Wednesday, April 1, 2009

3 Top Stocks are An Easy Double

It's hard to believe we're in a recession when you look at the recent performance of the wind industry.

And while I've seen numerous claims of "recession-busting profits," I'd have to say that crown belongs exclusively to the wind sector.

Last year -- in the face of the worst economic times in decades -- the wind industry delivered revenue well over $45 billion.

But that's not even the best part...

Even though $45 billion in revenue is impressive, it's nothing compared to wind's 28% growth rate last year.

I can think of several industries that contracted by 28% or more, but I can't think of one that grew that much.

Wind energy has truly been a safe haven in the face of recession... and the next few years will be even better.

The industry is expected to grow 27% annually through 2015. And annual revenues are slated to more than double in the same time.

If you want to take advantage of this easy profit opportunity, I've singled out three must-own top stocks in the report below.

As you'll read in the report, I think following this advice could net you an easy double in the next 18 months.

You just don't hear a story like this every day...

Late last year, as global markets spiraled downward, NACEL Energy Corporation - a little-known wind energy company based out of Denver - was approached by its former CEO - Dan Leach - with a very unusual proposition...

...To buy 1,250,000 shares of NACEL's common stock.

You see, before Mr. Leach left the company, he was instrumental to the startup of four wind energy projects for NACEL...

Two small projects in the Texas panhandle,

Another project in Kansas (for which a location hasn't even been secured yet), and

A proposed three-phase project in the Dominican Republic.

Now here's a guy who's made a career in wind energy, having served as senior wind energy development consultant for Duke Energy since 1995. So he knows the drill.

And although he left NACEL to pursue other interests, he wanted those four wind energy projects back.

He even made a formal proposal to have the rights to all four wind projects transferred back to his name - in exchange for 1,250,000 shares of the company's common stock.

Now, if that seems a bit strange, consider this:

This tiny wind company refused Mr. Leach's offer.

That's right. Rather than cash in on an outright purchase of over one million shares, NACEL decided to hold fast to their projects...


Because the offer Leach made will look like chump change... once those turbines start generating revenue!

$47.5 Billion In One Year

Actually, NACEL's decision isn't very shocking at all when you take a look at the facts:

* The global wind energy market has grown 482% over the last seven years.

* Global capacity will grow over 27% annually from 2000 to 2015.

* Wind-generated revenues exceeded $47.5 billion in 2008 alone.

That's right. In just one year, the wind energy industry generated more than $47 billion.

And in less than a decade - even as we head face first into a full-blown recession - that number is expected to reach nearly $90 billion in revenue. . . each and every year.

In a moment, I'll tell you exactly how you can get some of this early action with 3 very specific wind energy hot stocks.

But first, let me show why...

  Wind Energy Just Got A Major Shot Of Steroids

Earlier this year, the Global Wind Energy Council released wind industry statistics for 2008--the most up-to-date and authoritative numbers available.

Despite a global recession, the wind industry turned in its best yearly performance ever. Over 27,000 megawatts of new wind installations were put in place. . .delivering an unheard-of 28.8% annual growth rate during the most uncertain market times in decades.

But here's where it really gets good.

According to the GWEC, "the global wind market for turbine installations in 2008 was worth $47.5 billion." With 27,000 megawatts installed, that works out to about $1.76 million per megawatt!

By 2015, global installed capacity is expected to grow to 294,221 MW for 143% growth in the next six short years. Put another way, there will be an additional 173,208 MW installed in the next five years.

Take a look:

wind energy growth

At an average cost of $1.76 million per megawatt, you're looking at a $304.9 billion market-in just the next five years.

That's why we've already taken positions in three small wind energy stocks market that are about to begin a very long and profitable ride.

In fact, we believe that all 3 of these top stocks will deliver gains in excess of 28% by the end of the year, and are...

An Easy Double in 18 Months

I'm completely serious.

Given wind's forecast momentum and the incentives given to the industry via the recently-passed stimulus, the three top stocks I've hand-picked for you are going to deliver blockbuster gains over the next few years.

But Congress' love-affair with clean energy has only just begun . .

They've already extended the production tax credit for wind through 2012, and have loosened the restrictions on it so the cash can be claimed up front.

They are also making it easier to transport wind energy by investing billions in transmission lines and smart grid improvements.

And bills could be passed by the end of the year that would require a certain percentage of our electricity to come from renewable resources, like wind energy.

These hot stocks are going to explode when that happens, so you need to lock in a low price today, while they are still undervalued in the face of recession.

In fact, all three of the stocks are already on the rise in anticipation of the wind industry's future success.

So just imagine what's going to happen when the broader market rebounds and as billions of dollars continue to pour into the sector.

I'll tell you what's going to happen.

Alternative energy stocks are heading straight up - and wind energy stocks are going to lead the charge.

An easy double is certainly in the cards.

And the 3 wind stocks you'll read about in my report actually give you an opportunity to profit from every aspect of the industry.

From turbines to transmission, you can profit from every angle when the rest of Wall Street comes running.

And I'll show you how in my free report, Wind Energy: 3 Stocks To Own NOW.

In this report, you'll not only get the names of these 3 wind energy stocks, but you'll also see exactly why these are the most lucrative wind energy plays in the market. You'll even get very specific entry points so you can...

Squeeze Every Single Penny Out Of Your Investment

Listen: There will never be a better time to exploit the coming growth of the wind industry for profits.

And I want to show you exactly how you can turn these 3 largely undiscovered wind energy companies into years of solid gains...

But first, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Nick Hodge, and I'm the managing editor of the Alternative Energy Speculator.

In 2008 and early 2009 - during one of the absolute worst markets in recorded history - I helped investors avoid the pitfalls of this full-blown market meltdown, while successfully leading them to double- and triple-digit gains in the alternative energy sector.

From a 121% gain on a Canadian marine energy play to a 262% gain on a tiny thin-film solar company (a recommendation that few on Wall Street even knew existed), Alternative Energy Speculators were cashing in while the Dow nose-dived into oblivion... and Wall Street ran for cover.

In fact, it's because we've been so successful that I decided to put together this special report, which explains specifically how you can get a piece of the booming wind industry.

And like I said earlier, I'd like you to have it, absolutely free.

In this report, I spell out specifically...

Which 3 wind stocks will deliver the biggest (and fastest) gains...

How to boost your portfolio with the company that powers the wind industry - not to mention the natural gas, water, and paper industries - from behind the scenes...

How a little-known wind fund can help you capture profits from large foreign wind companies. . .

And most importantly, you'll learn how to use all this information to your advantage - pouncing at just the right time, and riding these things for a very long and profitable run.

Of course, this is nothing new for us.

Just take a look at some of the gains my readers have cashed in during this global recession:

SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ: SPWRA) -- 47.54%

Solarfun Power Holdilngs (NASDAQ:SOLF) -- 110.64%

JA Solar Holdings (NASDAQ: JASO) -- 43.91%

GT Solar International (NASDAQ: SOLR) -- 42.86%

Xantrex Technologies (TSE: XTX) -- 25.70%

And there are plenty more to come this year as the administration continues to crank out favorable renewable energy legislation and wind industry really hits its stride.

Believe me, the 3 top stocks that I'm going to reveal to you in my free special report are just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, at this very moment, we have 7 new stocks in our queue.  And that's on top of the more than 12 winning positions we've already closed in 2009!

That means at any moment, we're going to issue as many as 7 new recommendations. . . across all sectors of the renewable energy industry.

And that's why I want to send you my free report, Wind Energy: 3 top Stocks To Own NOW, right away - so you can claim each and every one of these upcoming gains, starting NOW.

With this report as your guide, you'll have the opportunity to join us as we continue to exploit every opportunity afforded to us by the ongoing energy crisis, the Obama administration. . . and the full-scale integration of wind energy.

And all you have to do to claim your place in this growing market today is accept a no-risk charter membership to the Alternative Energy Speculator.

Not only will you have access to the special report immediately...

But you'll also receive a username and password for the Alternative Energy Speculator web site. This will give you unlimited access to past issues, help you keep track of the stocks in our portfolio, and allow you to read all of our other reports, including. . . 

Infrastructure Investmenting: Sky-High Underground Profits

Buy American: Three Solar Stocks for Profit and

Water: Profiting from the Disappearance of the World's Most Valuable Resource

In addition to these reports, every week you'll also receive detailed updates on the companies in the Alternative Energy Speculator's portfolio. You'll learn how they're doing, the latest in their research, and any breakthroughs that come through in the sector.

Plus, the second we decide to add or sell a company, I'll contact you - instantly.

You'll know at what price to get in, how much you should expect to make and, most importantly, when to sell.

These instant alerts are simply too important for the weekly issue.

But that's not all!

Because this is a charter membership offer, I want to offer you a one-time deal...

You see, with all the time that goes into uncovering these little-known energy plays found in the Alternative Energy Speculator, and the substantially larger gains involved, we had no choice but to make it somewhat pricier than our flagship Green Chip Stocks service.

In other words, we had to cover our own cost of unearthing these gems. Since we do a great deal of travel, meet with CEOs, and inspect many of the companies with our own eyes, it tends to get pricey... especially when you consider how many opportunities we turn down before we actually find one worth getting excited about.

That's why the membership fee to the Alternative Energy Speculator is $499 a year...

But if that's too heavy a lump sum, you can register for our quarterly auto-renewal service for only $139! Your membership will be automatically updated every quarter for the life of your subscription. That means you won't miss a single pick or buy/sell recommendation. And even better: no annoying renewal notices.

And there's still more...

I'll even throw in a copy of my newly-released book: Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks, which I co-authored with energy experts Jeff Siegel and Chris Nelder (a $27.95 value).

So, here's the final tally:

Membership in the Alternative Energy Speculator

Our latest report: Wind Energy: 3 Top Stocks To Own NOW

Weekly updates and recommendations

Three additional FREE bonus reports

And a FREE copy of my new book...

All for just $499 a year if you accept this offer today!

And here's my promise to you:

I will give you 30 days to examine our top-notch research and investment philosophy. If you decide that the Alternative Energy Speculator is not for you at any time during this trial period, simply let me know in the first 30 days, and I'll completely reimburse you every penny. That's right - every penny.

You can even keep the book. It's my gift to you. 


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