies nobody needs but almost everybody buys … much more. Page 65 …

Continued below …

a.) "How much do you have in cash or equivalent?" And …

b.) "How much do you have in current liabilities ― bills and debts coming due within the next year?"

If your employer has less than 25 cents in cash or equivalent per $1 of current liabilities, they may be in a pinch. If they have $1 or more, it means that there should be no immediate danger. Naturally, there are many other factors at work. But this gives you a quick and easy test.

If they refuse to give you the information, it's not a good sign. But in any case, move on to the next step.

5. Go online and buy a report on your employer from Dun & Bradstreet. It's cheap. And it's good to have. If you like what you see, great!

6. And in any case, given how bad this crisis could be for almost every American corporation, it's time to get busy looking for alternate sources of income. Get your resume in order, and no matter how secure your job may appear, start looking, seeking out strong employers in industries that typically hold up the best in the worst of times, selling things people can't live without.

Specifically, consider how you could apply your skills and experience with a firm that provides or sells health care, food, energy, or bargain-priced household goods, for instance. Local and governments, formerly steady employers, are now shaky. But the federal government, despite its big deficits, is expected to be relatively more reliable.

Then, when you find a prospective new employer, check that company out as well, just as you did in steps one through five.

And be sure to read Chapter One of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide for five crucial steps to help improve the security of your current job …

Plus, I point you to some excellent free resources to help you add new income streams with your own depression-proof, home-based business.

Step #2:Keep a roof over your family's head!

One of the most common questions we get each day from the nearly 400,000 people who subscribe to our Money and Markets online newsletter is, "With property values plunging ever-faster, what should I do with my real estate?"

For investors ― folks who own properties they don't live in ― the answer is the same one I've been offering to my readers for several years now:

You own wasting assets that have already lost 20% … 30% … up to 50% or more of their value.

There's no way to know how much farther they'll fall in value. It could be many years or even decades before they're once again worth what you paid for them.

The money you have tied up in those properties could be used to pay off debts, to live on or even to invest in things that produce profits at times like these.

Here's what to do now …

FIRST, if you have investment property, the best choice is simple: Take advantage of any temporary market recovery stimulated by the government to price, market and sell it aggressively.

No, you won't get peak prices; that's water under the bridge. But with few exceptions, you should get a FAR higher price than what's likely in the coming depression.

SECOND, for your family home, the question of what to do is now more complex ― and I can't tell you what to decide. But …

A. If your mortgage payments are high and rents for equal or better homes are lower, you may want to sell before your home loses more of its value.

B. If so, make absolutely sure you choose a Realtor with strong marketing savvy and a recent track record of selling properties in the same general category as yours.

C. Consider offering your realtor a special incentive to sell your home before any others in his or her inventory. I strongly recommend a two percentage-point kicker ― instead of earning 6%, your realtor will get 8% when your home sells.

And remind your agent to make sure the extra commission is clearly stated in the MLS listing so other realtors will show your home first as well!

Most important, check out pages 38-39 of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide forall TEN of my recommended steps under the heading "Selling Your Home in a Sinking Market."

Plus, if you're committed to staying in your home but worried that you might lose it, Chapter Two gives you my eight steps for keeping your home come hell or high water ― including where to turn and what to do to get your bank or even the federal government to help you save your home!

Step #3: Protect the money you have in the bank like a junkyard dog!

Once upon a time, the phrase "good as money in the bank" meant something. Today? Not nearly as much!

There seems to be no method to Washington's madness; letting some institutions fail but saving others. And with many of the biggest failures striking mere days after the CEOs go on TV to declare their bank is solid, it's hard to know whom to believe.

In good times, bank failures don't seem like much of a big deal. The Federal Depositor Insurance Corporation (FDIC) rushes in so quickly to guarantee your money, you might not even notice that your bank bit the dust.

Not so in depressions! There's the very real possibility that an avalanche of failures could blindside the government, overwhelming its ability to provide prompt and seamless access to all accounts at all the failed institutions.

Here's what to do …

First, make sure your bank is among the safest in America, starting with the list of the largest I'm providing here.

I must alert you, though, that many of today's safest banks are smaller, regional banks. So for the safest bank in YOUR area, be sure to follow my instructions on the Web resource pages that come with your copy of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide.

Second, whatever bank you choose, make sure your deposits remain comfortably under the old FDIC insurance coverage limits of $100,000. The new $250,000 per account limit is temporary; not something I believe you can rely on long term.

Third, even the safest bank in America won't be able to guarantee immediate access to your money if the U.S. government declares a 1933-style banking holiday.

But if you've been worrying about how to make sure you have access to your cash even in a massive banking meltdown, I have good news for you: The simple truth is, you don't need to have a savings or checking account at any bank, S&L or credit union!

In the 1930s banking crisis ― and even in the confusion of the Civil War ― the U.S. Treasury has never defaulted on its debt. And even if you're among the minority of folks who would not trust the government with their money for the next 30 years, you can certainly trust them for 13 weeks!

To buy a 13- week Treasury bill directly from the U.S. Treasury Department, just go to the TreasuryDirect website, and follow the simple instructions they provide. You will have no intermediary standing between you and your investment. Plus, if you check the appropriate box, your Treasury bills will be automatically rolled over as they mature.

Fourth, money market funds that invest almost exclusively in short-term U.S. Treasury securities are even more convenient and can give you most of the same deposit and checking services as a bank. Because your money is invested in Treasuries that are backed up by the Rolls Royce of government guarantees, you never have to worry that your bank could go belly up.

Plus, while the FDIC guarantees ONLY $250,000 of the funds you have deposited in banks, there is no limit to the Treasury Department's guarantee on all its Treasury securities, whether you buy them directly or through a money market fund.

The interest you earn is exempt from local and state taxes. The management fees are less than the account fees banks charge. When you buy through a money fund, you can write checks on your balances, just as you do with any bank checking account ― and checking is truly free. Nor do you need separate accounts for checking, saving and time deposits.

Problem: Some of these money market funds have closed their doors to new investors. But in my book and with the Web resources that come with my book, I give you the names of funds that continue to accept new money.

Plus, for my full list of 12 crucial steps for keeping ALL of your money safe even in a worst case scenario, just grab a copy of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide and flip over to Chapter Six.

Step #4:Save your investments before it's too late!

If you own best stocks for 2010, the best advice anybody could possibly give you right now is, simply, "SELL!"

Remember: From its peak in 1929, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 90%. That would be tantamount to a plunge of more than 12,600 points from the Dow's 2007 peak this time around ― to a low of approximately 1500, or an additional 80% decline from today's levels.

But even in proportion to the size of the U.S. economy, the debt bubble that preceded this depression is two times larger than the one that caused the great Wall Street bloodletting in the 1930s. So it's not a stretch to say that this bear market could be equally severe. And even if it's only half as bad, you'd still be looking at a further stock market decline of about 40%.

So unless you can bear additional losses of 50% … 70% … up to 80% or even more ― and then wait many years or even decades to recoup your money …

Let me offer you the same advice I've been giving my readers since before this crisis began ― advice that would have helped you avoid the massive losses stock investors have suffered so far and that can save you from further stock market declines ahead:

If the stock market is enjoying a temporary, government- inspired rally, sell everything. Just call your broker and say: "Sell all my top stocks of 2010 at the market." (Special situation stocks that are designed to go up despite ― or because of ― the bear market, are the sole exceptions.)

If the stock market is falling and already down sharply, tell your broker to sell half as soon as possible. Then sell the balance on any rally.

If the market is in a panicked frenzy, overrun by an uncontrollable crowd of sellers and virtually devoid of all buyers, wait. Don't sell immediately. As soon as the panic subsides, then sell half. And as soon as there's a solid, government-inspired rally, sell the balance.

HOW SAFE IS YOUR BANK? How to make sure your money is in the safest institution available … why you could be locked out of even the safest bank in a national banking holiday … how to guarantee full access to your funds no mater what … more. Page 72 …

The huge "silver lining" in every depression: How to play this economic crisis like a fine violin; shielding yourself from dangers while taking full advantage of the little-known rewards it will offer you. Page 74 …

Will the FDIC's $250,000 coverage really save you if your bank fails? The sobering reality. Page 75 …

Hidden time-bombs even in America's "safest" banks ― 596 trillion reasons why the IMF and others are terrified the entire world banking system could completely collapse. Page 76 …

Why Bank of America, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase and HSBC could suddenly implode without warning. The shocking truth the world's richest banks DO NOT want you to know. Page 81 ―

5 disturbing reasons why Washington's massive bank bailouts must soon end. And what will happen to you and your money if and when your bank fails. Page 85 …

Will Washington shut down ALL banks again like it did in 1933? The answer will shock you! Here's how the worst case scenario could impact you personally. Page 87 …

Why nobody really needs a bank today: This little-known "national bank" is the single safest place in the world for your money ― and you won't need to sacrifice a single convenience, like free checking ― they're all FREE. Page 91 …

The ONLY investments for your core holdings today: As easy to buy and sell as IBM or Microsoft ― and they're designed from the ground up to make you richer despite falling top stocks ― or even BECAUSE of them! Page 103 …

Your home loses another 20% of its value ― but THIS investment wipes out your loss or even hands you a profit. The five-step hedging strategy every homeowner should be using now. Page 107 …

Your own, private bear market bonanza:Five simple steps for using ETFs to profit when stocks plunge. Page 119 …

Why the euro, the pound and other foreign currencies are temporarily toast. Plus, how the rising dollar can keep a steady stream of profits and income flowing to you as Europe craters. Page 128 …

How to invest in foreign currencies: Six simple steps for minimizing your risk and maximizing your profit potential. Page 130 …

5 easy ways to spot the REAL bottom in stocks market and bonds ― and use it to pile up massive wealth in a recovery. Page 131 …

Great $60 stocks on sale for 60 cents? Yes, and even less! Recommended bottom-fishing strategies. Page 131 …

HEADS UP: Historic profit opportunity in bonds directly ahead! Why interest rates could skyrocket soon no matter WHAT the Fed does ― and how to use rising rates to lock in yields of 10% or more per year PLUS huge capital gains! Page 144 …

How to maximize your bond market and Treasury yields with safety: Six simple steps on Page 151 …

YOU: A dividend millionaire? Could be ― IF you play your cards right! Here's how to pick up conservative dividend-paying stocks at the right time and then pull in unusually high income every year for the rest of your life! Plus: How to quickly and easily find America's best dividend paying stocks. Page 153 …

Settling the great "Inflation vs. Deflation Debate:" Will huge fed bailouts trigger the greatest hyper-inflationary spiral since the Weimar Republic? Or will their failure ensure deflation and falling resource prices for years to come? Dr. Weiss' clear, unhedged answers begin on Page 163 …

The best time to buy gold ― 700% profits possible! Get your timing wrong, and you're likely to lose a bundle. Get it right and Katie, bar the door! How to invest in gold, gold ETFs and mining shares during a depression. Page 171 …

What YOU can do to save America from certain disaster: Crucial actions required now to get Washington and Wall Street to reverse course, save the dollar and pave the way for a true recovery. Page 173 …

Two post-Depression scenarios: One condemns us to years of economic pain; the other lays the foundation for sustainable growth. Which will it be? Which investment will work best in each? Page 193 …

And much, much more!

IMPORTANT: Do NOT stop with just your main investment portfolio. Take a hard look at your 401(k), your IRAs and any other retirement plans you may have as well:

For your 401(k), get the list of retirement plan choices available to you from your employer or 401(k) manager, moving your money out of stocks funds, and into the safest alternatives …

First choice: Treasury-only money market fund. (As a rule, not available in 401(k)s).

Second choice: A government-only money market fund.

Third choice: A standard money market fund.

Fourth choice: A medium-term income fund that invests exclusively in U.S. government notes and bonds and nothing in corporate bonds.

Fifth choice: A medium- term income fund that invests mostly in U.S. government notes and as little as possible in corporate paper.

Your goal: The highest possible quality with the shortest average maturity.

Beware: Treasury bills (short term) are not the same thing as Treasury notes (medium term) and Treasury bonds (long term)! With Treasury bills your price risk is as close to zero as you can get. With Treasury notes and bonds, you could suffer severe market price declines.

And with non-government paper, such as corporate and municipal bonds, you face the additional risk of a ratings downgrade or even default. So …

Use any price rally as an opportunity to unload them, regardless of their current rating.

If the market is illiquid, give your broker the opportunity to "work the order," taking advantage of any temporary flurries in trading activity spurred by government rescues and money injections.

Your broker may scream bloody murder. He'll probably say you should "always hold for the long term." If your investment is down, he'll say "you can't afford to lock in your losses." If it's up, he'll say "you can't afford to pay the taxes." Either way, he'll try to talk you out of selling or even try to persuade you to buy more.

But that advice has already cost most investors up to half of their money. At a time like this, sensible investors will just smile and say "sell."

It would also pay you to grab a copy of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, for my complete action plan to safeguard every penny you now have invested.

Step #5: Offset losses in investments you can't sell

Let's say you have not yet been able to get rid of real estate that's falling in value. Or maybe you have stocks in a pension fund beyond your personal control that are plunging in value; losing you money every month.

You feel trapped. What do you do?

Simple: You create your own, personal hedging strategy ― kind of an "insurance policy" that pays you when your top stocks to buy for 2010 or real estate decline in value.

Now, make no mistake: I am not talking about using exotic strategies like shorting stocks market that can expose you to unlimited risk or using highly leveraged investments like futures or options.

I'm talking about using plain-vanilla exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that rise in value when stocks fall.

These ETFs are as easy to buy and sell as any stock or mutual fund and you can do it in the brokerage account you have now, starting with just $100 or even less.

Unlike mutual funds, there are no sales charges, so you can trade them actively without getting nickel and dimed to death. You do pay commissions, but they're cheap. And unlike mutual funds, ETFs never charge you for their own marketing costs.

Plus, there's full transparency; you always know exactly what your ETF has invested your money in. ETFs are priced continuously during the day and never place restrictions on when you can buy or sell them, so you can take profits or cut losses any time of the trading day.

Just decide which investments you need to hedge against. For example …

If you have a lot of technology best stocks to buy for 2010, you could protect yourself with the ETF tied inversely to the Dow Jones U.S. Technology Index (symbol REW).

If you have a lot of small caps, you could protect yourself with the ETF tied inversely to the S&P SmallCap 600 Index (SBB). Or …

If you're exposed to emerging markets, you could use EUM or EEV, which are tied inversely to the MSCI Index and MSCI Emerging Markets Index, respectively.

And if you're worried about the value real of estate continuing to erode, you could help offset further losses with the inverse real estate ETF: UltraShort Real Estate ProShares (SRS).

But please: Do NOT just run out and buy these hedging investments without a solid strategy! On pages 108-115 of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, I show you, step-by-step, how to use inverse ETFs to protect yourself.

Plus, I include the complete list of the ETFs you can use to hedge against losses in virtually any kind of investment you might have.

Step #6:USE this crisis to grow wealth.

Before we turn to wealth-building steps, let's fast forward to the not-too-distant future ― YOUR future. And let's take a quick peek at what your financial situation could be like, once you've followed the steps I've outlined so far and taken full advantage of the extra help I give you in The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide.

You have whittled your debt and monthly payments down to size, using the money you save each month to reduce them even further ― or better yet, you're debt-free, socking that money away for the rainy days ahead.

You have secured or actually increased your income by ensuring that your employer is in good enough shape to fund your paycheck. Or better yet, you have used the resources I offer in The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide to add a second or even third income stream …

You have made sure your family will continue to have a roof over its head by either 1) Deciding to stay in your home and using my action plan for saving it come hell or high water ― or, 2) Deciding to sell and rent an equal or better home for less, using my tactics to do so quickly at a fair price …

You have made sure your money is in the safest bank available to you ― or better yet, you moved your money into a short-term treasuries-only money market fund …

You have reduced or eliminated your exposure to plunging stocks market and bonds, saving ― your portfolio and your retirement from further disaster, and …

You have hedged against further losses in the value of your home and in investments you can't sell.

Congratulations! With this behind you, you're in far better shape to weather this depression than the vast majority of your neighbors.

If you do nothing more, you're far better equipped to survive even the worst of times. You can simply stand pat and let this crisis play itself out while it makes nearly everything you pay for or want to buy cheaper.

When the recovery comes, you'll have the cash to buy more of the things you've always wanted ― a nicer home … a better car … a better education for your kids or grandkids.

And you'll be ready and able to pick up the stock market bargains of the century; great companies for pennies on the dollar … top stocks set to explode in value five, ten, even twenty times over, bringing you the kind of wealth most people can only dream about.

But you can do even BETTER than that …

Now that you're mostly debt-free with a nice stash of cash, you can use some funds you can afford to risk to buy investments designed to soar when stocks plunge.

They're the same inverse ETFs I just told you about in Step 5. And the potential for profit they provide is quite extraordinary, especially in times like these. For example …

In the 40 days between June 5 and July 15, 2008, as tech stocks fell, the inverse ETF tied to technology stocks rose 30.9% … and the inverse semiconductor ETF jumped 37.7 %.

In the two months between May 15 and July 15, real estate stocks fell even more sharply, spinning off a 48.9% gain in the inverse real estate ETF.

At the same time, the debt crisis gave financial stocks the worst beating of all, driving up the inverse financial ETF 106.7% higher ― more than double in just two months.

And recent gains have been even greater. There are inverse ETFs designed to double or even triple your profits: When the underlying stock, sector or index falls, say, 10%, these ETFs can hand you a 20% or even a 30% profit.

In The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, I give you the full list of these 52 inverse ETFs and my five-step strategy for using them to make money in a declining market.

And here's another great way to go for substantial gains no matter what happens on Wall Street: Currency ETFs.

Unlike ETFs that own stock market investments, these oft-ignored vehicles let you go for depression-era profits without ever touching a single stock.

Instead, these ETFs simply buy money ― foreign currencies ― and because money is always moving, there's always a bull market available to you. The simple reason: When one currency is falling in value it means, by definition, that at least one other currency is rising.

The advantages of currency ETFs are many:

Tremendous liquidity. No matter what's happening elsewhere ― even when stocks are collapsing ― you can almost always find a buyer for a currency investment you own whenever you want to sell. Every trading day, more than $3 trillion is traded on the global currency market, making it many times larger than all the stock markets in the world combined.

Disaster-proof markets. Even following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when the U.S. stock and bond markets were shut down for a full week, the currency market did not shut down, continuing to trade around the clock as usual.

Only six to track. Instead of having to try to pick a winner from the more than 10,000 stocks traded on Wall Street, most investors focus on just six major foreign currencies that trade against the U.S. dollar: The euro … the British pound … the Swiss franc … the Japanese yen … the Canadian dollar, and … the Australian dollar.

Opportunities in both directions: And the best part is, there are currency ETFs that let you profit when these currencies rise against the U.S. dollar ― and also ETFs that spin off profits when these currencies decline against the greenback.

Plus, if you like, you can use currency ETFs that pay double the gain or decline in the underlying currency. If the euro, for instance, moves 20%, you stand to make 40% on your money.

And most currency ETFs also pay you a nice kicker: In addition to the appreciation in the currency, you can also earn interest, and the interest plus your capital gain can often be higher than what you can make in any U.S. money market.

There's so much to tell you about how to go for substantial profits with currency ETFs than I couldn't possibly fit it in this short report ― but that's OK; I've included a comprehensive guide plus my six steps for investing in foreign currencies in Chapter Nine of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide.

Click here to order your copy online now.

We've made a good start together in this report
Here's what to do NEXT …

I sincerely hope you'll begin taking the six steps I just outlined right away. For the first five, there is no time to waste. And for the sixth, the opportunities are very substantial, provided you invest prudently.

But if you're truly serious about getting your family and your finances through this crisis in comfort and safety, you'll also want to get my complete depression-defense plan in The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide.

I've designed this volume to be more than just a book. It's a comprehensive roadmap that shows you, in no uncertain terms, how this crisis began … why it is only just beginning, and why it will inevitably get far worse before it ends.

I carefully created The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide to be easy to understand and use. No jargon. I wrote it to be so fast and clear that an eighth grader could rip through it in a single day.

I show you in great detail the steps you must take now to protect yourself and your family.

I show you how you can use this crisis to go for profits with investments that soar when stocks sink.

And I even give you the signs that will help tell you when the storm is over, when it's safe to emerge from shelter and begin picking up the stock market bargains of a lifetime ― for pennies on the dollar.

Within the pages of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, you'll discover …

Why Wall Street ratings are not to be trusted ― and the steps you need to take now to help protect yourself against potentially huge losses (Chapter 4) ―

1,673 banking institutions at risk! How to discover if your bank ― and your money ― is safe (Chapter 5)―

Five signs that the markets have truly hit bottom ― so you can start buying at bargain-basement prices (Chapter 10)―

Seven reasons why dividend-paying best stocks of 2010 are your ideal first choice in an economy recovering from depression ― plus 6 seemingly "boring" companies that have heaped steadily increased dividends on their thrilled investors for thirty years or more (Chapter 12)―

The ultimate alternative investment for reaping wealth in pessimistic times. Follow these three steps to rocket your income (Chapter 13)―

The secret weapons for maximizing financial safety and growth ― both for yourself and for the nation as a whole (Chapter 14)―

Five golden rules for building new fortunes ― vital steps to follow when the economy recovers (Chapter 16)―

And much, much more.

Plus, I've added another major benefit: I've packed The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide with links to a wealth of Web resources designed especially for readers: To get regular updates … to look up the safety or their financial institutions today … and to drill down even further into the practical, nitty-gritty steps to take in a widest possible range of personal circumstances.

It's a veritable gateway to hundreds of pages of money-saving, money-making resources online: Links to the information and recommendations you need to protect and grow your wealth no matter how severe this depression becomes or how long it lasts.

Click here to order your copy online now.

All this is why fomer CNN anchor David Goodnow exclaimed ―

"I don't want to buy just one copy of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide."

"I want to buy a copy for myself and for everyone
else WHO'LL WANT TO MOVE IN WITH ME when this crisis hits the fan!"

If The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide helps you get through this depression, it will have done its job.

If it also helps you to help your children and grandchildren, next-door neighbors, and everyone else you care for protect themselves and profit, you'll all be better off for it.

So instead of simply buying one copy for yourself, I'd suggest that you consider buying five copies … a dozen copies … maybe more: For your kids or grandkids … your parents … your pastor and members of your church, religous group or civic club … your neighbors … your boss and each of your friends at work ― anyone whose success or failure you're concerned about, whether it will impact you or not.

And while you're at it, why not post the link to this page on your MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter accounts? Make a video containing the link to this page on how it can help them survive and thrive even in the worst of economic times ― and post it on YouTube.com.

Perhaps most important, I need you to help me use The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide to bring Washington back from the brink before it's too late ― because …

Washington's $14 trillion bailout binge can NOT end this crisis and is only making matters worse …

I want The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide to do much more than help everyday Americans get through this crisis: I want this unique volume to help us avert the ultimate disaster ― the hard times I see on the horizon if our leaders don't open their eyes and reverse course.

You see, there's only one way to help make this depression shorter ― and that's to get Washington to stop bailing out reckless corporations and irresponsible borrowers at the expense of everyone else.

This crisis was obviously not caused by a LACK of federal welfare for bankers, brokers and automakers!

"This volume is more than your personal survival guide.

"It's also the centerpiece of a national grass-roots movement to persuade Washington to change its ways.

"And to help underscore its importance, I'm donating every penny in royalties from this book to help the children of newly homeless families."

Author, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide

It was caused by a multi-year orgy of loans to consumers, companies and even entire nations could not repay them.

Nevertheless, the U.S. government has spent, lent, committed or guaranteed an astronomical $14 trillion to fight this crisis ― with only negative results so far:

1. Prolonging the crisis: Companies that should have filed for bankruptcy protection a year or more ago and that should now be rebuilding for the future are returning to the federal trough for ever-more money.

2. Exploding the national debt: The federal deficit for this year is headed for more than $2 trillion ― nearly five times more than it was in 2008 ― a fact that could crush us under massive taxes, or higher interest rates, or both for generations to come.

The far less painful way to end this crisis ― to save us from years, possibly a decade or more of economic pain ― is to bite the bullet, face the music, and make the sacrifices needed to clean out the nation's bad debts. For many, that means letting our nation's banking regulators and bankruptcy courts do what they were intended to do: Proactively shut down or downsize the failed companies … allow borderline companies time to reorganize … and give the worthiest companies the opportunity to lead our nation back to a sounder footing.

This is precisely why I went to Washington D.C. a few days ago:

To warn our leaders that, if they continue trying to save bankers, brokers, insurers and automakers from bankruptcy ― They will wind up BANKRUPTING AMERICA!

They will undermine the credit and credibility of the U.S. Government. They could trash the U.S. dollar. Ultimately, they could make it difficult for the U.S. Government to finance far greater priorities like emergency preparedness for the financial Katrinas that could strike our cities in a depression.

To make myself heard …

I presented a white paper on this crisis at the National Press Club, entitled "Dangerous Unintended Consequences." And my warnings were relayed to the public by C-Span, PBS Nightly Business Report, CNBC, Reuters Television, XM Sirius Radio, Barron's, The Wall Street Journal and MarketWatch …

I delivered that same White Paper to key Congressional members, including those on the banking and financial services committees … to the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the OTC … and to the White House.

I joined gatherings attended by top officials of current and former administrations, and conveyed this same message.

I'm doing everything in my power to get Washington to learn from the lessons of history. Now, it's your turn.

So not only am I urging you to buy multiple copies for your friends and family, I'd strongly suggest that you buy at least four more: One for your local member of the U.S. House of Representatives … one each for your two state senators and one for President Obama.

Can you imagine the impact it'll have as thousands of copies of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide stack up in Washington?

THAT'S the kind of thing thatWashington must urgently sober up and abandon policies that risk transforming this depression into something far worse!

Please click here to order.

To underscore how severe this crisis is, and how serious I am about helping you, I'll give you …
A 100% CREDIT FOR EVERY DOLLAR of every copy you buy …

Just click the link to any of the online booksellers below, place your order now, and I'll make sure that, in effect, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide costs you nothing:

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These are our services that give you specific recommendations for building a depression-proof core investment portfolio and also that are designed to help you use this crisis to go for substantial profits. And since we have quite a few priced under $29.95, you can also get some valuable products for free.

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