Monday, March 16, 2009

There's Stocks Investment for 2009...

This could be your best chance.  U.S. stocks may never be this cheap again.


What you do in the next 24 hours...the decision I'm asking you to make...could put you on the path to stock market riches.

A little later in this letter, I'll invite you to join me for a unique video investment conference.  Don't worry, it's completely free to attend. But before we get to that, I want to tell you why I'm putting $100,000 of my own money at risk in this market...

And I want you to understand how I'll turn my $100,000 Recovery Portfolio into $250,000 in the next 4 years...

I'll SHOW you the Money -- 150% Net Gains

Like many of us, Ian Wyatt caught the investing bug at an early age.

Unlike most of us, Ian turned his passion into a multimillion-dollar investment publishing company at an early age, helping thousands of individual investors along the way.

Ian launched Business Financial Publishing to bring to individual investors the knowledge and skill he acquired from working in the markets.

Through the years Ian's brought many top stocks to readers of his newsletters, but now things are different.

The market has changed, investors have lost up to 40% of their savings in under a year, people aren't sure what to make of this market.

Even Ian has lost a share of his own money.

And that's why he's launched Ian Wyatt's Recovery Portfolio. And he's funding it with $100,000 of his own money.

Sign up here to attend the investment conference on March 10.

Click here to sign up for the free online video conference where I share all...The Fed has taken interest rates to practically zero.  There's only one way they can go from here.  And that's up. And when interest rates inevitably rise, you can make 54% OR MORE on your money...

You don't have to buy high-risk options. And I'm not suggesting some complicated hedging strategy. In fact, when you attend my Recovery Portfolio "Investment Outlook 2009" Internet video conference, I'll share the details on this investment, and have you perfectly positioned to make AT LEAST 54% on your money.

Use this link to get on the list.The Treasury Bond Bubble

United States Treasury bonds: it was one of the best investments in 2008. The financial meltdown sent a stampede of panicked investors into the safe-haven of bonds. Fear was so bad at one point that yields actually went negative. That meant investors were willing to lose a little of their money, just to know their money was safe. And when the Fed's record-setting cuts took interest rates to practically zero, bond prices soared to all-time highs. Interest rates at zero? Losing money for safety? That's just crazy, if you ask me. But crazy things happen when there's an asset bubble growing.

Take a look at this chart... 

5Turn on images to see the chart.

Anatomy of the Treasury Bond Bubble As It's HappeningBond Bubble As It's Happening 

This is a 3-year chart of a Treasury bond fund that tracks 7-10 year maturities. From this chart, you can clearly see that bonds started moving in the summer of 2007.  But when Lehman Brothers failed and panic took over in October 2008, bond prices went straight up. But now, there's only one way for bond prices to go - straight down. And you can make 4% or more when they do. To me, this isn't even a question of "if" bond prices fall. Asset bubbles always pop.  The way I look at it, there's no risk at all to that chart. Bond prices are coming down.  It's as simple as that. Will it be next week? Next month? Next year? I don't know for certain. And I don't really care. Because I'm already holding the asset that will bring me a safe and easy 54% gain...

It doesn't matter when it happens, it just will. But it does matter when you get on the list.

Click this link now to make sure there's a spot for you. The EASIEST 54% You'll Ever Make

You see, I'm not guessing here.  And I'm not taking chances.  There's easy money to be made in this market.  And I'm going to make it.In fact, I've put up $100,000 of my own money to SHOW investors exactly how to pluck the low hanging fruit in the current market.I'm Ian Wyatt, founder and strategist for a group of investment advisory services.  15 years ago, I took a few shares of Exxon-Mobil and turned it into a personal fortune and a multi-million dollar publishing business.  My investment insights lead to $7 million in revenues for 2007...

Now, I'm stepping up to the challenge, again.  That's great news for individual investors like you who are serious about making money with their investments. Because now you can profit step by step, right along with a proven investment master...I'm opening up my personal investment portfolio and inviting investors - investors just like you - to join me on a wealth-building mission.  That's how confident I am that I can turn my $100,000 into $250,000 over the next 4 years. And one of my very first investments - one of my core positions - will make at least 54% as bond prices fall.  I'll give you the details on March during Recovery Portfolio "Investment Outlook 2009" Internet video conference.

This Special Video Conference Report is your blueprint for profits in 2009.  You'll learn exactly where to invest for consistent, reliable profits.  Recovery Portfolio "Investment Outlook 2009" is the perfect event for any investor who's ready to start recovering their wealth from this mess of a stock market..

Use this link to get on the list. (It's Free)

Ian Wyatt's $100,000 Recovery Portfolio

Investing changed in October 2008.  Wall Street essentially killed itself with greed and risk.  Financial planners and advisors were like deer in the headlights - they didn't know what to tell their clients.  So they simply repeated Wall Street's failed mantra, "Just buy and hold."

It was a disaster.  And it's left American investors with huge losses to their wealth.  Many now wonder if they'll have enough money to retire.  And retirees worry they may have to go back to work.                        

That's why I started my $100,000 Recovery Portfolio.  Investors need a new model for how to grow their wealth and secure their financial goals.  And on March 10, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.,  Recovery Portfolio "Investment Outlook 2009" you'll see firsthand how my $100,000 Recovery Portfolio is beating the market.

I've put up $100,000 of my own money because I'm convinced that NOW is the time to start the work of wealth-building.  I'm using my own money and proven profitable strategies.  I'm telling my readers what I'm buying before I buy it.  I tell them what to sell before I sell it.  And we'll share every penny of profit...

During the Recovery Portfolio "Investment Outlook 2009" video investment conference, we'll go in depth on the most important -- and potentially profitable -- stock market trends today, like: 

Stock market decline continues -- The Dow Industrials just hit 1997 lows -- what's next? The answer could make or break your portfolio.

Government bailouts -- How will the stimulus package and housing market bailout affect your investments?

Retirement on the horizon -- Portfolios are down 30 � 40%! How to invest if you're within 10 years of retirement.

Commodities boom -- There are tremendous opportunities with commodities -- if  you buy the right ones. 

Gold hit $1,000 an ounce -- Is it going higher? And how can you profit?

Selling Uncle Sam -- the safe and easy way to short U.S. Treasuries

China -- +7% GDP and stock market up 38% since Nov 2008 lows. Is it time to buy? The answer might surprise you.

Follow this link to sign up for "Investment Outlook 2009": a free web video conference with Ian Wyatt and his team at Recovery Portfolio.

I'll share all my investment insights with you. I'm not holding anything back. I know, this may sound unusual.  Most stock market "gurus" talk a good game. They'll tell you all day long where to put your money but they never tell you where their money is going.

And that's fine.  Not all investment gurus have the real-world experience it takes to consistently take profits in the stock market.

I want to be clear - my Recovery Portfolio subscribers are already on their way to growing our wealth by 150% over the next 4 years.  And since my money is in it, I'm on my way, too.  I'd like you to join us...

So if you're prepared to make REAL gains in the current market...if you're ready for strategies that will protect and grow your wealth during ALL of the stock market's movements...


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