Thursday, March 19, 2009

Basic Stock Market Introduction

$52 billion in revenue isn't just on the line.

It's "online."

I'm talking about Congress' new push to end the ban on online gambling in the U.S... and bring those billions of dollars in tax revenue back to Uncle Sam.

Now you should know, this bill will be introduced in just a few short weeks.

And it could push two online gaming stocks into easy triples... in no time flat.

They're the latest recommendations from red-hot trader Ian Cooper.

$52 billion in U.S. tax revenue is up for grabs.

And this time, Uncle Sam's going to snatch every red cent of it.

You see, the legalization, regulation and -- most importantly -- taxation of online gambling is just the shot in the arm the government needs right now. It's a bill bound for the congressional fast track. 

And for investors who act quickly, the payout could be huge.

Let me explain...

When the controversial Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) passed in 2006, it forced all American online gambling operations to either shut down... or flee the country.

The Department of Justice began issuing arrest warrants for the executives of these companies, even nabbing some of them in airports and putting them on trial.

But here's the thing... When the White House chased the online gambling market out of town, they exiled an estimated $16 billion yearly along with it.

Of course, when the UIGEA passed, Americans didn't stop playing online poker. Far from it. But the money the American consumer spends to play -- an estimated $16 billion ever year -- has been diverted straight overseas.

Today, with the Obama administration looking for any possible means of life support, that $16 billion per year (estimated at $52 billion 10 years from now) has started looking pretty good...

That's why one of the most powerful members of Congress is reintroducing a bill that would effectively overturn the UIGEA... and bring legalized online betting back to the USA.

So even if you've never bet on a single horse in your life -- and don't intend to -- this piece of news could be one of the biggest money-making opportunities of your lifetime. Here's how to...

Grab Your Share of a $433 Billion Industry:The Vegas "Home Invasion"

Every industry is feeling the pain of this recession. Not even gambling is immune. Case in point...

The Foxwoods Resort Casino and MGM laid-off 700 employees in October, and the Las Vegas Sands' shares slipped to a 52-week low the same month.

More somber news out of Vegas:

Wynn Resorts fell from a high of $164 to less than $26

MGM Mirage has fallen from a high of $99.75 to less than $5.20

Melco Crown Entertainment fell from $22.20 to less than $2.50

Trump Entertainment fell from $20+ to less than a quarter

Boyd Gaming has been trampled, tumbling from $50+ to less than $5

But despite the blows to high-rolling casinos, the Global Betting and Gaming Consultants' latest report on the state of the industry shows a projected growth in net profit from $345 billion in 2007 to $433 billion in 2012.

The growth is from online gaming.

And as this piece of legislation speeds through passage (more on the bill below), retail investors like you could watch two specific internet gaming stocks catapult to all-time highs.

After all, people aren't taking that annual trek to Sin City. Instead, they're logging into the Vegas experience from the comfort of their own homes. 

In fact, "staying in" has become the new "going out" for consumers forced to save money on their entertainment. And the online gambling industry is taking full advantage. 

That's three solid years of guaranteed gains. And by 2012, online gambling will account for 6.3% of the overall gambling market -- up from 4.8% in 2008 (according to consultant Marco Felice Baranzelli's latest study of the global gambling market.)

But unless the flawed UIGEA legislation is done away with, a massive chunk of that revenue will completely bypass the U.S. economy...

In fact, many European online gambling firms have already begun looking to Canada as their way into the North American market. So, if Congress fails to act quickly on this legislation, billions of tax dollars will be piped into our northern neighbor's economy instead of ours.

So here's a quick look at what Congress will be considering:

PartyPoker (the largest online poker room at the time), Paradise Poker and Pacific Poker all vacated the U.S. when the UIGEA passed. So did payment processors like NETELLER and Citadel commerce.

In the end, revenue from American online casinos dropped 24.7% in 2007 while Europe saw a 34.3% increase. And the trend carried on throughout '08.

But U.S. bettors still supply an estimated $16 billion every year to overseas internet gambling sites.

Fortunately, for your portfolio, it doesn't matter where the money exchanges hands...

That's because, while the majority of companies associated with online gambling operate offshore, many of them are publicly traded in US stock markets.

Which makes online gaming one of the few growth markets we have left.

But here's the best part...

The Third Time's a $52 Billion Charm

The high-ranking member of Congress who's introducing this bill is Rep. Barney Frank. The New York Times has called him "one of the most powerful members of Congress" and "a key deal-maker, an unlikely bridge between his party's left-wing base and free-market conservatives."

Now it's not Frank's first attempt at overturning the UIGEA.

In fact, the 2007 Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act (HR 2046) had 48 co-sponsors, but never made it to the House.

He tried again in 2008 with the Payments System Protection Act (HR 6870), a bill co-sponsored by Republican Congressman Peter King. Things were going his way when the House approved the bill 30-19. Unfortunately, the September vote was immediately overshadowed by Wall Street's collapse, and the bill was swept under the rug.

But times have changed, and now the chips are stacked in this bill's favor.

A Democrat-controlled Congress is eyeing this bill up as a no-brainer.

The new Administration is desperate to build on its tax base, and won't turn down a revenue opportunity on this scale.

The President -- a known poker player -- has been long adamant about keeping government intervention out of internet commerce.

Even conservative states like Utah have pleged support of online gambling regulations.

Take it from Roger Blitz of the Financial Times:

"The tide has shifted: this year is set to mark the moment when gambling online reaches a measure of acceptance and respectability its detractors on both sides of the Atlantic have long fought to prevent."

And what's more, the EU is threatening to file a complaint over the U.S.'s enforcement of the UIGEA... 

To summarize the still-building situation, London's Remote Gambling Association is furious over the arrests of David Carruthers, Gary Kaplan, Peter Dicks, and others -- all CEOs and founders of UK-based online gaming companies. Each was arrested while traveling through U.S. airports.

The Remote Gambling Association contends the U.S. Justice Department singled out European online gambling companies like PartyGaming and for prosecution... while letting some U.S. companies go under the radar. The association hasn't come forward with any names just yet, but did launch a year-long investigation of the issue with the European Commission.

The results of that investigation are coming out in less than a month. And if something isn't done to repair these strained relations, the EU is planning to take action at the World Trade Organization.

And, for President Obama, that would just be one more item on an already overloaded agenda...

The UIGEA: A Bill That's Proven More Trouble Than It's Worth.

As Jeffrey Sandman of the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative puts it...

"The current ban on internet gambling has proved to be a failure as millions of Americans continue to gamble online each day. It's time for Congress to take action to regulate and tax Internet gambling to protect consumers and ensure that the U.S. receives the billions in revenue it is due."

And, as we mentioned above, removing the ban on online gambling would generate nearly $52 billion in revenue for the U.S. over the next decade, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. And by March 31, Rep. Frank is going to use that number to his advantage.

Congress knows the UIGEA is deeply flawed... Which is why there's a spirited push to abolish the act and bring online gaming revenue back to the States.

How the End of This "Prohibition" Could Double -- Even Triple -- Your Money 

The message is resonating loud and clear...

Nevada's Rep. Shelley Berkley has accused the previous administration of a "prohibitionist crusade against internet gaming."

And according to The Mercury News, "Banks and other financial institutions have complained they were being forced into a law enforcement role when Congress couldn't even define what conduct it was trying to prevent."

You see, the UIGEA bans "unlawful Internet gaming" and prohibits financial institutions from accepting payments to settle online wagers...

The only problem: "unlawful Internet gaming" was never defined...

Instead, the task of determining what is lawful and what isn't is put in the hands of bankers. And they're not happy playing policemen. Take it from the New Hampshire residents who had their credit cards denied for online subscriptions to Powerball, the multi-state lottery...

Even though lotteries are supposed to be exempt from the UIGEA, credit card companies and banks don't want to spend the time or money determining which gambling transactions are legal... and which ones aren't. And if credit card companies continue shutting out customers, the New Hampshire Lottery could unfairly lose millions of dollars.

As Congressman Frank has stated, the legality of online bets on horse racing, for example, "depended on which department you asked."

The fact is, Congress can't require financial institutions to determine which online gambling sites are legal and which aren't...

And that's why the Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association (iMEGA) wants the UIGEA declared "void for vagueness" as soon as possible. Under the "void for vagueness" doctrine, a policy must define an offense clearly enough for ordinary people to understand what conduct is prohibited...

And this April, iMEGA will show the Third Circuit Court of Appeals that the UIGEA does no such thing.

Bottom Line: Once the UIGEA Is Overturned, The Online Gambling Stocks We've Selected Could Go on an Absolute Tear

It's going to result in some serious windfall gains very soon.

And it's not just happening here...

After years of strict anti-gambling policies, Japan is now considering controlled and regulated online gambling as early as 2010...

As you know, Japan is Asia's richest nation, with the highest GDP. Combine that with the country's dense population, and the results for the online gaming market could be astronomical.

The same is true of France, which is giving into pressure from the EU to legalize online gambling by next year. That will be another $9 billion shot in the arm for the global online gaming industry.

And as the issue gets more press worldwide, gaming stocks are climbing higher and higher.

Just look at the gains made throughout the sector after the iMEGA announcement:

WPT -- 48% gain in 13 days

888 Holdings -- 13% gain in 14 days -- 180% gain in 10 days

Ladbrokes -- 19% gain in 15 days

William Hill -- 18% gain in 15 days

Chartwell Technology -- 19% gain in 9 days

BWin -- 23% gain in 16 days

Entraction -- 12% gain in 10 days

Sportingbet -- 20% gain in 19 days

Betsson -- 12% gain in 16 days

But here's what you need to know:

Our top research analyst has traded this market for years. And within hours of Rep. Frank's press release, this expert analyst had pinpointed two must-own small cap stocks in the online gaming market...

Online Gaming Stock #1

It's a leading software provider to the $12 billion global e-gaming market with a decade of revenue growth under its belt and licensing agreements with a growing list of top gaming sites (including many of those listed above)...

Online Gaming Stock #2

They're a developer, publisher, and operator of online gaming software and games responsible for one of the Top 5 poker sites in the world, to the #1 online sports game provider in China, even wildly popular multiplayer online RPGs.

Now understand this.

Before the market's closed on the day of Barney Frank's announcement, both of these little-known companies saw their stock shares take off...

And the savvy investors who followed our research analyst's lead saw 73% total gains in just 15 days...

Both stocks are primed to keep climbing higher as the news develops over the next several months -- and as the e-gaming market continues growing over the next several years.

So whatever your thoughts on online gambling, these two companies are a sure bet.

You see, whether the UIGEA is overturned or not, the press coverage alone has sent these two stocks soaring. And they'll keep rising as long as the debate keeps raging.

Those in the know are going to be reaping the benefits well into the foreseeable future. And to make sure you have the chance to join them, allow me to introduce you to the man responsible for uncovering this amazing profit opportunity.

Introducing the Trading Legend Behind 246.15% Gains... in Just 5 Days

His name is Ian Cooper. And his proven 3-step process is the reason why thousands of everyday investors are already taking advantage of these two winning stock picks.

But I have to say, this is nothing new for Ian.

He's been using his expert system to locate winners in overlooked and undervalued markets for over a decade now, in bull markets and bear markets.

Really, his track record speaks for itself...

120% on Royal Caribbean

194.12% on QQQ

268% on China Yuchai International

206.33% on Vitesse Semiconductor

233% on TLTCJ

515.38% on MQJSB

225% on EnerBrite Technologies Group

302.15% on Aastrom Biosciences

And that's just the beginning...

He saw the infamous sub-prime collapse coming over a year before it started. He and his followers were among the few to come out unscathed... and the very few to make money. Lots of money:

188% from Thornburg

138% from Hovnanian

150% from Standard Pacific

And that's nothing compared to the staggering 246.15% in 5 days he made off IPIX...

Or the 224% gain in 14 days with On2 Technologies.

All told, Ian has logged more than 1,153 successful trades to date.

How does he do it? A proven 3-step "news dissemination" process he has painstakingly perfected... and that you get to test drive TODAY. Here's how...

The Exclusive System That Consistently Outpaces Wall Street

There's a clear pattern when it comes to trading off news stories:

First, early-phase information sources -- blogs, for instance -- create hype about an upcoming news event.

Then, the buzz spreads. The mainstream press begins reporting on the stories. The companies involved start to see an increase in their stock prices...

And that's when everyone piles onto the bandwagon. Investors start loading up on shares of the newsworthy stock, and the huge jump in price becomes news itself. The next morning, even more investors climb aboard... and so on, and so on

It happens all the time. And with the right timing, it can make you very rich...

But the trick is getting a hold of the news BEFORE it becomes news.

Grab your shares before the story breaks, and you can let the masses of market followers do the work for you. As they rush to buy the stock, you'll be sitting back riding the gains higher and higher

And that's exactly how Ian's 3-step process works...

    Step 1: Intercept the news before the crowd of average investors gets word of it
    Step 2: Purchase the stock that stands to profit from the press release
    Step 3: Watch the share prices soar once the news is out... and the masses bum rush the market.

Take the quick and easy gains Ian handed his readers this January...

59% Gain in One Weekend!

On Saturday, January 24, news hit The Washington Post that the new Obama administration had approved a clinical trial testing human embryonic stem cells on people for the first time ever

After years of controversy, a Californian group of researchers was granted permission to inject 8-10 patients with cells derived from embryos, rather than adults or fetuses. And the company handling the test, Geron Corporation, was suddenly buzzworthy..

Good thing Ian intercepted the news the day before.

He issued his recommendation on January 23, and after the market slept for the weekend, his readers watched Geron's stock climb 59% on Monday..

That's a 59% gain in two days!

And since the news never sleeps (and fortunately for his readers, neither does Ian), members of his Small Cap Trading Pit service are privy to a constant stream of profitable picks just like that one

He does all the research, all the work, and his readers watch the gains roll in.

Online gambling is just the beginning. Thanks to breakthroughs in biotech, continued fallout from the subprime crisis, and what seems like daily bailout announcements, the opportunities to profit from the news are more plentiful than ever

And all you have to do to start claiming your share of the wealth is accept this simple invitation to join Ian's loyal group of investors.

Welcome to the Small Cap Trading Pit

As the name implies, and to keep leverage to a maximum, hardly any of Ian's picks will have a market cap higher than $500 million

I know that might seem large, but in the investment world it's really not. Just look at Wal-Mart's massive market cap of over $185 billion... compared to the $205 million it started out with. And the story's the same for scores of other Fortune 500 companies

So, if you're looking to spend only a tiny bit of money to uncover the world's future blockbusters and make an absolute fortune, SC Trading Pit is the advisory for you. It may be the fastest, most efficient way an investor can make several hundred -- even thousand -- percent gains.

Every other week, a new issue of SC Trading Pit enters email inboxes around the world.

Each issue details the latest SC Trading Pit recommendations. These are the companies that have been throughly examined using the painstaking criteria that's brought Ian his devoted following -- year in, year out -- across the globe.

On top of that, you'll also receive the latest updates from the companies currently in the SC Trading Pit... including the two online gambling stocks that are continuing to benefit from the news surrounding the growing market. Plus, you'll be the first to know about any company updates, news, progress, and deals that are coming down the pike.

And of course, with any stock SC Trading Pit recommends, you'll know where and when to buy it, how much you stand to make, and most importantly, when to sell.

We'll also rush every new member a list of the secret criteria we personally use to vet these companies. It's the easy-to-understand guide we call The Ten Maxims of Fortune.

That way you can not only analyze for yourself the companies we recommend, but you can also use this report to find hidden opportunities of your own.

What's more, this report can be adapted to help you determine the attractiveness and probability of success for virtually every stock in the market.

It's yours FREE as an added bonus just for joining SC Trading Pit.

Print it out, keep a copy of it, and use it for every opportunity you're considering now and in the future. It's our gift to you.

And best of all...

You Get All This... for Less Than the Cost of the Wall Street Journal

The trend normally goes the more general a publication, the lower the price.

Take a look at some of the mainstream outlets. They're all extremely vague, big-picture, and generalized. They're concerned with BIG business. And they run between $99 and $250 a year.

Those publications are plenty valuable for reading up on any safe, already-established company. But most truly wealthy investors have made their money from the exact opposite...

That's why Ian created SC Trading Pit in the first place.

Now, typically, a highly specific service like SC Trading Pit would cost several thousand dollars a year. But we're not going to go anywhere near what our competitors charge. 

That's why the price for an annual membership with SC Trading Pit is...

Only $99 a year.

That's right. A year's membership with SC Trading Pit is under $0.28 a day!

And for that, you get the following:

Instant access to the Small Cap Trading Pit portfolio

All the details of our 2 new online gambling recommendations compiled in our special report, The Online Gambling Double Down Play

A second special report, The Ten Maxims of Fortune

Plus, 26 research-packed issues detailing the opportunities in the explosive small cap sector, industry updates, and Ian's latest stock recommendations.

And here's my guarantee to you...

If for any reason SC Trading Pit doesn't meet your expectations, simply let us know within the first 30 days, and I'll refund every penny. No questions asked.

But you'll need to act quickly if you want to profit from the two online gambling stocks that are making the most of the media hype.

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