Sunday, March 29, 2009

Buy more AMNT before ConAgra buys the whole company

1 Year Ago: I said "Buy AMNT" � then the share price TRIPLED!

Now: I say "Amish Naturals will be bought-out by one of the world's most-powerful food companies"

I was the very first to issue a buy-recommendation on Amish Naturals a year ago when AMNT first started trading at the $1.25 level.  For those who followed my signal, you quickly saw your AMNT share price run up to $3.89.
Now it's time to do something with all those profits:

Buy more AMNT before ConAgra buys the whole company

Amish Naturals, in its first year of public trading, is now the hottest organic-foods growth story in the entire food-stock sector.  The company has been acquiring its competitors and expanding its sales scope at an historic pace as Amish Naturals' niche-market passes the $13 Billion mark.

GOOD NEWS: Buying more AMNT now, up to $2, is an easy way to increase your money 10-fold over the next few years.

GREAT NEWS: I'm going to show you why ConAgra is about to pounce on Amish Naturals much sooner.

I'm going to give you a secret worth $MILLIONS:

The Food-Stock sector is comprised of large conglomerates buying-out emerging brands in niche-markets. All you have to do is buy the early shares in the next major buy-out target. Amish Naturals (AMNT) is YOUR chance to own a top-emerging brand in the early stages BEFORE the projected buy-out above $20.

Amish Naturals can catapult ConAgra past Kellogg and General Mills while AMNT shareholders make $Millions

The Super-Powers of the food sector are led by PepsiCo with $118 billion in market capitalization.  Kellogg and General Mills have $20 billion and $18 billion market-caps, respectively.  ConAgra currently has an $11 billion market cap. A buy-out of Amish Naturals is the right move to drive ConAgra past its next two competitors.  Buy your AMNT shares before the frenzy starts.

General Mills recently added organic brands Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen to its product line.  Kellogg has followed suit with the Morningstar Farms brand.  Even the "King of the Food-Titans," PepsiCo, has added an organic selection within its Tropicana line of juices.

Early AMNT Shareholders to WIN BIG on ConAgra Buy-Out

ConAgra has maintained over 20 years of consistent market-cap growth by exploiting new revenue sources within the ever-changing consumer-foods sector. The acquisition, or buy-out, of rapidly emerging name brands continues to be the cornerstone of this proven growth strategy.

Amish Naturals is next on ConAgra's Agenda

ConAgra saw the emerging consumer trend toward healthier, fat-free popcorn, and then bought-out Orville Redenbacher.  ConAgra anticipated the universal popularity of kosher purity standards in meats through its acquisition of the Hebrew National name brand.  Keep reading to see why I project Amish Naturals is next on the ConAgra acquisition target-list.

The organic processing standard is now the fastest growing trend in the food industry.  Even the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) now issues a highly-coveted certification to qualified organic food companies.  Consumers now demand higher food purity containing no synthetic pesticides or other harmful chemicals.  The Amish have mastered this strict purity for centuries, and now you can cash in as an early AMNT investor.

Amish Naturals receives organic certifications by USDA

Amish Naturals (AMNT) is in the right place at the optimum time.  The company is rapidly expanding its presence in the red-hot organic-foods niche, and ConAgra has already shown 2 of the 3 preemptive signals of a potential buy-out move on Amish Naturals.  From me to you - This is your Call-to-Profits:

ConAgra has already shown 2 of the 3 "Sure-Fire Signals" to Buy-out Amish Naturals

Buy-Out Signal 1: Anticipate an emerging consumer trend and establish a presence to exploit new revenue sources.

For over a decade, ConAgra has recognized increased consumer demand for healthier meal options.  Their Egg Beaters brand provides the nutrition of eggs without the fat and cholesterol.  ConAgra's Healthy Choice pre-made meals are certified by the American Heart Association. ConAgra must make an organic-specialist acquisition to surpass its food-conglomerate competitors.

Buy-Out Signal 2:  Management migration to the best independent company specializing in the organic-foods niche.

Although Amish Naturals has been publicly traded for just one year, the company has already added four key leaders formerly with ConAgra's world renowned marketing team.  ConAgra would never let such marketing power go to an independent unless it was part of a master acquisition plan.

Buy-Out Signal 3: Giant conglomerate publicly announces its buy-out offer of independent niche company.

This 3rd signal has not yet happened � but I am projecting it with 100% confidence.  I want you to take this advantage and buy AMNT right now below $2. If you hesitate � and a buy-out is announced � you will have missed out on a GIANT PAYDAY.

As always, be sure to call Amish Naturals toll-free at 888-783-5006 to request your shareholder information kit, or visit the company online at this site.

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