Friday, March 13, 2009

Call Trading Increases on Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)

Digital River (DRIV) Challenges Long-Term Resistance Following

Digital River (DRIV: sentiment, chart, options) has vaulted more than 10% higher today following an upgrade to "buy" from "hold" by Deutsche Bank analyst Jeetil Patel. Patel also lifted his price target on DRIV to $30 from $20 per share. In a research note, the analyst said, "business trends have been improving" in the first quarter, and that "future prospects look particularly healthy."

Patel believes that DRIV could diversify revenues shifting more toward direct Web distribution and facing growing costs in managing e-commerce internally. As a result of his improved view of the company, Patel upped his first-quarter earnings estimate to 51 cents from 49 cents per share, with full-year earnings seen at $2.05, up from $2 per share.

Checking in with the rest of the brokerage bunch, Deutsche Bank has gone out on a limb with today's "buy" rating. Currently, only 3 analysts rate DRIV a "buy," while 10 have doled out "holds" and another 2 have issued "sells," according to Zacks. Meanwhile, Thomson Reuters reports that the consensus 12-month price target for DRIV rests at $26 per share - a discount to the stock's current trading range just shy of $27. Any additional upgrades or price-target increases could provide additional buying pressure for the security.

Technically speaking, DRIV has rallied into long-term resistance at the 27 level following this morning's upgrade. Despite several attempts to best resistance in the region, the shares have not closed above $27 per share since Oct. 20, 2008. If DRIV can best this technical hurdle, the next region of resistance doesn't materialize until the 30 level - which is home to the stock's February 2008 lows and its declining 10-month moving average.

A 379-Point Rally for the Dow Jones Industrial Average

The day ends with a massive rally as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) surges 379 points. The S&P 500 (SPX) jumped 6% while the Nasdaq Composite (COMP) and Russell 2000 (RUT) each advanced 7%.

Continuing the pattern we saw earlier, the sector graph shows most stock-related groups rallied. The only decliners were bonds, oil, gold and the Amex Gold Bugs Index (HUI). Financials led the charge as the Regional Bank HOLDRS (RKH) jumped 16%. The SPDR Homebuilders (XHB) gained over 10%.

Looking at the SPX, this marks the largest single-day advance since November 24. While that sounds impressive, you may want to consider the daily chart below. I have put my cursor on the day of that rally. It is true that we did see a rally off the lows. However, it is equally true that the bounce was relatively short-lived and the market went on to make new lows. In other words, rallies in a bear market may "feel" good but they must be viewed in context. By that, I mean it is important to understand they can be violent but short-lived. Bulls markets trend higher with sudden pullbacks. Bear markets grind lower with sudden rallies. 

My intent here isn't to spread gloom. I simply want to remain objective. On the bright side the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) did break the downtrend shown below. This opens up the possibility of a run to 7500 or even 8000 before heavy resistance is hit. However, if we do rally that much, we will likely be overbought. In other words, when the rally "really" starts to feel good, it will be at its most vulnerable. That will be the point where we will get a true test of how strong the buying demand really is. But I am getting way ahead of where the market is now.

For now, we head into tomorrow with the broad market indices trying to rally off their lows. A short-term downtrend has been broken and we are coming out of an oversold condition with room to run before serious resistance is met. If this can't entice buyers to step in from the sidelines, I am not sure what would. And that is where I will pick up in the morning. Have a nice evening.

Call Trading Increases on Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ: sentiment, chart, options) has been the focus of increasing optimism recently. The stock's Schaeffer's put/call open interest ratio (SOIR) has edged lower from 0.81 on March 2 to its current perch of 0.65. During this time frame, call open interest among options slated to expire in less than 3 months increased by 23.8%, while put open interest dropped by 0.7%.

What's more, the stock's SOIR is currently lower than all but 4% of the readings taken during the past year. In other words, short-term options players have been more optimistically aligned toward the stock just 4% of the time during the past 12 months.

On Monday, the April 55 call proved to be the most active, as roughly 3,000 new positions were added to the strike, pushing open interest up to 23,960. The April 60 call is the next heaviest, with open interest of nearly 30,000 contracts.

Technically speaking, the shares of JNJ are up more than 2% this afternoon, but are facing staunch resistance in the form of their declining 10-day moving average. JNJ has not finished a session above this short-term trendline since Feb. 10.

500% Profit From the Media-Ignored Bull Stocks Market

"Don't get too used to cheap oil prices. They won't be around for long."

That's the warning we first shared with you three weeks ago -- when oil traded for $35 a barrel.

Since then, while virtually every media outlet exclusively focused on our financial crisis, oil prices quietly surged an astounding 28%.

And it's just getting started.

The truth is, our team of researchers recently confirmed that we're now in the early stages of another massive bottleneck in supply... one so large that we're realistically looking at $100+ oil -- within the next few months.

But as you'll see in your free report below, we also uncovered a rare investment tool that could pay you as much as 500% as it happens.

In fact, in the past two weeks alone, investors using this powerful tool already gained 34%.

In a market this gut-wrenching, you can't afford to pass this virtually-guaranteed money-making opportunity up.

Every November, the International Energy Agency (IEA) releases its World Energy Outlook report.

The 578-page document blueprints exactly where our future energy sources will come from and when - for leaders and elite investors around the world.

And they read it for good reason...

Since its inception, the findings within the pages have been so accurate that the annual report reigns as "the authority of energy analysis and projections."

In fact, many people today trust their report without question.

I just finished pouring through my copy.

It was handed to me after a fellow geologist, with first-hand experience in the Canadian oil sands, pointed out a shocking error - one that guarantees an imminent spike in the price of oil.

In short, the report claims that:

"Thanks to ever-dwindling supplies in the Middle East, the world will rely on Canada as the largest oil producing country by 2010."

It's been their same projection since 2006.

But there's just one problem.

The World Energy Outlook forgot the other half of the story...

You see, what you won't read in the report is that many of those companies we will rely on have already halted production in scores of their fields.

They were forced to postpone production as the price of oil crashed into the unfeasible $30 range.

Many projects, projects that were expected to seamlessly come online within weeks, are now months - even years - behind.

It's a supply and demand bottleneck we can't stop. And it's guaranteed to once again launch the price of oil violently back to the $140 plus range... very soon.

That's a 250% increase from what we're paying today. And that's a conservative estimate.

The good news is that we also, very recently, uncovered a secret investment - which most Americans know nothing about - that could hand you 500% gains as this spike hits.

And the best part is that it's not related to risky exploration or production companies, either. Instead, it's directly - dollar for dollar - related to the price of oil. Only this gem pays you DOUBLE the gains!

In fact, investors using this blockbuster already pocketed 34% gains - in the last seven days as oil popped 17%!

I've written this letter to give you every last detail on exactly how it works. But first, let me quickly remind you...

How The Smallest Supply Crunch Could Make You Filthy Rich

As you know, four years ago, a pair of hurricanes blitzed our Gulf Coast's oil and gas refineries, forcing our production to a crawl.

That instant, Americans witnessed the unthinkable... oil prices launch from $50 to over $70 per barrel.

It was the first lesson in a cold, hard truth... and what should have been the investment eye-opener of a lifetime.

We learned first-hand exactly how sensitive we were to the tiniest interruption - or even threat of interruption - in our supply.

And it broadsided almost everyone.

In fact, month after month, most so-called experts all over TV, from the CNBC analysts to Dick Cheney... even most Americans foolishly believed everything was fine. And that the price would soon tumble back down.

They were so confident that everything would immediately pan out that they did nothing. And it cost them - quite possibly the opportunity of a lifetime.

Do you remember where you were when gas suddenly hit $4.13?

Most of us sat back in shock and awe as daily gas prices became so painfully expensive that we were forced to cancel holiday and summer vacations... Going out on weekends turned into USA Channel reruns of Monk on the couch... And we only filled-up our tanks just enough to make it to and from work.

But not everyone...

You see, one small group of investors saw it coming from the start. They knew exactly how to play this "bottleneck."

And they played it for everything it was worth... churning winning trade after winning trade.

I'm talking about everyday investors - people like you and me, working long hours just to pay the bills - who saw it coming, suddenly found themselves collecting dozens of massive payouts, the likes of 33% in three months... 156% in 9 months... 611% in 6 months... 1,014% in 17 months... etc.

People like Norman Wilson, an insurance salesman and father of four, who turned a small $10,000 into $61,900 on just three plays during the bottleneck.

And then there's Bill Walker, a machine worker. He used this amazing opportunity to rapidly spin $15,000 into $65,400.

Even school teachers like Lee Davis took advantage of this opportunity and raked in a cool $12,500 profit - in a single week.

They didn't just take the safe - and highly profitable - road by investing in oil futures either... they took advantage of the scores of oil companies, spreading like wildfire, to our northern borders.

And their timing was perfect. Shortly after their positions were already secured: declared - "Energy Stocks Drive TSX Higher"

Fortune Magazine printed - "Canada's oil sands remain alluring as a future source of crude. Suncor (Research), the pioneer of Alberta's booming industry, has returned 142 percent since we recommended it."

Forbes noticed - "Gurus Fill Up With Oil And Gas Stocks"

Bloomberg reported - "Canadian Stocks Headed For Best Weekly Advance In Three Months... Led by materials and energy producers"

And with an estimated 1.5 trillion barrels locked under their soil, and oil prices skyrocketing faster by the day, Canada's low-priced outfits suddenly became the hottest investments since Exxon.

Investors in companies like Suncor, Grey Wolf, UTS, Conacher and many more - companies sitting on oil resources that we desperately need to come online as early as 2010 - easily raked in 200%, 300%, even 1,000% gains in a matter of months, as oil prices skyrocketed beyond $147 per barrel!

But By The Time The Easiest Money Was Made, Most Americans Catching On Found Themselves S.O.L.

Sadly, it took oil prices to break over $100 a barrel before most investors started realizing that they could have made an absolute fortune.

They missed the boat.

And those earlier investors - the ones who caught the first stages of a run - the ones who knew where the profits would be juiciest, started cashing out at the peak, just as our banking and economic crisis cranked into high-gear.

Then, of course, the weakened world-wide economy acted as the final bulldozer that toppled July's high of $147 all the way down to $33 a barrel by December 17th.

And while the average American rejoiced that - at the very least - gasoline was "affordable" again... something much more tragic - and much more profitable quietly unfolded.

You see, thanks to prices becoming too low, many of Canada's oil companies - resources that would supply crucially needed oil for the U.S. and rest of the world in a few months - couldn't stay in business.

And we need that oil, like a junkie needs his fix.

In fact, the U.S. depends on AND imports more oil from Canada than from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, and Iraq - combined.

But one by one, we started finding major oil projects temporarily closing up shop. Drilling and refining stopped. Exploration and testing lost all capital. And their share prices ultimately plummeted.

Just to name a few examples:

StatoilHydro recently yanked the rug from under a $12 billion project in Canada's Peace River.

Both Nexen Inc and Opti Canada Inc were forced to halt advancement on major projects in Alberta.

Suncor, Canada's oldest oil sands operator, was forced to cut its spending by 33%, thanks to lack of profitablility with the current extremely low prices.

Oil giant Dutch Royal Shell's stopped work on several of their Canadian projects until prices regain strength.

The major partners in the proposed $24 billion Fort Hills oil-sands project in northern Alberta - Petro-Canada, Teck Cominco and UTS Energy - announced they may defer a decision to build an upgrading refinery northeast of Edmonton.

The list goes on.

As I mentioned earlier, within months, precious deposits of oil - even locations that were set to come online within weeks - are now months behind.

Some are trading now for a 90% discount.

But ironically, these outfits just created a powerful, self-fulfilling prophecy... an unstoppable bottleneck guaranteed to launch oil prices - very soon - through the roof.

And it's already started.

Your Second Chance To Ride One Of The Most Profitable Bull Markets In History

Don't let oil's current low price fool you this time.

Thanks to an already guaranteed shortage -- just around the corner -- these low prices won't be around for long.

Here are just a few more of the critical points from their latest report:

Global oil demand is projected to expand 2.2% a year, on average, reaching 95.8 million barrels a day by 2012, up from 86.13 million barrels a day this year. The forecast is based on global economic growth of about 4.5% annually. Oil demand is expected to increase most rapidly in Asia and the Middle East.

OPEC, which supplies more than 40% of the world's daily oil needs, will have little spare capacity left by 2012.

Increases from non-OPEC oil producers and biofuel producers should start flagging after 2009.

Natural gas markets will also be tight because of inadequate supply increases, limiting the ability of consumers to switch between oil and natural gas.

And that's just the beginning of the coming bottleneck. Here's what CNN recently reported:

And very soon, when word of the shortage hits, the exact same scenario that the hurricanes caused will already have started unfolding... only this time, the gains will hit much, much faster.

The smart money's already placing their bets.

They're already preparing to collect a fortune!

And if you're prepared, as I'll show you, step by step, in just one moment, you'll soon find that many of the very same companies that surged before will rapidly once again start compounding your wealth.

And here's the kicker:

This time, they won't need nearly as much capital to get started! Most of their infrastructure is already ready to go - and they're trading for just pennies on the dollar.

And if you think that's a juicy opportunity, let me show you how you could...

Collect Twice The Gains Of NYMEX Oil Traders... with One Simple, Yet Little-known Play


We know oil prices are about to skyrocket. We know they're just around the corner. And we know that those slick traders playing NYMEX futures - guys who need hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get started - somehow always come out ahead.

But here's what you might not know...

Very recently, we've uncovered a rare investment that could pay you gains just as astonishing as any jackpot oil resource company out there - but without the risk!

Here's how it works.

You see, this special investment, which most investors know absolutely nothing about, doesn't even follow oil producers or risky exploration companies... it strictly follows the physical oil market.

And get this:

Thanks to the unique nature of this investment, you can actually get paid double the gains that oil makes!

In other words, a 10% gain pays you 20%... 20% gain pays you 40%... 100% rise in oil prices pays you 200%

That means, if oil shoots 50% this year, which is our gross-underestimate, you double your money!

If oil shoots up to the $70 range... every $5,000 invested suddenly turns into a $10,000 payday!

With oil trading in the upper $30-range, this unique opportunity doesn't get any easier.

Just imagine how much money you'll be sitting on when oil prices plow through the $140 a barrel mark!

I'm not talking about several years down the line either. We could realistically find ourselves staring right down the throat of $100 before January... $140 by next April... even $200 a barrel by the end of 2010!

Every last detail is spelled out for you in our latest report. It's called, Hotter Gains Than NYMEX Traders Could Ever Make. And I want you to have it for FREE.

All you have to do is test out our top-performing trading advisory, The Pure Energy Trader.

But before I divulge all the details about how to get started collecting a fortune in this Bottleneck Bull-Market, let me introduce myself and my team...

Introducing... The Pure Energy Trader

My name is Brian Hicks.

I'm the president of the investment research company Angel Publishing Investment Research. I've spent my entire investment career, going on two decades now, uncovering the market's best moneymaking trends and showing investors like you how to profit from the most undervalued opportunities in the world.

I've taken investment junkets all over the world... to historic oil boomtowns like Desdemona, Texas, to the Powder River Basin in Wyoming to Kiev, Ukraine. We've been to the heart of the oil sands industry, Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada. I've been blown away by a wind park in Palm Springs, California. And I've seen first-hand the natural gas boom in the Barnett Shale.

My investment insights and ideas have landed me frequent spots on financial shows like CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN, Fox Business, and, most recently, C-SPAN... where I spoke on the energy markets and the U.S. dollar.

I'm not telling you this to be a showboat. But I want you to understand that it's this dedication and never-ending persistence that has allowed me to develop friendships and contacts with some of the best financial minds and industry insiders around the world.

And recently, it's allowed me to acquire a man who could easily be considered, with well over 1,153 successful trades under his belt, one of the best traders on the planet today.

His name is Ian Cooper.

And to get a better handle on why I cherry-picked Ian over any other research analyst out there, look no further than his track record...

120% on Royal Caribbean 

194.12% on QQQ

269.52% on On2 Technologies

270% on ONT

268% on CYD

206.33% on VTSS

246% on IPIX

233% on TLTCJ

515.38% on MQJSB

225% on ETGP

302.15% on ASTM

And that's just to name a few. Had I shown you all of his winning trades just for the past 2 years, it would be five pages long.

His off-the-charts accuracy for reliably reading the markets, matched with his winner-after-winner track record, have plastered his sought-after advice on the pages of numerous publications. He's filled columns from Investor's Business Daily all the way to Forbes.

He's also frequently appeared on investment shows such as Money Matters with Barry Armstrong and On the Money with Mike Stein.

In other words, Ian is the real deal.

In the past few months, I'm willing to bet that you've gained valuable wisdom just from Ian's dead-on articles in Wealth Daily or Energy and Capital.

He's spotted scores of blockbuster buy and hold opportunities. But it's his knack for finding rapid, explosive trades - just like the one that could pay you double the gains oil makes - that brought him to the Pure Energy Trader team. After all, he's constantly...

  • Silver; Past, Present, Future - Phoenix Silver Sum...
  • Digital River (DRIV) Challenges Long-Term Resistan...
  • The gold stocks are back!
  • Between Hope and Fear

    The Most Critical Stocks Market Story

    The major announcement from the White House on the morning of Monday, March 9, 2009 just tipped the scales in your favor.

    By that I mean ― what you're about to read will become the most important investing story of our lifetimes.

    And I called it ― months ago. I've done the research. I've interviewed all the key players...and I'm ready to tell you everything.

    And the readers savvy enough to have acted on my initial recommendation in these companies are up as much as 208%. Don't worry ― you can still act in time to make your own life-changing gains.

    But only if you're one of the first 558 folks to respond to this urgent memo.

    I'll explain that urgent limit in one moment. For now, back to the story:

    It starts with one man...

    He isn't a politician.

    And he's not a Washington insider.

    He's a scientist.

    The man I'll introduce to you is one of several top scientists who have President Obama's ear on what could be the most critical market story of the next decade.

    The ideas he controls are powerful enough to start a stream of wealth that could last your family three generations, or more.

    What I'm about to share with you is the most important story you'll learn about all year.

    I'm talking about the chance at millions of dollars for you and your loved ones.

    In just a moment, I'm going to tell you all about this brilliant scientist.

    I'll tell you about the company he controls.

    I'll show you why his company (and companies he used to work for) could be so important to your financial future.

    And I'll outline step-by-step why Barack Obama should listen to him so carefully.

    Because the man you're about to meet is on the cutting-edge of a field with the potential to grow America out of our current economic mess.

    Better yet, you could make huge profits from him regardless of your political beliefs.

    What I'm about to share is "beyond" politics. In fact, two influential Senators (one from each party), have pledged to support President Obama's world-changing science declaration that took place just this Monday, March 9, 2009. More on this in just a minute...

    But first, know this: The scientist I'll introduce could change the way every single person on the planet lives.

    For the better.

    Get in early enough, and you'll have a chance to rack up a pile of wealth that could even last your family three generations or more.

    Because the world stands to change a great deal during President Obama's first 100 days in office. In fact, things are changing before our eyes. Today. As I write.

    Let me explain...

    This Trillion-Dollar Market Is Turning Into a Free-For-All During Obama's First 100 Days ― Play it Right, And You Could Get Rich

    One scientist I'll tell you about leads an industry that could grow tremendously in Obama's first term. It could even take off like a rocket during his first 100 days.

    So I'm not kidding when I say this could be the biggest market story of our lives.

    I can predict that with confidence because this scientist has a stellar 20-year track record of success.

    In fact, some people consider him the "father" of this industry.

    And Barack Obama knows just how important his field is to the future of the country. 


    Let me paint you a picture. When I'm done, I'll tell you exactly how it could come to pass. In fact, some of what I'll show you has already taken place.

    That's why, very soon, I'll ask you to act on this information right away.

    Now here's your immense profit opportunity in a nutshell...

    We Could Hit "Critical Mass" in a Very Short Time ― as Your Opportunity For Three Generations of Everlasting Wealth Stares You in the Face

    Health, medical, and scientific regulations stand to change dramatically under the new Obama administration ― which began with his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009.
    Huge changes are anticipated at the Food and Drug Administration, the National Science Foundation, as well as the National Institutes of Health.

    The doors have swung wide open... and the story will wait for no one. Check out these recent quotes...

    Harold Varmus ― Chairman of White House Council of Advisers on Science and Technology: "We view what happened with [key research] in the last administration is... failure to think carefully about how federal support of science and the use of scientific advice occurs."

    Dr. Curt Civin ― Founding Director of the Univ. of Maryland Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine: "Now the silly restrictions are lifted."

    Sen Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri: Obama's Exec Order of March 9, 2009 will ― "Once again say to the rest of the world that we will be the beacon for cures and for hope."

    Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: Regarding his Senate legislation (also with Sen. Tom Harkin, D ― Iowa): The legislation would protect Obama's reversal of Bush science policy "so that it does not ping-pong back and forth with each successive president."

    Sen. Harkin: "For too long, political interference has delayed research that holds the promise for millions of Americans who suffer from a wide range of diseases."

    This means some ideas will be fast-tracked.

    Even better, on the fastest-track of all could be the work of the scientist I'll introduce to you. His work could make a small group of people like you very rich.

    Here's what's about to happen...

    During his Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008 Internet address, President-Elect Barack Obama said:

    To hear those words, you might think Obama meant the last eight years have seen science pushed to the side.

    Well, depending on how you look at it, you'd be right.


    Enough with Top Stocks Already

    Dow got you down? Well it probably has a lot farther to go, even if there are rallies. 

    It's getting harder and harder to make a buck with "buy and hold"…but who says that buying and holding stocks is the only way to make money or the best?

    You could average gains of 104% ― without owning a single stock ― but to find out how, you're going to have to read on…

    I'll never forget what my dad told me on that cool autumn walk in 1976.

    I was young and hardly knew anything about money... but it didn't matter. The secret was just that simple.

    In easy, gentle words, he told me the secret that eventually could have made as much as $1 million in just five years. And nearly $2 million in under 10 years...

    You could do that, he told me, without "buy and hold"... without waiting for the stock market to "wake up."

    Years later, I saw his private method make vast sums of lasting wealth without buying a single stock. 

    That's why he called it the "Zero Stock Solution." And he taught it to me, all those years ago, on that brisk afternoon.

    I had no idea how earth shattering his "Zero Stock" secret was until many, many years later.

    But really, who would believe you could make multiple millions in the market without touching one share of the best stock?

    Especially since he told me that you could fully harness the "Zero Stock Solution" to do it in ― get this ― about three minutes a day.

    If this was a "job," it'd have hourly wage of about $10,400 an hour!

    So you can see why I was skeptical... until I saw it work for myself.

    The success I've found from dad's advice has shielded my family from great financial misfortune, and given us a life more comfortable than I'd ever dreamed of.

    It can do the same for you, too. And I'll tell you how...

    Dad Could Do It, But What About You and Me?

    I always knew Dad could conquer the markets for outsized gains.

    Ever since I was a kid, I saw him use the Zero Stock Solution to make fortunes for a small circle of private clients.

    Take the Zero Stock Solution seminar he gave in the '50's; he charged $25 for three hours of information in a packed and stuffy hotel room.

    A total of 22 people showed up.

    Just 5 weeks later, some of the ones who followed his advice were as much as $50,000 richer!

    That's over $300,000 in today's money. And as much as a 199,900% return on the attendee's $25 seminar fee just five weeks later.

    Sure, I'd seen Dad achieve all of that.

    But he was a genius. One of a kind.

    That's why when Dad passed away ten years ago, some people thought no one could fill his shoes.

    BUT... I plugged away at the Zero Stock Solution he entrusted to me. I had worked closely with him since 1995, and when he suddenly passed away, I knew I was prepared to step in and continue his service.

    And you know what? The family secret worked, and then some. To the tune of $1,898,052 in just under 10 years.

    I'll show you exactly how in a minute...But first let me make this clear:

    "I tell you all this because Dad changed my life with the Zero Stock Solution.

    He changed an awful lot of people's lives.

    And as long as I can keep flesh and bone together, I'll keep that legacy of teaching people how to become millionaires going strong."

    So (if you choose) I'm going to show you what's happened since I took over Dad's groundbreaking Zero Stock Solution.

    Back on that walk in 1976 I never imagined this could happen.

    But fast forward 33 years and here are the Zero Stock Solution gains I've found for readers. Unbelievable success for ordinary people, just like you...

    How Dad's Secret Led to Success ― For Me and Hundreds Of Lucky Friends Around the Country

    I took over the Zero Stock Solution in late 1999 ― right around the tech crash.

    You remember those brutal days in the market ― and even though I'd been managing my own research company for nearly a decade, it was enough to give anyone pause...

    But I took Dad's old family secret and plugged away at it.

    And look what happened!

    If you had put just $5,000 into every one of my Zero Stock picks since I took over from my dad, and rode it to its highest possible point, this is what you'd be sitting on...

    In just the last three months of 1999, I recommended my first nine Zero Stock trades. Eight of them shot up. With just $5,000, you'd be up an extra $87,000 just 12 weeks later

    In 2000, following my simple Zero Stock picks could have grossed you another $173,215, bringing your cash horde to $260,215

    By the end of 2001, you could have nearly doubled your take again, packing on another $216,164 for a total of $476,379

    And then for 2002, you could have tossed another $205,101 onto that pile of cash. You'd now be at $681,480

    In 2003, you could have socked away another $189,463. That would take your Zero Stock portfolio to $870,943 in cool profits

    In 2004, we hit the million-dollar mark. You could have used my picks to add ANOTHER $221,300 to your total, in a single year. You'd have a cool million dollars, plus ― for an added bonus ― $92,243 and change.

    Not bad for a few years' haul, with barely three minutes of work each day... $1.09 million.

    Yes, $1.09 million in pure cash profits.

    Who would've thought I could do that, even with the power of the Zero Stock Solution?

    Certainly not me... but I guess the old man thought different.

    Yes, there were some huge individual Zero Stock high points that helped us get those big numbers. Like 1,011%... 898%... 1,202%... 472%... 858%... 589%... 838%...

    We also had plenty of smaller, faster gains.

    And sure, a few losers too.

    But overall, even though about 15% of the Zero Stock plays I recommended didn't work out during that period... over 85% of them did, well enough to give us an average high point per play of 104%... well enough to turn your initial investment of $5,000 into as much as $1.09 million.

    But it didn't stop there. I didn't think it could get any better, but it did ― in spades. Again, by putting $5,000 into each of my recommendations and riding each one to the highest possible point, here's how you would have fared:

    In 2005, you could have followed my recommendations for $217,524... bringing your total to $1,309,767 by year's end

    In 2006 there was another $150,375 haul by years' end, taking you all the way to a comfortable $1,460,142

    In 2007 you could have reeled in another $202,635 profit from this easy Zero Stock strategy. That brings your portfolio to $1,662,777

    And, for just the first four months of 2008, add a $235,276 cherry on top of that stash. That takes us to $1,898,052 total.

    Since it would take incredible timing and phenomenal luck to get out at the best exit price every time, you would have realistically logged profits shy of these recorded best gains.

    But even if you did only half as well... that's still an amazing $949,026 in the bank!

    So, you see, the old man was spot-on with his Zero Stock Solution.

    And if I can do it ― anyone can do it.

    In fact, "anyone" does do it nearly every week of the year.

    Here's how this no-hassle secret works for real people, all over the world...

    How These Stellar Zero Stock Solution Returns Change the Lives of Real People

    I can barely keep up with the letters I get about my readers who use dad's Zero Stock Solution.

    Take this one for example: I used to think letters like this came once in a lifetime...

    But now I know better.

    A Pile-Up on the World's Financial Highway

    I will wear my pant-legs rolled And walk along the beach... Then, I will drown myself in the pool

    The terrible pile-up on the world's financial highway has left us all in shock. We check to see if our fingers move. We look in the rear-view mirror to see if there is blood on our face. And then we crawl out of the car. Thank God, we can still walk! No broken bones.

    What's our name? Count back from 10.... Okay, no brain damage.

    But oh...look at our ride! The car is totaled. There's only about $100 trillion worth of wealth in the world. At least, that's the figure we read recently. We've also read that the total loss of wealth from the global financial crisis could be as much as $50 trillion. That was Rupert Murdoch's estimate. And he's probably not far off. Half the world's stock market value. Twenty percent of property values. Trillions in derivatives, SIVs, CDOs and IOUs. It adds up fast.

    But wait...what luck!...we're still in one piece. And there, on the side of the road, there's still a gas station...a pizza shop...a mall. Life goes on. Most of the wealth that was lost was only imaginary wealth - confections spun out of sugary dreams. Put a little water on them and the melt away... But the real wealth is still there...more or less.

    So cheer up. It's not so bad!

    Those who feared the 'end of the world' can relax. A financial crack-up doesn't mean that real assets disappear. Houses are still right where they were before the crack-up began. Factories are there too - with their assembly lines and heavy machinery. Every backhoe and tractor- trailer is still just as ready-for-service as it was before the crisis began.

    So what's the problem?

    Who said there was a problem? We don't have a you have a problem?

    It's just that the world economy is going through a major re- examination of its life. It was shaken up by the accident. Not just physically... emotionally too. It stared death in the face - or so it explained to friends, a bit too often and too dramatically, after the crash. So, it's decided to take a long vacation... After many years of working day in and day out...buying, selling, investing, speculating, leveraging, borrowing...whew! is ready for a rest. So, it's taking some time off. Thinking about things.

    'What am I really doing with my life?' it wants to know.

    'Is this the right way to go?' 'Does this take me where I want to be? Maybe I should have gone to law school like my mom wanted.'

    'And my marriage...what the heck is going on there? Evelyn was so nice and sweet when I married her. Now, all she thinks about is redecorating the house...and hanging out with her friends. And look what she did to her face! She's got those cardboard lips that never crack a smile... And now, she's mad at me because I lost money in the worldwide financial meltdown. But who didn't?'

    While all this deep reflection is going on, the world's income is falling rapidly. Businesses are closing their doors. Working stiffs are working a lot less. Machines are slowing down. The capitalists are just trying to hold on to what they've got - forget about making more.

    On Friday, the Dow fell another 100 points. It's headed down to the 3,000-5,000 level. Could there be a big rally first? Could it fall like a stone...even lower than 3,000? You bet.

    And look at what's going on with gold - up $25 on Friday to close over $1,000! The Dow is on it way to 3,000...and so is gold. Remember our 'Trade of the Decade?' Never mind...of course you do. Buy gold on dips...sell stocks on rallies. So far, so good...and only 10 1/2 months left to go.

    (More on gold, below...)

    Gradually, a stark and uncomfortable realization is setting in. It's like a middle-aged man who suddenly realizes he's wasted the best years of his life...

    The world's enterprises are set up for an economy that no longer exists! Factories were built...along with a whole chain of production, delivery, and provide too many things to too many people who can't pay for them.

    And now, in these moments of soul searching...of walking along the beach and hearing the seagulls speaking each to each...comes another realization: almost nothing is worth as much as it used to be. Take IOUs from people who can't pay their debts, for example. Houses lived in by people who don't have jobs. Shares in companies that sell stuff to people who can't afford to buy it. The 'wealth' that these things represented was mostly imaginary. And now that imaginary wealth is disappearing - poof!

    Dear reader, we are in a period of discovery - 'price discovery,' as economists call it. It's a time of growing self-awareness...of dawning reality. At is terrifying. For all of a sudden, it occurs to us that we have been dunderheads. We have paid too much...saved too little...

    We have misspent our time...mislaid our fortune...and misunderstood everything...

    ..and now, terrible truth strikes us like a Mac truck. We have been rear-ended, so to speak. Our life is a wreck...a wasted opportunity...a dead end.

    Is it too late to start a new one? A new career...maybe as a bankruptcy lawyer. And a new love in our life - maybe with one of these young surfer bunnies from California. Or perhaps a local girl...?

    *** Our intrepid correspondent, Byron King, with his thoughts on the recent gold rally:

    "I'm bullish on gold. Actually, I think that gold could go to $3,000 per ounce in the next 30 months. Really bullish.

    "There's no fever like gold fever. Right now, we are on the cusp of a great run-up in gold. I believe that there's still time to get into some excellent stocks. The gold miners have room to grow. They should benefit from rising gold prices. And we might see higher dividends down the road.

    "Is there a caution? Always. Could gold prices tumble? Well, yes. That would hurt us. But for gold prices to tumble would take a lot of investor dishoarding. That is, people would have to hit the 'sell' button en masse. And that would require some tectonic shifts in worldwide tax, fiscal and monetary policies by a host of socialist- leaning governments. For the moment, I think we're safe from any counterrevolutionary antics like that. As Charles de Gaulle once noted, 'People get the history that they deserve.'"

    Even though the stock markets are vicious, Byron sees the precious metals environment as healthy...especially for some of the elements in his Outstanding Investments portfolio.

    In fact, he knows of one way for his subscribers to buy gold - without taking delivery...or worrying about storage...bookkeeping...or security. You just benefit when the price of gold rises. And the way it's looking now; that's a pretty safe bet. Learn more about this 'golden opportunity' here.

    *** Colleague Manraag Singh brings us up to date on what's going in the monetary experiment known as Zimbabwe:

    "The Cato Institute estimates Zimbabwe's inflation rate at 89.7 sextillion percent. That is 89.7 million million million, or twenty-one zeroes behind the number.

    "Putting that into perspective, the official count of stars in the universe is about 70 sextillion, apparently...

    "On the plus side, Zimbabwe's share index is expected to double this year now that are re-opening it with trading in US dollars...

    "Gideon Gono had shut it down about three months ago after accusing some traders of using fraudulent cheques worth '60 hexillion' Zimbabwe dollars to buy shares. I haven't been able to find out how much a hexillion is..."

    *** Last night, at the bar...a friend told this story. Every word is true, as far as we know, except those that aren't:

    "You know, Nicaragua is a poor country. And you gringos are rich. I know, you're not all really rich. But the local people don't know who's rich and who's not. They figure you are all rich.

    "And when you gringos come down here, I guess it is just inevitable that there are some problems between the local people and you. That's why, here anyway, we don't let the local girls fools around with the visitors from North America. I mean, we can't stop them...but if they do, they are fired. We have to do it. Otherwise, it leads to trouble. The local guys don't like the gringos taking their women. And then, they get into fights. And down here, bar fights usually end up with someone dead.

    "And think of the poor girl. He goes back to the States and the poor girl has problems with her family and the can imagine.

    "Well, not here, but up the coast I was working with a guy from Cincinnati. He was in his 50s, I think. He and his wife decided to build a house on the beach, so I was helping them with it. But then they got divorced; and he came down here to live to put his life back together.

    "He was there by himself. I don't know what he did. Maybe real estate. And he had a nice woman, named Rosalita, come in to cook and clean. She was just a girl, only in her early 20s, I think. A beautiful girl, and very nice. I liked her. I knew the family. Very sweet smile...always I felt like looking out for her.

    "After a few months, though, I was visiting and I noticed that he was treating her like hired help. They smiled at each other all the time. She patted him on the shoulder. He put his arm around her. And then I realized that she was living there with him.

    "'Russell,' I said, 'what is this, my friend? If I understand what is going on, I am happy for you...but this can be trouble too. She is a young girl. She needs to find a husband. Of course, she is happy to go with you because she thinks you have money. No, I didn't mean it exactly that way. But these people are poor. And they think you are all rich. And you offer her a better life, which is maybe a good thing. But it isn't that simple. Because she wants to get married and have kids. And in this country people get married when they are young. And if they don't get married then, they have a hard time getting married later. That's just the way it is.'

    "'And when you leave, what is going to happen to her? I'm not trying to make trouble for you, my friend; I just want you to understand what is involved here. You don't want to take advantage of her because she is young and naïve...and very poor.

    "'And you have to watch out too. Because when you go to a local bar on Saturday night you might run into a boy who liked her...or maybe her brother. And somebody makes a comment. And her brother gets into a fight. You don't understand. Family honor means a lot down here. And a lot of the local men don't like it when you take their girls as girlfriends. Sometimes they want to start fights with in bars. And those kind of fights usually end up with someone getting killed. And I can tell you something, it's usually not the gringo; he just stands on the sidelines and doesn't know what is going on.'

    "Well, I talked to him. My friend, Russell, I mean. But he didn't listen to me. He was probably lonely down here. And why shouldn't people get together if they want to? But I didn't like it. I felt sorry for her. She must have thought he would marry her. And that he had a lot money. And I knew she was wrong about both of those things, because I had gotten to know him. And I knew he didn't want to get remarried. And I knew he didn't have any money, because after the divorce, he had a hard time paying me.

    "But a couple of years went by...and I saw them once or twice. And the last time I saw them, she wasn't smiling so much. And he wasn't smiling so much either. I thought something was wrong.

    "You know, money is funny. I don't think she liked him because she thought he was rich. She wasn't, what do you call it, a fortune hunter. It wasn't that simple. But because he was a gringo, she must have assumed he had some money. It probably wasn't because he had money that she liked him; on the other hand, having money is just something that is part of being a gringo. Or, at least that is the way they look at it down here. So, if she realized that he really didn't have any money, maybe she was disappointed about the money. And maybe she was just disappointed because he wasn't the man she thought he was.

    "All I know is that I had a beer with them...and nobody smiled.

    "Then, a couple months later, a friend of mine called me. He said, 'Did you hear about Russell?'

    "I said, 'No, what?'

    "He told me that Rosalita had left Russell a week ago.

    "'What, did she go back to her family?' I asked him.

    "No, she took up with one of those surfers over at the beach club. But that's not the important part. They found Russell in his swimming pool...he was dead. They think it was a suicide. He drank a whole bottle of whiskey and passed out in the pool..."

    Are You In or Out of the Money?

    As part of our ongoing options education series, we routinely answer questions from our reader on the basics of options trading.

    Many readers have asked that we clarify the difference between strangles and straddles, so let's start with those before we get into more basics (such as the differences between in the money and out of the money options).

    Strangle and Straddle Options Positions

    With an options straddle position, you're simply buying a call and a put on the best stock, with both options having the same expiration date and strike price.

    Say, for instance, you wanted to straddle Apple (AAPL) with options. You could buy the March 2009 100 call and the March 2009 100 put. But you must understand you're likely to pay a commission charge upon opening and closing both positions when playing a straddle.

    When buying only calls or puts, you're playing a directional strategy. With the straddle, however, which includes a put and a call, you're not playing a directional strategy. Traders will use the straddle if they feel a large move is coming but remain unsure about direction.

    Upcoming FDA decisions are a good example. If the news is encouraging, the underlying security is likely to jump along with the call while killing off a put premium. If the news is bad, the underlying security is likely to fall and kill off the call premium while pumping the put option.

    As for the strangle, you're buying a call and a put on the best stock with both options having the same expiration date. The only difference is the strike price.

    Let's use Apple again for our example.

    To exercise a strangle position, you could buy the March 2009 100 put and the March 2009 95 call. But, again, to play this you'd have to pay two commissions to open and close the positions.

    While I wouldn't recommend trading earnings announcements, investors use strangles to do just that. If earnings and outlook are positive, you could see a positive impact on the best stock. If earnings and outlook are horrendous, the best stock could fall rapidly. The risk to a strangle is if the stock price remains stable or falls between the strike price of the call and put option.

    While this is a basic review of straddles and strangles, we'd be happy to review them further if need be. You can leave us questions below, and we'll get back to you ASAP.

    Here's another question we received just this morning:

    "Ian, in Options Trading Pit you mention in the money and out of the money positions? What does this mean exactly? Thanks for the service. I'm up 52% on Equity Residential puts."

    Options are classified two ways: as "in the money," and as "out of the money."

    Say, for example, your stock is priced at $38. A call option would be considered in the money if you bought an option with a strike price of $37.50 or less. But a call option of $40 would be considered out of the money. It just has to do with what strike price you buy and where the underlying stock market is trading at the time.

    "Ian, what do you mean by 'deltas'?"

    Deltas are part of the Greek methodology covered here.

    How much will your option increase when the underlying stock market moves? That depends on the delta, which measures how much an option will change in relation to movement in the underlying stock market.

    Every option carries its own delta, meaning one option could provide more of a gain than another option, and it's important to know.

    Deltas are measured on a per-share basis. For example, a delta of 0.80 means for every dollar the underlying stock market rises, a call option would increase by 80 cents per share. But remember, when you buy an options contract, you're buying 100 shares of a best stock. So that delta of 0.80 means that for every dollar the stock increases, you make $80 per contract.

    With put options, the delta will be negative. Had you bought a put instead of a call in the above example, the delta would have been listed as -0.80. That means for every dollar the stock market dropped, you'd earn 80 cents per share, or $80.

    For more on options trading, we direct your attention to the following:

    How to Invest in Options

    How to Buy LEAP Options

    Options Intrinsic Value

    ETF Options Trading

    Crisis Investing

    Lockup Expirations

    How to Trade Like a Hedge Fund: Secrets of an Options Trader

    Stay tuned for more options education next week, when we'll dive into naked options trading.

    There's Always a Silver Lining

    Here at Casey Research, we are trying not to be overly pessimistic, but there's no denying the mass of bad news coming to us from all fronts: the forces of collectivism are using the cover of the crisis they largely created, aided and abetted by capitalism's quislings, to roll over the individual.

    Even so, contained within the dire reportage is also some very good news for you personally.

    The Bad News

    As fully anticipated, with its first budget plan, the Obama administration has fired a salvo into the side of the productive classes. (For those of you who are not U.S. citizens, feel free to use Team Obama as a proxy for what is likely to occur where you reside.)

    Yes, we expected the $1.75 trillion budget deficit, which will, by the time all is said and done, come in a lot closer to the $2.5 trillion number anticipated some months ago by our Chief Economist Bud Conrad.

    Yes, we expected the government to begin raising taxes, which they are proposing to do with vigor ― starting with an increase of $1.4 trillion on the people who earn in excess of $250,000 a year. "Right on!" shouts the mob, on the way out the door to burn Porsches (which, Bloomberg reports, is now becoming something of a trend in Germany's capital, Berlin).

    For no other purpose than to keep the record straight, it's worth noting that thanks to the government's steady dose of inflation, $250,000 today will only buy you 77% of what it would have in 1998…and 56% of what it would have in 1988.

    A decade from now, given the inflation rate we expect, the dollar's purchasing power will erode by another 50%, and probably a lot more than that. In fact, at the current rate of money creation, by the time the dust settles, $250,000 might be the annual wage commanded by burger flippers.

    But, hey, look at the bright side, at that point everyone will be rich!

    The further details of Obama's budget plan are a hodgepodge of this and that, some of which we even agree with (like cutting business subsidies). On the whole, however, the overarching mandate appears to be to thrust the hand of government, like some motion picture kung fu villain, deep into the heart of American enterprise.

    And government's expansion is far from over. The news continues to pour in…

    Citigroup to get another $25 billion bailout from the U.S. Treasury.

    Treasury officials work on bailout plan for auto parts manufacturers.

    President Obama exploring automatic workplace pensions and an expansion of unemployment insurance. 

    AIG, now a government lap puppy, takes another big loss, and is again looking to its master for another handout.

    Speaking of lap puppies, Fannie Mae, has lost another $25 billion and is looking for $15 billion more from the Treasury. The value of this zombie institution's net assets is now a negative $105 billion, and eroding. Great investment of your tax dollars, eh?

    Then there's the new administration's cap-and-trade green tax…a stunning new initiative that will bring many U.S. businesses to their knees.

    There is more, so much more, including a $638 billion reserve fund for healthcare reform in the president's budget that loudly broadcasts that, "Yes, we're going there." There being nationalized health care.

    However, there's also some good news to be found in the way things will be.

    The Good News

    My fellow citizens of planet Earth, it is now abundantly clear that the trend toward socialism in all its many disguises is about to, once again, shift into high gear.

    We've been here before, encouraged by the words of Karl Marx, a distinctly unsuccessful individual (to read his life story is to read of almost unending misery, poverty, and discontent) but a decidedly successful phrase-coiner, knocking the world off its axis with his "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

    While no one with any real sense of history, not to mention economics, can take any overt joy at the prospect of the dark clouds of collectivism looming high in the sky above us, there is, if you pay close attention, a very big opportunity in all of this.

    Namely, we are now presented with a relatively rare chance to see with some clarity into the future.

    Imagine if eight years from now you could step into a time machine and zip right back to this very moment. How much money do you think you could make?

    Well, just because the chattering masses have the blinders on as they march forward to their collective penury doesn't mean we need to join them. And, if we are even a little bit careful, we won't.

    So, what is it about the future we can now see? Some broad strokes…

    Currency depreciation.

    More taxes.

    Rising interest rates.

    A price capitulation in real estate, with a collapse in commercial.

    Exchange controls (now that Team Obama is raising your taxes, you don't really think they're going to let you pick up your wealth and leave, do you? The window for global diversification will soon be closing.)

    The return of mega-labor unions.

    Trade wars, shooting wars, and other forms of heightened geopolitical tension.

    (This is a topic we are discussing at greater length, backed up with specific recommendations, in the March edition of The Casey Report, released on March 3. Among its many highlights, Doug Casey has contributed an article titled "Street Fighting Man" about the prospects for social unrest.)

    Provided you keep your personal wealth profile low (there was a reason Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, drove a beat-up pickup truck), your financial powder dry, and, maybe most important of all, retain your sense of humor, the opportunities in the unfolding crisis will be abundant.

    Whatever you do, don't be complacent about what's coming.

    We are long past the point where doing nothing is an option. Review your personal finances, cut out unnecessary expenses, talk to your accountant about tax planning, and, if you're a U.S. citizen, consider moving at least some of your wealth out of the country while you still can (but please, don't try to hide it…that's a fool's errand). If you own gold, only you and your spouse, if you have one, should be aware of it.

    Ask yourself, "If I just dropped in from eight years in the future, what measures would I take?"

    Now, take them.

    One day we'll all look back on this and la-a-augh…

    A Shooter writes: "Come on guys!  If the socialist leader you're referring to is Obama, you're behind the curve. He took great pains to deny to a journalist that he was a socialist. I have to agree he's not a socialist; he's been trained by communists."

    Duly noted. 


    "Not all Canadians dream of 'evolving into full human potential.'  Although I am a proud Canuck, I can tell you that socialism is a tax on creativity and innovation.  The justification for socialism is what makes it so appealing ― 'educate the children!'  'Healthcare for all!'  These sound noble and wonderful, and they can be, providing that people use them responsibly.  I got a great education in Canada.  Having said that, I went to school with people who were making a career out of being students.  Hey, it's cheap, so why start working?  One of the guys I went to university with worked salmon fishing in British Columbia in the summer, and then went on unemployment while he went to university (salmon season's over ― he was unemployed).

    "So personally, I think that socialism is great if you have people that appreciate it and use it to better themselves, but unfortunately those people are few and far between ― you get way more people that feel that they are entitled to those benefits.  Although having to endure American arrogance could be very painful (a lot of them came up to Calgary for the Stampede every year), I do agree that having the liberty to keep your own money, make your own choices, and succeed or fail on your own merits is vastly preferable to having someone else decide those things for you.  If I wanted a parent, I'd move back in with mine."

    Socialism does indeed work great for angels. Not so good for humans. The humans that would benefit are the same ones who'd refuse it. Oh the irony…


    "Your response to the Canadian writer today on her impression looking south onto the devastation was off the mark.  I'm an American living in Germany ― another one of the misguided 'socialist' countries.  I don't understand what you and your fellow rednecks are afraid of.  I'm stress-free knowing my family will have full healthcare no matter what. Your disciples will reply with the obligatory whining about poor quality of healthcare and unbearable waiting for treatment and in your vacuum of knowledge and experience, you will be wrong.  I say wallow in your ignorance while the world looks on and marks your shameful embrace of a failed governmental system with a victimized populace.  Don't fear good intentions ― I know you don't believe [they] always give the worst results."

    Actually, yes. Yes, I do. Another Shooter presciently comes to my aid…

    "'Too bad you were born with the dreaded Conservative gene. But soon modern medicine will be able to block it. Then you may be free to evolve into the full potential that human beings are capable of.'
    "Whiskey & Gunpowder, Mar 10, 2009
    "I generally ignore any comments liberals make but I'll make an exception here.
    "Liberals, like this one, typically use ad hominem attacks because they cannot defeat conservatives in logical, fact-based debates. Their brain has been marinated too long in socialist juices for them to imagine that some of us actually prefer taking charge of our lives and resent the government ruining them. We are not constrained by socialist dogma to behave in certain ways and think in certain ways. We can analyze global warming based on scientific evidence because we are not ideologically committed to it because our elders tell us to be.
    "We don't subscribe to a creed which demands to be taken care of. I submit that we are far more likely to achieve our human potential than are the socialists. They have surrendered their potential to become slaves to a dogma which has been proven a failure many times over.
    "Maybe socialists don't mind paying 40% of their wages in taxes so they can 'socialize' while they wait in emergency rooms and clinics for treatment. I do mind, paying the 40% and the long wait! That's why I'm a free man, not a deluded acolyte. I like people who think for themselves and tell the government to go to hell.
    "Finally, it is the height of arrogance and conceit to believe that another human being, mortal and flawed like everyone else, can dictate to another their idea of utopia. Their utopia is my prison.

    "Liberalism is a form of insanity for which there is no cure. It is easier for a gay person to go straight than for a liberal to regain his self, a self surrendered long ago to indoctrination and propaganda."

    Might as well try to thread a needle with a camel, huh?
    Personally, I could care less what other people do or believe, but when they insist that I do as they say (usually for the sake of some great lie), then we have a problem.
    The Whiskey Room is figuratively covered in fantastic responses this week, much of which make it clear that there are some very good thinkers out there with a knack for writing.
    You people really impress me. I am proud to be your editor. You're a bunch of liberty-lovers, obsessed with limited-to-no government and sound money...and you're not afraid to say what's on your mind. There aren't enough of you in the world and you need to be heard.

    Multiply Your Gains From Regular Stocks

    "Each week, I tell my readers to make just 1 investment buy. And since November of 2006,  not one pick has lost value! It's no wonder our readers could have turned $5,000 into $1 million in just over 5 years! Now, we're quickly closing in on $2 million ― currently at $1,892,043.04!

    Since Steve Sarnoff, options guru, relaunched his elite e-mail Alert Service, Options Hotline, on Oct. 24, 1999, with an initial recommendation to buy Barrick calls...the profit opportunities for his readers have just doubled and tripled and quadrupled...again and again and again.

    If you had invested $5,000 in that first recommendation and in every recommendation that followed, you could have grown that small sum into to a quarter of a million by Dec. 3, 2000.

    Then half a million dollars by Sept. 30, 2002.

    And then to...$1 MILLION by Dec. 2, 2004!

    His track record: 100% winners in all of 2008, 2007 and 2005!...92% winners in 2004! 90% in 2003! Steve's record just keeps getting better and better!

    WOW! $1 MILLION in a little over five years with a startup investment of just $5,000 in each pick! I'm so sorry you missed the ride. But get ready. Because you're invited to:

    Join Steve as he shows you the way to the next $1's simple and straightforward and we'll show you how with Steve's one weekly option buy recommendation.

    The stock market of the past few years has produced very few millionaires. You just can't make a million dollars with a $5,000 initial investment on a nine-year average annual return of 1.63%. To do so would take you more than 400 years. . You'll never live to see it, and neither will your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, even your great-great-grandchildren.

    Hello, I'm Steve Sarnoff, recognized options expert and the editor of Options Hotline. I'm here to tell you that even if you've never traded options before, you can do it. In fact, it's quite possible you could grow over $1 million richer...just by buying one option a as little as five years. My proven system is all you need.

    In the time it takes you to read this letter, I'm going to show you step by step how you can trade options with a minimum of risk and a maximum chance of profits.

    Just ask one of my subscribers, Mr. Eckert: "My very first trade using your service was the GE August $30 call. I couldn't be happier with the 116% profit in just three weeks!"

    Or Donna, who says, "I am very pleased with your recommendations, especially with the Bank of America. It's unbelievable for it to be up more than 200% in just a few days."

    Mr. Abbott, another one of my happy subscribers, confirms, "Joining Options Hotline was the best decision I've ever made...since I joined -- three months ago -- I have doubled my money."

    Why are we getting such rave reviews? Simple. I have the track record to prove it: My wins have overpowered my losses, and my small group of readers has had the chance to reap $1 million in profits in just over five years.

    And I'm not talking about a million-dollar portfolio that looks good on paper...I'm talking about the type of wealth you have only imagined. Seriously...$1 million on just one investment a week!

    Enjoy Doubling Your Money! We have a track record with more than a 100% average gain on every pick since November 2006. Compare that to the pitiful average yields of the S&P and Nasdaq! Here are a few highlights from my decisively winning trading record:

    Of the 8 options I recommended in the final 10 weeks of 1999, 7 were winners, ranging from a 17% gain on DJX puts to a 628% gain on Intel calls. You could have made $87,000 on those 8 picks...and lost only $5,000 on one trade.

    In 2000, I recommended 32 options that triggered (meaning the option reached the price I recommended for buying). That year, readers had the chance to pocket $173,214.55 in total profits with only $5,000 into each play - MORE THAN DOUBLE what we saw in 1999

    In 2001, the year of the terror attacks, I made 45 recommendations that triggered. We had some big winners. GM puts gained 1,202%, or $60,000! Pfizer puts, 431%! Biopure puts, 341%! Total profits that year could have been as high as $216,164

    In 2002, we crossed the HALF-MILLION-DOLLAR MARK when the 3M puts recommended on Aug. 16 of that year gained 103%! Total that year - $205,101!

    How can I claim such amazing track record gains year after year? Simple. I look at the highest price the option gets to after I recommend it and that's the gain I record in my portfolio. So, you can be sure that the gains I talk about here are the biggest and best possible. And the potential profits are the best you'll see.

    Are you noticing a winning pattern here?

    In 2003, only 4 of the 39 triggered picks I recommended lost. Readers could have racked up $189,463.32 by investing $5,000 in every pick.

    In 2004, I cut my losers in half! Only 2 out of 36 lost! And we HIT THE $1 MILLION MARK on the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond Fund calls first recommended on July 16, 2004. You could have added $221,300.36 in total profits to your income that year and lost only $363.50! That certainly shows how your wins can overpower your losses.

    In 2005, we simply stopped picking losers at all! Every pick was a winner! A 100% win rate. You could have added $217,523.58 by selling your options at the high mark.

    In 2006, we picked 36 options that triggered. All but three were winners. The most profitable pick at its peak was a whopping 300%! You could have added $150,375.28 by selling at the right time.

    In 2007, our winning streak continued! Every pick a winner. Nearly 40% of the picks were triple-digit winners too. You could have added another $202,635.16 to your bank account ― without losing a single penny!

    That's right! Since hitting the first million-dollar mark on July 16, 2004, we've given readers the chance to make another $892,043.04 in profits since. We're closing in on our next million dollars, and I'd like to invite you to join us in this upcoming profit bonanza.

    An unbelievable record: I haven't picked ONE loser since November 2006! Steady consistent winning on only one pick a week ismy No.1 million-dollar strategy.It works. If you follow my recommendations, it can be your killer strategy, too!

    In fact, my win rate for 2004 was 92%. That's right, 92% of the weekly picks I recommended could have made money. In 2003, it was 90%.

    And in 2005, 2007, and 2008...I didn't have one losing pick. I was 100%!! You simply won't find a better record anywhere else.

    In 2008, for example, I had 36 picks that triggered. Only five did not. My average gain was an astounding 127% ― with total gains possible of over $229,000!

    You can even check it out for yourself. I've attached my personal Pick-by-Pick Proof Sheet that lists every recommendation I have made since 2006. Like I said before, the gains are calculated at the highest point of each of my actionable option recommendations (meaning the ones that triggered) after I have alerted my readers. You'll see what happened!

    While I do not issue specific sell recommendations, with my proven selling strategies, you'll learn how to minimize your risk and lose as little money as possible.

    In fact, when we reviewed the over 110 examples of winning options recommended in the past three years and how well they could have done, we found that …

    The average gain was over 100% on each recommendation. That's doubling your money on every play! The highest gain was a monstrous 611% on the Newmont Mining December $45 calls in August of 2007. That's enough to turn your one $5,000 investment into $30,550!

    The top 39 winners of the past 3 years were all triple-digit baggers! Winners like

    472% on Bed, Bath & Beyond February $40 put, recommended on December 18, 2005

    420% on Newmont Mining June $40 puts, recommended on April 10, 2005

    399% on Qualcomm August $35 calls, recommended on July 10, 2005

    366% on SPY November $152 puts, recommended on October 29, 2007

    300% on Bristol-Myers March $25 calls, recommended on November 19, 2006

    283% on TLT September $89 puts, recommended on March 5, 2007

    266% on Newmont Mining March $55 puts, recommended on January 25, 2006

    210% on FedEx July $110 puts, recommended on May 1, 2006

    205% on Coca-Cola September $55 calls, recommended on August 2, 2007

    366% on SPY November $152 puts, recommended on October 29, 2007

    569% on Citigroup July $20 puts, recommended on May 25, 2008

    439% on QQQQ December $43 puts, recommended on Sept. 21, 2008

    These triple-digit winners have been great. Big winners like this are a real high, and when I make any recommendation, that's certainly my goal. Over one-third of all my recommendations from 2005 through 2008 were triple-digit home runs.

    But the real secret to making a million dollars with just one pick a not just hitting the triple-digit home runs now and again, it's the solid base hits and the steady stream of winning picks...9%, 21%, 40%, 62%, 80% gains on almost every one.

    It's why acting on only one play a week can work. You're not wasting time and risking large amounts of money taking a scattershot approach of buying dozens of options hoping one will sell big for you. Instead, you could be focusing on the one winning trade that matters...week after week after week.

    IN FACT, if you were to average out the gains on my picks for the past 9 years since 1999, you'd get about a 115% average gain on each and every play. That's more than double your money average on every pick!

    That's enough to turn a $5,000 investment into $10,750 on every play!

    Compare that to the pitiful returns of the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq for the same time period:

    S&P 500: 1.63 % average annual return from 1999-2007! Actually, from January 1999 through December 2007, the S&P's TOTAL cumulative return has only been 14.7%! 14.7% in 9 years. It's pathetic!

    The Nasdaq has done worse....0.64% average annual return and 5.8% cumulative return in that time. That's worse than a savings account …

    And forget about 2008! The markets fell up to 40%, sometimes whipsawing around with volatile swings of 3-5% a day!

    Just how fast do you think you could build real wealth with those sorts of returns? Perhaps your entire life. It would take more than your and my lifetime of investing combined to even hope to get anywhere near a million dollars on 1.63% and 0.64% returns.

    I think you'll agree that my way of trading options is certainly the fastest and easiest way (and it's less risky too - more on that in a moment) to make your FIRST MILLION DOLLARS.

    So now you may be asking...

    What are options... and why doesn't everyone invest in them?

    For far too long, options trading has been shrouded in mystery for the average investor. But no longer. I've been studying options my entire life (my dad, Paul Sarnoff, was a brilliant master options expert), and I have to tell you it's the one investment that truly offers limited risk for unlimited gain.

    Many people don't invest in options, because they've listened to all the misconceptions or myths of options trading. Perhaps the No. 1 myth of options trading is that options are too risky, but that simply isn't true. In fact, you can make money trading options in up, down or even sideways markets.

    Trading in the actual underlying top stocks is more risky, as more of your money is on the line when you purchase a stock. You can buy an options contract for as little as $100 and see it double in price in a short period of time. You certainly don't see stock prices doubling very often or witness the spectacular gains in stock prices that you do in options.

    Another big myth is that most options expire worthless...but as you'll soon see from my profit-building strategies, you should sell the option long before the expiration date to maximize your profit or minimize the loss.

    So don't stay on the sidelines and miss out on the huge profit potential of options any longer...not when you allow me to be your expert guide and I have an astonishing "double your money" potential in average gains on every pick since 1999! Just take a look at my year-by-year gain-and-loss chart. The proof of success is in the numbers!

    I won't give you a detailed explanation of options, because frankly, at this point, you don't need one. Right now, you just need to know how they work and how to profit from them. (I am offering TWO FREE BONUS REPORTS that will serve as your crash course in options. You'll get both of these gifts just for trying out Options Hotline.)

    Simply stated for our option gives you the right to buy or sell 100 shares of a specific stock at a certain price within a set period of time.

    If you expect a stock to rise in the future, you buy a call, the right to buy the best stock at a certain price. If you expect a stock to fall in the future, you buy a put, which is the right to sell the stock at a certain price. You're not actually buying or selling the stocks, just the "option" to do it.

    And that's what makes option trading a real profit shield against disasters and world events...hurricanes, oil shortages, high gas prices, terror bombings, sluggish consumer sales...whatever! If the stock market goes bearish, then I start looking for puts to recommend to take advantage of the down market.

    And we've seen some pretty hefty wins on puts recently. Take a look:

    366% on SPY November $152 puts

    52% on FedEx October $100 puts

    68% on MetLife September $60 puts

    130% on Allstate April $60 puts

    569% on Citigroup July $20 puts.

    And you don't actually have to exercise an option to make money. In fact, all of these staggering gains could have been made on buying and selling the option!

    The secret of "SUPER-LEVERAGE"...and how it can make you far richer in a short period of time!

    "Super-Leverage" is, quite simply, the potential to make large profits from changing prices while strategically limiting your risk. The instruments of Super-Leverage are nothing fancy...just exchange-traded puts and calls. It's the simplest strategy, but most often, it's the most effective.

    The BIG advantage to you is that you don't need to be a financial wizard or have large sums of money to participate. Remember, you can purchase an option for as little as $100!

    The disadvantage is that options are wasting assets. And if the underlying security doesn't move enough to give you real value before a specified date, your options will expire worthless. It is a risk...but you're only out the price of the option.

    Here's a play from 2007 I recommended that shows you the power of Super-Leverage at work:

    On September 17, 2007, I recommended to my readers that they..."Buy the Johnson & Johnson January $65 call, for $200 or less, good this week".

    What this means is that I'm recommending readers buy one options contract at $200 (or less) for 100 shares of Johnson and Johnson stock at $65 a share sometime before the third Friday in January. Options always expire on the third Friday of the month.

    Now, if the Johnson & Johnson stock climbs higher than $65, your option starts to increase in value. Why? Because you have the option to buy them at $65 a share when others are willing to buy them at a much higher price.

    Say Johnson & Johnson rises to $70...that means you can "exercise" your option and buy 100 shares at $6,500 and sell them for $7,000, for $500 in profit minus the $200 (or less) you paid for the option - or $300 net profit. Not bad - a 4% potential return on your investment!

    But if you sell the $65 call option (instead of exercising it), in fact you could have sold your option outright for a maximum of $425 and pocketed a return of 112%! Since I suggest a $5,000 investment, at a 112% return, you could have sold it for $5,600 in net profits.

    Now that's Super-Leverage, and why options are so profitable...and why you need to risk only $5,000 on my one weekly recommendation.

    Here are a few more plays I recommended that produced the HUGE Super-Leverage gains in just a few days, like Mr. Carson's:

    Coca-Cola Sept $55 calls, 206% in 8 days

    FedEx October $100 puts, 52% in 1 day

    Exxon Mobil May $80 calls, 107% in 4 days

    UPS July $70 put, 48% in 1 day.

    You see why there's no need to buy a lot of options and risk a large amount of your money and hope for one big win to make up for all the losses. I closely look for the one option to buy each week that can make you huge profits in a short time. It's my full-time job...not yours.

    My dad Paul Sarnoff was one of the legends in options trading for more than 40 years. Wall Street turned to my dad for the best in options trading advice. He is to options what Warren Buffett is to top stocks - a genius! In fact, it was my dad who started Options Hotline, his private options advisory service available only to a select few, back in 1989.

    About 30 years ago, my dad brought me into the "family business" - sort of a Sarnoff & Son. For years, I literally soaked up every word he ever spoke about trading options for big profits. I watched him trade. I listened carefully to his reasons. I analyzed his every pick. I did what he did. It was awesome to watch a master trader at work.

    As his apprentice, I saw firsthand how my dad raked in profits. And I'll always remember what my dad said to me nearly every day: "Son, options are the best...perhaps the only way to get rich very quickly."

    While I was learning trading secrets from my dad, I also earned my college degree, worked on the floor of the Commodity Exchange and founded my own research company, developing my own charting and analytical techniques to build on what my father had taught me.

    In 1995, Dad asked me to join him as co-editor of Options Hotline. I was proud that this options genius felt I was ready to join him as his equal. Sadly, my dad passed away in 1999, but his legacy lives on through me and the ongoing success of Options Hotline.

    My first solo recommendation was Barrick Gold calls on Oct. 24, 1999. Not my best pick, with a 100% loss, but I made up for it with my next four picks ...

    Home Depot calls, 289%

    AMEX calls, 150%

    Disney calls, 315%

    Cisco calls, 386%.

    In fact, my next thirteen recommendations were all double- and triple-digit winners!

    As a subscriber to Options Hotline, you'll get more than 50 years of my dad's options experience...combined with my over 30 years of technical analysis...for 80 years of options experience you can depend on to give you the winning picks.

    I just don't know where you would find a more authoritative source for profiting from options. But don't take my word for it.

    Triple-digit gains without buying, selling or owning a single share of stock! That's Super-Leverage in action!

    To illustrate that point, one of my subscribers, Earnest L., told me, "My very first trade using your service was a 50% gain. My second trade is hard to believe, a 750% gain in one working day."

    Even though I have had a 100% win rate since November of 2006, I want to make sure that you know losses occasionally do happen. I had three in 2006. But also remember...your risk with options is LIMITED to the cost of the option...not the underlying stock.

    But again, you have my promise that I'll show you wins will overpower our losses and you will steadily and surely get the chance to make money - week after week, month after month, year after year...more on this promise later...

    To pick the steadily consistent winners, it takes me a week of painstaking research. I thoroughly study the market technicals, the economy and the impact of events upon the market's direction. I diligently research the companies whose underlying stock is the foundation of our options picks.

    It's why I only make one solid recommendation at the end of the week. It's the one pearl among swine. And it's why my track record is so good. Quality, not quantity.

    Plus, I don't stay in just one area of the market. You can see by my Pick-by-Pick Proof Sheet that I'm researching whatever sector of the market has the potential for big profits...commodities, hi-tech, retail, financial, consumer products and services, health care and others.

    This all-around diversity immediately minimizes your investment risk, so you're never heavily weighted in one area of the market. In other words, your investment eggs are all over the place...dodging risks and discovering profits.

    And I also employ a unique charting system with a proprietary computer screening program that I personally developed that allows me to be just a little bit "prophetic" in picking the options that can return single, double and triple the gains...90-100% of the time! I am unable to reveal the details of these systems, but again, you can see that they work on my undistorted Pick-by-Pick Proof Sheet.

    Don't waste a minute wondering what option to buy...I'll pick 'em. You decide if you want to play 'em. And together, I'll help you make a million dollars!

    Obviously, the hardest part about trading options is picking the right options...BUT you don't have to worry about that at all. With my personal Options Hotline Alert Service, you'll get one extremely well-researched recommendation per a week on Sunday night, in plenty of time to call your broker by the opening bell Monday morning if you feel confident in my play.

    I suggest you follow each and every one of my recommendations. That's the one proven way I know of that you can be sure that your wins overpower your losses. If you were to cherry-pick week to week, I would be unable to maintain my promise to you of steady incremental gains week after week after week. But the choice is ultimately yours.

    The main reason people fail at trading options is that they play too many of the wrong options, hoping for one winner. But one trade per week is all you need. You can clearly see by my attached 2006-2008 Pick-by-Pick Gain Sheet that this strategy DOMINATES! 100% in 2008, 2007, and 2005! 92% wins in 2004...94% in 2003.

    Action Item No. 1 toward your MILLION-DOLLAR GOAL: Think it over and call your broker first thing Monday morning and make the play I told you about Sunday night. You won't be sorry.

    Now here's how you can make the Million-Dollar Plays to help you achieve Super-Leverage profit potential on every play.

    Up until now, I've told you about the importance of buying the one option every week that I recommend. That's the "pick 'em" side.  

    Now, let's talk about the "play 'em" side. Here are a few of my proven million-dollar plays to make sure you MINIMIZE your risk and MAXIMIZE your profit potential. If you decide to trade, follow these simple rules.

    The trick to making money with options is simply to play...and to keep playing. I would suggest that you don't pick and choose what recommendations I offer. Be consistent and play each recommendation every week. Staying in the game will help you have your wins overpower your losses.

    Take the emotion out of your selling. You'll lose for sure if you get too attached to any trade. So decide on a profit target based on the price of the underlying stock, not the option. To help you, each option recommendation I offer includes a target price for the best stock.

    You'll discover all of my trading strategies in my TWO FREE BONUS REPORTS I'm offering to my new subscribers: Secrets of a Master Trader: Tips and Strategies for Making a Fortune in Options...AND The Options Buyer's Handbook. 

     Find a time in the day to review your options and stick to it. It may take you only 15 minutes or up to an hour each day...but do it! As my track record proves, I don't know too many jobs where you can work 15 minutes a day with the potential to make over $200,000 a year!

    In options trading, greed is always whispering in your ear, saying, "Hang on, don't sell. It's going to go up/down even more." Don't listen! Be disciplined. Be smart. Grab your profit targets when you reach them and sell.

    There's always another winning option coming to you next week. Remember the old adage and believe in it with your heart and soul - maybe even embroider it on a pillow...

    No one ever lost money taking a profit!

    You can see by my record that I find every winner I can. And you can too!

    If you faithfully call your broker every Monday morning and buy one contract, 10 contracts, 100 contracts - whatever you're willing to invest (I suggest $5,000 a trade, but talk to your broker about what's right for you) - on the one recommendation I have made that week...

    ...and then monitor your open options position at least 15 minutes a day, following your predefined, well-established playing strategies I've outlined above...

    ...then you can calmly, consistently, increasingly...add profits to your bank account...all the way to a million dollars and more!

    My readers have already had the opportunity to do just that in just over five years...with just one option a week. It's not too late for you to start.

    Some days, you could add tens of thousands of dollars. Other days, a few hundred dollars. Now and again, you may take a hit...but judging by my undeniable record of picking winners, it won't be that often.

    Are You Ready to Become a Millionaire?If so, then send for my next recommendation immediately.

    Are you ready to start making consistent gains on my winning recommendations? Isn't it time you joined the savvy readers who read Options Hotline and start building a million-dollar bank account...and retire rich beyond your wildest dreams?  

    Mr. Kinsey knows. He e-mailed me this happy report: "Profits, Profits, Profits!!! In Friday at $1.55 and out Monday at $2.20. That is a quick 41% profit in less than two trading days. It just doesn't get any better than this!"

    And Mr. Greene made even more: "I am more than happy and very much satisfied with a net 185% profit in only 13 days!"

    The question is...are you ready for mind-boggling profits? Or are you content to invest in the paltry annual returns of the stock market and live in fear of outliving your savings? It's your decision, but...

    I think you're ready for my next winning recommendation. Here's how you get it:

    Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible...

    You've been selected to receive this offer because I believe you have what it takes to make a fortune in options. Remember, the hardest part is knowing the right option to buy. The rest is just strategy.  

    And with your subscription to Options Hotline, I tell you the EXACT OPTION to buy and teach you the profit-playing strategy and discipline you need to squeeze every drop of profit out of a play without risking a lot of money. This service is not for everyone. You need to have confidence that you can exit the play at a good time for you.

    All you have to do is call your broker with my once-a-week recommendation, determine your selling strategies and spend at least 15 minutes a day monitoring your open positions.

    In just weeks, days or could be making more money than you ever dreamed possible.

    With annual potential returns averaging over $180,000 a year, you'd think I'd ask you for at least 10%, or even 5%, of the take. Well, the subscription price is nowhere near that. In fact, it's only $750...less than 1/2 of 1% on the historical average annual gains! Not much of an expense when you think of the wealth possibilities awaiting you.

    Absolutely Zero Risk To Try Us Out!

    Plus, you have an absolutely No-Risk 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If for some reason you're not happy with Options Hotline, you can always change your mind and cancel within 30 days. You can start slowly. Consider buying just one contract of whatever I recommend next Sunday night. 

    Then buy next week's recommendation and the one the week after that. Or just play on paper.

    See where you are in 30 days. That should give you plenty of time to see if my service is working for you.

    And if you're not happy with the results in those 30 days, then call us and cancel. No questions asked. You'll get a full refund on your subscription.

    If you want to have a little more time to decide if Options Hotline is right for you, sign up for my automatic and convenient quarterly billing - only $260 a quarter. That way you can cancel at any time. It's a great way to take my service for a proper test-drive. We'll bill your credit card every quarter until you tell us not to. No hassle. You just stay with us for as long as you're happy.

    And if my amazing winning track record is any kind of predictor...then I predict you'll be with us for a very long time.

    If you're wondering if it's worth it, then just read what my subscriber J. Atwood says: "Thanks to you, I made 190% on the eBay call in 32 days and 198% on the Qualcomm call in 16 days. Keep up the good work."

    For such an affordable service, here's what you get:

     Options Hotline Delivered Sunday Night via E-Mail

    This is the very core of my service...and your chance for big profits! Your one- or two-page Options Hotline Alert is delivered Sunday evening in plenty of time for you to read it, digest the information and phone your broker first thing Monday morning.

    You'll find my recommendation of the week, written out exactly in the words you can say to your broker, to ensure accuracy. You'll also get my "behind-the-scenes" thinking about why I believe this recommendation is a potential double- or triple-digit winner, and a brief overview on what's going on in the stock market. I'll also review the status of our open positions, to help you plan your selling strategy. 

    Midweek Updates on Open Positions

    Since options can move fast, I've also included midweek update Alerts so you can review again where you are on all of our open positions. We'll talk about the direction of the option price, the underlying stock price, resistance and support levels (concepts thoroughly explained in your TWO FREE BONUS REPORTS) and where I see it all trending.

    This expert information will guide you to making your smart selling decisions. Look for these midweek Alerts every Wednesday afternoon in your e-mail inbox. 

    Frequent Recommendation Update Alerts on Fast-Moving Options

    Sometimes, underlying stock prices and options are moving so fast I can't wait for the midweek to get a notice out to you. So I'll send out a very brief "heads-up" on a stock so you won't miss the move. This Alert is sent "as needed," so I can't tell you how frequent they may be. But these Alerts are another layer of information to help you make your most profitable selling decisions. 

    Important Bonus! Exclusive Free 24/7 Access to My Subscriber-Only Web Site

    With the Internet, you're never out of touch. You get unlimited access to the Options Hotline Web site 24hours a day, every day. This password-protected members-only access is FREE with your subscription. Here you can download the latest recommendations, midweek updates and frequent Alerts from any computer - very convenient for when you're traveling.

    You can also review my past recommendations as well. Plus, you'll have online access to a wealth of information about options and options trading from a comprehensive glossary of terms to special bonus reports and FAQs. Answers to your options questions are just a click away, so check in at any time.

    It's a valuable offer that can put you on the road to a million dollars in profit.

    Subscribe now and I'll also give you...

    Two BONUS GIFTS That Are Your Crash Course on Options!

    In addition to the comprehensive source of information you will find on our subscribers-only Web site, I'm offering you two FREE handbooks that will help you use the Options Hotline service to its fullest. Separately, each handbook will give you a working knowledge of trading options, but together, they're the perfect crash course on options.

    Start your options education today with these easy-to-read guidebooks, both written in everyday English, so you're up to speed on options in no time:

    1. The Options Buyer's Handbook
    Click the subscribe button below to join and download this FREE handbook immediately. Inside its pages, you'll discover just what you need to know about buying options. Learn the basics of options, how they work, when to buy and sell and what it all means in this informative handbook...FREE and instantly available with your subscription.

    2. Secrets of a Master Trader: Tips and Strategies for Making a Fortune in Options
    The secret to winning at options is to keep playing. Options are not like the lottery or the luck of the draw. It all boils down to your selling strategies (especially since I'm telling you what to buy each week). To really succeed, you need a plan of action. And Secrets of a Master Trader is your playbook. It contains the secrets of two of the best options analysts the business has ever dad, option genius Paul Sarnoff, and me.

    You can't get secrets like this at any bookstore or Web site. They're reserved only for subscribers to Options Hotline. You'll receive these exclusive Secrets via e-mail the moment I hear from you.

    Read the details about how my TWO FREE BONUS GIFTS will give you the chance to profit trading options on the enclosed flyer. Please don't pass up this chance to profit on the unlimited potential (but limited risk) of options trading with your subscription to Options Hotline.

    Get a THIRD FREE bonus report with your No Risk Trial Subscription to Options Hotline.

    Simply sign up in the next three days and I'll send you a third FREE bonus report, my Options Hall of Fame.

    Go deep inside 5 of my top options picks and discover how easy and inexpensive trading in options can be...even for the most timid of investors. Gain insight into the big profit plays that can not just double or triple your profits...but I'm talking almost nine times the profit potential on just one option play!

    You'll see superleverage in action in these 5 hall of famers and understand how to apply it you your own million dollar plays. Remember, each of my weekly options play may be the next double, triple...almost quadruple digit profit play!

    See the details below to get your free copy of my Options Hall of Fame.

    It's the Easiest Decision You'll Ever Make!

    As my track record proves, my subscribers consistently have the chance to make money from Options Hotline. If you're having any doubts at this point, please review one more time the above 2006-2008 Options Hotline Pick-by-Pick Gain Sheet. 

    And remember, the gains are piling up on just one top-notch option pick a week. You're not out there spread thin or confused with multiple plays happening. You're focused on just what I've recommended. I know options trading is not your full-time job.

    One pick a week and monitoring your open positions for 15-30 minutes a day will be simple enough to add into your busy lifestyle. And I'll make it easy and efficient for you to build a million-dollar cash portfolio.

    I guarantee you will benefit from a subscription to Options Hotline or your money back. This service is one of the oldest of its kind in the industry...almost 16 years of offering winning options picks to my readers. First, with my dad, and then solo with me since 1999.

    Since going solo, I gave my readers the chance for their first million dollars on July 16, 2004. Now, I can't give you an exact date in the future when I'll hit the second MILLION DOLLARS. But I know it's out there and it's coming very soon. And I want you to be with me on the day we hit it.

    And with my 30-day Money-Back Guarantee, if you're not satisfied, you can cancel within the first 30 days and receive a full refund.

    So click the subscribe button below and join my thousands of happy, rich subscribers, like longtime options trader Jack Grossman, who says, "I had subscribed to many newsletters, but none was as concise, to the point and, above all, made money almost all of the time. Thanks a bundle. Keep up the good work."

    Now, it's your turn to make a million dollars!

    Don't Put off Your Million-Dollar Lifestyle Anymore!

    Click the subscribe button below to get started. You'll get your first recommendation via e-mail this Sunday. Or if you would prefer, you can fax your order to 410-558-6362.

    Just could be richer by this time next week, even dramatically wealthier by this time next year. After all, we've seen on average hundreds of thousands a year in potential profits. There's no reason why you can't achieve the same success as my current readers have.

    Now I'm inviting you to join my small, elite group of readers who will profit most from the world of options trading. This group is now experiencing a lifestyle they only once imagined. Your invitation is risk-free. You have 30 days to cancel for a full refund...or sign up for quarterly billing and cancel at any time.

    Only one option pick a week is all you need and I'll send you my first recommendation this Sunday night, via e-mail. Then look for my one recommendation every Sunday night thereafter (except for Christmas, New Year's and my two-week summer vacation).

    Parthenogenetic Stem Cells Poised to Break Through

    As you know, SC stock prices have gone up even in this period of deep market pessimism. Weekly, new and seemingly miraculous stem cell-related cures are coming to light. The message is getting across even in important nonscientific publications like The Economist.

    A recent article was subtitled, "American attitudes to stem-cell therapies are changing fast." Inside the article is this critical paragraph:

    "Barack Obama has promised to reverse the ban. When that happens, American academics will no longer have to watch enviously from the sidelines as their colleagues in Australia, Britain, China, the Czech Republic, Israel, Singapore and South Korea push ahead. But though the legislative wheels have yet to start turning, the mood has already shifted."

    This article is particularly applicable, as it cites two important SC players ― both in my Breakthrough Technology Alert portfolio.

    Despite the great performance of the SC sector recently, I'm not encouraging you to buy these top stocks for short-term gains. Even if prices do go up significantly in the near future, these are long-term plays. Don't be distracted by fluctuations. This is the wrong time to even think about taking profits. With prices so low, this is the time to pick up ridiculously underpriced top stocks and hold onto them until they produce truly transformational profits.

    Inevitably, the wider community of investors will get the stem cell message. Then, we'll see truly dramatic increases in SC top stocks. In fact, I'm predicting another irrational bubble and correction before prices head up permanently. I suspect the bubble will be sparked by high-profile news stories. My guess is that a group of celebrities will admit they've rejuvenated their hearts and skin using offshore SC treatments. That may be the time to cash in some, though not all, of your holdings.

    Just as you shouldn't jump at short-run upturns, don't overreact to downturns. There has never been a medical technology as powerful as stem cells. They will entirely remake the face of medicine. As Sanjay Gupta, Obama's surgeon general pick, has said, "A new kind of medicine is being created that will definitely break out of the realm of science fiction and become reality. There are places around the world where people are already doing this, such as Moscow…and, certainly, Korea."

    Don't let yourself be panicked by high-profile analysts who give short sell orders and then talk down the companies they've shorted. This happens in every sector, and regenerative medicine is no exception. Prices may dip in response to highly publicized attacks, but this is simply self-fulfilling prophesy. It says nothing about the long-run fundamentals of the targeted companies.

    Similarly, don't get distracted by stories such as the one that broke last week about the Israeli boy. He had developed benign tumors after getting some sort of SC therapy. The therapy included injections delivered directly into the brain from an illegal source in Russia in 2002. That was long before the real breakthroughs in the science. One horrified stem cell company insider told me, "We have no idea what they injected into the kid." Despite the fact that reports indicate that the therapy did save the child's life, news seemed to send stem cell stock prices down temporarily.

    For perspective, let's sample some other recent stem cell news.

    Miracle Stem Cell Cures Keep on Coming

    Egyptian scientists have announced that adult stem cells can prevent diabetes-associated heart dysfunction. I've already written about the successful treatment of multiple sclerosis by rebooting the immune system with stem cells. Within a week of that news, a similar procedure was shown to successfully treat AIDS.

    The stem cells used in the AIDS therapy came from a donor with a rare genetic resistance to the disease. It worked so well, in fact, that the patient no longer takes AIDS drugs. The donor stem cell transplant also cured his leukemia. This is reality, not science fiction.

    The success of the AIDS SC therapy has huge implications. The most important is that it demonstrates the potential of genetically engineered stem cells to give individuals new immunities and biological capabilities.

    This is critical because humans are born with a broad range of genetic strengths and vulnerabilities. Now, we're seeing that those strengths can be transferred via stem cells. These donor cells will give your body the ability to knock out diseases you would not otherwise have the ability to fight. Eventually, designer stem cells will be used not only to cure, but to enhance our physical states. Immunities to cancers, Alzheimer's and other diseases will be routinely delivered via GE stem cells as a new form of inoculation.

    The company I'm recommending this month, in fact, is on the cutting edge of the convergence between genetic engineering and stem cell technologies. Fortunately for early investors, it has been largely ignored by the financial media. The Economist article I referred to above, however, indicates that this is about to change.

    This company controls an entire branch of stem cell science and patents. Moreover, it is far closer to market than many of the "big" SC companies that are getting so much old media attention.

    The SC Company to Look for in the Short-Run

    An odd thing about stem cell science is that we have a pretty good idea about many of the long-run applications. For example, we know that personalized induced pluripotent stem (iPS) therapies will be used for general regenerative therapies. You will provide a blood or tissue sample to a SC company. Those cells will be robotically converted into iPS cells. Then, those cells will be programmed to repair specific organs or tissues. They will rejuvenate everything from retinal nerves to hearts, cartilage and kidneys. Because the cells will be your own, they will cause none of the immune problems associated with donor cells.

    This technology, however, is a few years away even for wealthy first-world patients. For billions of others, it could well be more than a decade. This means that most early profits will come from donor stem cell therapies. And as is the case with transplants, this raises the issue of immune reactions.

    Fortunately, a great deal is known about immunosuppression. This is due to a long history of organ, graft and marrow transplants. A number of companies are developing stem cell therapies now that rely on immunosuppression technologies.


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