Monday, March 9, 2009

Windows 98 running on Nokia N95!

Telus (NYSE: TU) commercials are always 'cute and cuddly'. Their ads feature animals alongside the device they are trying to push, and usually the spots come off well. 2 new commercials have come out from the Canadian carrier, one in English, and one in French. The ads are called 'The Pieces Fit', and you'll clearly see why after you check them out. The English version features the song 'Got Me' by Stars & Crosses, while the French version features 'Casse-tĂȘte' from Coeur de Pirate. You'll also notice that the BlackBerry (NSDQ: RIMM) Storm is featured, with appearances from the Pearl, Pearl Flip, the original BlackBerry Curve and the HTC Touch Pro. Some light Friday morning viewing for you all. Enjoy.

[Via: MobileSyrup]

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  • First Shots of the Verizon BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230

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Verizon to pay out quarterly dividend

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 06:34 PM PST

verizon-wireless-logoLooks like Verizon (NYSE: VZ) Wireless is doing quite well for themselves. So well, in fact, that Verizon's Q4 2008 accounting books showed a 15% growth in quarterly earnings. Verizon netted themselves a cool $1.24 billion in the previous quarter, bucking the trend of fiscal losses in this gloomy economy. All that success is being passed down to Verizon's shareholders (as of April 9) with Verizon Wireless's declaration that quarterly dividends will be paid out on May 1.

Verizon Wireless will pay out $0.46 for each of its 2.8 billion shares of common stock held by some 2.4 million shareholders.

Verizon Wireless

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Alltel's Palm Treo Pro now available online

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 04:38 PM PST

As expected, Alltel has beaten Sprint (NYSE: S) to the punch with their own CDMA-based Palm (NSDQ: PALM) Treo Pro. The Alltel Treo Pro was expected to be available online on March 5th, but it turns out Alltel flipped the switch a few hours early, offering pre-orders to Treo Pro-loving night-owls last night.

Today, Alltel is pushing the Alltel Treo Pro in full force. Alltel customers can get in on the action with a Treo Pro pre-order that should make Treo Pro fans on Sprint's network just a bit green with envy.

Aside from the CDMA internals, the CDMA Palm Treo Pro sports much the same feature set as its GSM-brethren. Although, with a nicely up-rated 528Mhz CPU and 512MB on-board storage, the CDMA Palm Treo Pro is decidedly more powerful than its GSM counterparts. The Alltel Treo Pro packs a touchscreen, 2-megapixel camera, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, microSD card slot and 3G data connectivity - all powered by Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional. Alltel is offering the Palm Treo Pro for $199 after a $125 mail-in rebate that comes with a 2-year contract committment, and they'll throw in a free Bluetooth headset with all online orders.


Grab your Alltel Treo Pro pre-order here.

[Via: PalmInfoCenter]

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Windows 98 running on Nokia N95!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 04:08 PM PST

nokia-n95-win-98-01Seeing Windows 3.1 running on an already-aged Nokia N95 reminded us just how far we've come in the past decade, or so. Then there was that iPhone running Mac OS 7 (System 7). Mobile phones these days, smartphones especially, are jam-packed with more computing power than we would have thought possible before the turn of the century. So, then, are these handsets today capable or running more robust, power-hungry platforms? Maybe even Windows 98? It seems that way.

What you're seeing here are pictures and video of good 'ole Windows 98 doing its thing on a Nokia (NYSE: NOK) N95 and a Nokia N85. Both cellphones are part of Nokia's high-end NSeries lineup, so it's a given that both the Nokia N95 and N85 were up to the task of running Win98. Granted, things take a little longer to execute when you're running your Windows 98 desktop off of a Nokia N85, but just the fact that we can remember desktop boot-times on par with what you see in the video is just astounding!


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China Unicom chairman confirms Apple iPhone talks!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 03:51 PM PST

Here we go again. Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) has been trying to crack the China market with its iPhone for almost as long as the iPhone 3G has been around. With multiple rounds of reported negotiations between Apple and Chinese wireless carriers having fruited little more than speculation, the folks in Cupertino have yet to lay claim to China's mobile market. Today, China Unicom (China's runner-up wireless carrier) CEO Chang Xiaobing confirmed that his company has indeed been talking things over with Apple - presumably regarding an iPhone on China Unicom's network.

"We are in talks with many handset suppliers, including Apple," Chang said at the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The confirmation of a Chinese carrier's on-going talks with Apple has again sparked speculation that Apple is ready to bring its iPhone to China. China Mobile (NYSE: CHL), China's government-backed wireless market-leader, has reportedly shunned Apple on several occasions over revenue control issues, leaving room for China Unicom to enter as a potential iPhone carrier. China Unicom is also working to roll out a nationwide 3G network based on the same WCDMA technology that the iPhone 3G uses, which bodes well for the No. 2 Chinese wireless carrier taking on the iPhone 3G.

China Mobile's TD-SCDMA network would require Apple to either allow its iPhone 3G to run on a slower 2G network or develop and manufacture a completely new iPhone that is fully compatible with China Mobile's network. In either case, an iPhone on China Mobile's network seems more like a compromise than a tactical advantage. Although, China Mobile does boast the world's largest network with a 415 million-strong subscriber-base. Such a monstrous market may prove too tempting for Apple to resist a stab at capturing a significant chunk of the world's single-largest mobile market. China Unicom's network has only 168 million users (which still eclipses any US wireless carrier by an order of magnitude), in comparison.

All eyes are on China Unicom to deliver an iPhone 3G to China. Perhaps China Unicom is the reason for Apple's recent iPhone production ramp-up?

[Via: CNNMoney]

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BlackBerry 8230 Pearl Flip goes official on Telus website!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 12:56 PM PST

telus-blackberry8230-coming-soonNo, it's not the same as a product launch. But, for fans of the BlackBerry 8230 Pearl Flip with a loyalty to Telus (NYSE: TU)'s network, the appearance of the BlackBerry (NSDQ: RIMM) Pearl 8230 on the Telus website is a good sign. Telus is apparently preparing to go live the BlackBerry 8230 Pearl in the near-term.

With Best Buy Canada already offering the BlackBerry 8230 Pearl on pre-order and Bell having recently launched the Pearl Flip, it was only a matter of time before Telus got their act together and started showing off the BlackBerry Pearl 8230 on their homepage. Telus is listing the Pearl Flip as "Coming Soon," but stops short of listing pricing details. Word on the street has the consumer-oriented BlackBerry flip-phone commanding a $50 price tag when purchased with 3-year contract, or $449 free-and-clear of any contract obligations.

[Via: EngadgetMobile]

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WeFi - Find WiFi hotspots anywhere in the world

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 12:35 PM PST

wefi_logoIf you're the type to strive for a connected and mobile life, the cellphone in your pocket is likely a smartphone, and it likely has a WiFi radio. But, before you can take advantage of the high-speed WiFi connection, you'll need to find an available WiFi hotpsot. Finding that WiFi hotspot, however, can be a trying experience. Hopping from WiFi network to WiFi network in search of a stable, high-quality connection can get old fast. What if there was some way to know how good a particular WiFi hotspot was before connecting to it?

Enter We-Fi.

We-Fi  offers all kinds of ways to find a WiFi hotspot near you. You can enter an address in We-Fi's web-based hotspot locator. You can install We-Fi's desktop clients for your PC or Mac. And, most importantly, you can use We-Fi's mobile hotspot locator on your mobile phone!

With We-Fi installed on your Windows Mobile or Symbian S60 3rd Edition smartphone, you can leverage We-Fi's database of more than 17 million (that's "million," as in six zeros) hotspots around the world to connect to the highest-quality WiFi hotspot in your vicinity. We-Fi installs as a homescreen overlay that makes it easy for you to get connected to a WiFi hotspot. With the WiFi radio turned "on," We-Fi automatically checks nearby WiFi SSIDs with its always-updated database of quality hotspots. We-Fi connects to the nearest WiFi hotspot that has been verified as "good" by other We-Fi users. In the absence of any previously mapped hotspots, We-Fi will connect to the first available hotspot and determine its quality - and will send connection-quality data back to We-Fi servers for use by other We-Fi users.

Check the video demonstration below. We-Fi is available for free here.

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Video: Sony Ericsson W705 TV commercial

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 12:18 PM PST

Sony Ericsson (NYSE: SNE) is obviously confident that their W705 will be a hit, hence we've already seen few clips that the Swedish-Japanese handset maker has released to promote the device. Today we present you with yet another such (actually similar) video, which is actually the official W705 TV commercial. It will take only 30 seconds of your time and it will entertain you. Kinda, sorta… Enjoy! ;)

[Via: SEMC blog]

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Internet Explorer Mobile 6 to be available on new WM 6.1 smartphones!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:58 AM PST

Windows Mobile 6.5 has been the talk of the WinMo-town of late. With an arguably more finger-friendly UI and its full-featured Internet Explorer Mobile 6 promising to deliver a more desktop-like browsing experience, Windows Mobile 6.5 is the de facto "next-big-thing" in the Windows Mobile camp. Unfortunately, Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) has taken a non-upgrade stance on the new WinMo OS - Windows Mobile 6.5 will only be available on new devices; there will be no updates for current Windows Mobile smartphones.

But, that doesn't mean current WinMo fans are going to be left out of the IE Mobile 6 party. We're just learning that Microsoft is looking to give its installed Windows Mobile user-base the same IE Mobile 6 web browsing experience that WinMo 6.5 users will be enjoying soon enough (hopefully sooner, rather than later). It seems that Microsoft wanted to avoid updating current-generation WM-based handsets with the 6.5 update because the sheer size of the .cab file proved problematic. So, to appease its customers, Microsoft will be rolling out Windows Mobile 6.1 AKU 1.4, bundled with IE Mobile 6, on all new Windows Mobile smartphones released from now until 6.5 goes lives.

So, there you have it folks. Microsoft won't be giving Windows Mobile 6.1 users any sort of update to Windows Mobile 6.5, again, due to the enormous size of the WM6.5 file. But if you happen to be buying a new Windows Mobile handset soon, IE Mobile 6 is in the cards. Of course, there are going to be plenty of cooked WM 6.1 AKU 1.4 ROMs floating around in due time…

[Via: EngadgetMobile]

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Nokia Places Bets on LTE, Device by 2010

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:52 AM PST


James Harper, senior manager of technology marketing at Nokia (NYSE: NOK), talked up their LTE plans in Texas recently, much to the chagrin of Sprint (NYSE: S) and their hopes for a successful WiMAX network.

"WiMAX has some place in the market, but we do believe it's a niche play," Harper says.

Some think Verizon (NYSE: VZ) is the one who will host Nokia's first LTE handset which due to land sometime in 2010, the generally-accepted dawn of 4G, but don't rule out AT&T (NYSE: T); they have plans for an LTE network in 2012, which will doubtlessly host a few 4G Nokias. We still have a year to wait until we see how this all unfolds, but for the time being, Nokia has chosen their side.

[via GigaOm]

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SHAPE Services' iPhone apps, IM+ All-in-One Messenger and IM+ for Skype, now available for 99 cents, each!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:48 AM PST

IM+ for Skype

Just a short notice that two SHAPE Services' iPhone apps now have new, much lower prices. First comes IM+ All-in-One Messenger, which as you may guess for yourself enables you to connect with multiple IM networks from a single interface. The application is now available for $0.99.

The same price ($0.99) could also buy you IM+ for Skype, the application that allows you to take and make phone calls using your Skype credit (it uses call-back service rather than VoIP) directly from your beloved handset.

There you have it. Hope you'll take advantage of this action. I'm not sure it's a limited time offer, but you never know…

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Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:43 AM PST iPhone app is joining the "iPhone wave" with a dedicated real estate search application. The free app is already available in the AppStore, allowing both homebuyers and renters to perform full-featured national property searches.

Among the features included are possibility to:

  • Instantly find nearby homes or rentals
  • Drag or pinch the screen to zoom and navigate neighborhoods with Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Maps
  • Bookmark favorite properties
  • Easily share properties for sale or for rent with friends and family
  • Get driving directions
  • Search by MLS number
  • Quickly connect with a agent with built-in contact tools

In a nutshell - if you: a) own an iPhone; b) look for a place to rent or buy, and; c) don't have time to search the web from a desktop computer ―'s iPhone app should help you out.

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Kingston Mobile Contest invites camera phone users to submit their photos and videos

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:39 AM PST

Kingston Mobile Contest

Kingston is inviting users to submit pictures or video clips taken from a camera phone as part of its Kingston Mobile Contest. Photos or short videos will be accepted through March 31, 2009, representing the following categories: dance/pose, fun pet tricks, travel/vacation and sports.

A total of 32 prizes will be awarded ― including 8GB Kingston microSDHC cards, 8GB Mobility/Multi-Kits, 16GB SDHC video cards, DataTraveler HyperX Flash drives and assorted card readers; D-Link 10″ Photo Frames and XTreme N Dual Gigabit Wireless Routers; GoPro Motorsports HERO Wide cameras; Plantronics Discovery 925 Bluetooth headsets; and Western Digital WD TV HD Media Players.

Interested? Photo submissions can made through Kingston's website, while for video clips there's a dedicated page on YouTube. Good luck! ;)

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Mobile phones more visible in Pyongyang, North Korea

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:35 AM PST

North Korean flag

When it comes to mobile technology, it seems things are moving slowly forward in North Korea. According to International Herald Tribune, mobile phones are becoming more visible in the country following the launch of a new network by Koryolink.

The Koryolink system, named for an ancient Korean dynasty, started operating in December 2008, and as of mid-February it had more than 6,500 users.

The 3G network was initially deployed to cover Pyongyang, which has a population of more than 2 million, and plans are to expand coverage to the entire country in the next few years.

However, it's important to add that mobile phone use in North Korea comes with restrictions. Phones do not allow contact with the outside world, or with the special telephone networks, which foreigners are normally permitted to use inside the country…


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Ikea launching telephony, internet services in Spain

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:30 AM PST

Ikea logo

Swedish group Ikea is working to launch fixed, mobile telephony and internet services on the Spanish market in the coming weeks. The services will be launched in partnership with three partners: Telefonica (NYSE: TEF), British Telecom and Vodafone (NYSE: VOD).

Vodafone will provide the needed infrastructure for Ikea's upcoming MVNO called Ventaja Movil (Mobile Advantage), while Telefonica and British Telecom will be there to help Ikea with ADSL data services and wireless broadband services, respectively.

As for the mobile offering (the part which we're actually interested the most), for 10 EUR per month, Ventaja Movil customers will receive free mobile calls, with no call setup fee within the operator's network. National calls to other mobile operator's networks will be charged 0.10 EUR per minute, plus the call setup fee of 0.15 EUR. Additionally, Ikea will offer discounted prices on mobile phone purchases ― the offer includes the Samsung J400, Samsung E250, and the Nokia (NYSE: NOK) 2630, 2760 and 5200 phone models. Finally, some of the higher end phones will also be available to the customers: Samsung i600 and HTC S620, which will be sold for 195 EUR and 180 EUR, respectively.

[Via: TelecomPaper]

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Confirmed: Nokia "Coming With Music" to U.S. this year

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:26 AM PST

Nokia - Comes With Music

Ars Technica is reporting that Nokia (NYSE: NOK) will be bringing its "Comes With Music" offering to the United States. In a recent interview, the company's Senior Manager for North American Communications, Chris Morris, said that U.S. will be blessed with Nokia's unlimited music offering "sometime in 2009." Nothing to specific, but then again, enough to keep some of our U.S.-based readers, Nokia fans happy.

Those not familiar should know that Nokia "Comes With Music" handsets comes with unlimited music downloads service for a year, or some other predefined period. After that period expires, users get to keep all the songs they've downloaded during the time, even if they opt out from the service.

Earlier this year, we saw the Finnish giant unveiling its "Comes With Music" offering for Singapore and Australia.

[Via: Ars Technica]

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Zumobi's Pro Basketball free iPhone app offers real-time NBA news updates

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:23 AM PST

Zumobi Pro Basketball

Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)-owned Zumobi is out with yet another iPhone application, this time geared toward NBA fans. The app called Pro Basketball provides real-time updates on all 30 NBA teams ― including scores, stats, schedules, standings, player details, in-game updates, and post-game recaps. In addition, the application also offers detailed stats like offensive and defensive leaders for points, assists, rebounds, blocks, steals, and more.

NBA fantasy enthusiasts can monitor their players and rosters with Pro Basketball's custom "Favorites" team-builder feature that creates a virtual team with stats galore.

Finally, to make Pro Basketball even more appealing to fans, Zumobi made sure you can easily follow your favorite team news, only. In that sense, you can put your favorite team's logo on the homescreen to quickly view scores at a glance. To be fair, I'm not sure how this exactly works, but since we're talking about the free application, there's no reason why not to try it out ― that's in case you do appreciate NBA. Here's an AppStore link with more details and screenshots.

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Juniper Research: Mobile gambling wagers to approach $5 billion this year

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:20 AM PST

Global mobile wagers are expected to approach $5 billion this year, fueled by acceleration in the deployment of on-portal mobile gambling services and higher-profile activity in the mobile channel from leading casinos and betting firms.

Juniper ResearchJuniper's latest report on mobile gambling found that UI improvements had already led to a surge in the volume of gambling activity during 2008, and that ― despite the global recession ― the industry would see further substantive growth in 2009.

As part of its report, Juniper picked two companies two honor with their "Future Mobile Award for Mobile Gambling." The gold medal went to Mfuse, which secured a series of key contracts last year ― including William Hill and Sky Bet ― and achieved remarkable levels of bet volumes over its proprietary software.

As for the silver medal, that one went to Spin3, the company behind the first commercially available play-for-real casino games for the iPhone and the first integrated mobile operator billing system for mobile casinos…

More information about Juniper's report titled "Mobile Gambling: Casinos, Lotteries & Betting (5th edition)" is available from their website.

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  • Juniper Research: On-portal betting to push mobile gambling wagers to $27.5 billion by 2013

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Windows Mobile 6.5's native Facebook application now available to all!

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:04 AM PST

windows-mobile-65-facebook-1Windows Mobile 6.5 may only be available to arm chair hackers looking to flash their precious smartphones with unofficial WinMo 6.5 ROMs, but xda-developers forum member "jau6gernaut" has extracted WM6.5's integrated Facebook application for use on any WinMo handset. The new Facebook application includes UI tweaks that jive with the new Windows Mobile 6.5's finger-friendly design, and offers Windows Mobile users of all sizes and colors (touchscreen, non-touchscreen, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1) a chance to play with their Facebook accounts through a native Windows Mobile application.

The Facebook application allows you to manage all your Facebook contacts and even look through users' galleries on a whim. The aim with this new application seems to be to bring the desktop Facebook experience to the mobile, albeit a more streamlined version.

So, if you want to inject your older Windows Mobile smartphone with some of WinMo 6.5 goodness, head on over to xda-developers and download the "" file to your handset. You'll need to install the application to "Internal Memory." Be warned, the Windows Mobile 6.5 Facebook application doesn't play too nicely with non-English ROM's (WWE), and first-launch start-up time will take longer than usual as the application fills its cache.

If you're using a Windows Mobile smarpthone of any kind, and you have a Facebook account, you might want to give this new Facebook app a spin!


[Via: CoolSmartphone]

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Sprint Releases Leaked, Featuring Camera-Less BlackBerry 8350i

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 11:04 AM PST

sprint-lineupRelease dates for a few new handsets on the way to Sprint (NYSE: S) have leaked out thanks to a Brightpoint report: the LG Rumor 2 gets a nod, suggesting a March 15th. release date, a yellow version of the ruggedized Motorola i580 should also be landing on the 15th., and the slimmer i9 will will be available for $399.99 SRP at the same time. The Treo Pro gets confirmed for the 15th. yet again, but the most interesting addition is a camera-less BlackBerry (NSDQ: RIMM) 8350i. The Japanese BlackBerry Bold is the only other RIM device in recent memory with an excluded camera, likely targeting high-security enterprises. The last BlackBerry to eschew a camera since the DoCoMo 9000 was the old 8800 series, so maybe these options are a long time coming.

[via BlackBerry Homepage]

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