Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Slow Volcano Erupt In A New Energy Report

California Senate Bill 107 Will Legally Force California to Produce 20% of Its Electricity From Sources Like "Slow Volcano" Power by Dec. 31, 2010...

AND 18 MIT Scientists Say That "Slow Volcano" Power Can Produce 2,000 Times the Amount of Electricity That America Consumed in 2005...

This Company Is the Only Pure Play on Californian "Slow Volcano" Power... and You Could Buy 100 Shares for Only $26.50...

Dear Curious Reader,

Right now, a "slow volcano" broils deep beneath the brown mountains 72 miles north of San Francisco.

Don't worry, though. This volcano will never erupt.

You see, unlike other volcanoes you know about, this "slow volcano" has no opening to the Earth's surface.

It's completely underground. So it can't erupt. That's why I call it a "slow volcano."

But did you know that you could harness the "slow volcano" heat to light the streetlamps of San Francisco? Same for the air conditioners, stoves, refrigerators and flat-panel TVs.

Let me explain...

How "Slow Volcano" Power Could Soon Light the Streetlamps of San Francisco

Although it sounds mysterious and impossible, it's simple.

A "slow volcano" spews out heat. This cooks the nearby groundwater.

The water turns into steam.

Then, you drill a hole in the ground and let that steam spin a turbine.

The turbine spits out electricity.

It works just like a coal or natural gas power plant.

Except those two types of plants use heat from burning fossil fuels to boil water. Then they use the steam to spin turbines.

Same with nuclear power. But the heat that makes the steam comes from an atomic reaction.

But as you probably noted, "slow volcano" power pumps out hot steam WITHOUT burning any fossil fuels or using rare uranium.

That stunning fact makes "slow volcano" power the ultimate in renewable energy. More on that in a moment.

But first: Why San Francisco, and why now?

The largest, most productive "slow volcano" in the world sits a short 72 miles north of San Francisco.

Nestled under the Mayacamas mountain range in Sonoma wine country, today, this "slow volcano" pumps out 750 megawatts of electricity. That's enough to power 750,000 homes, or a city the size of San Francisco.

You ask, "OK, but why now?"

How the California Government Will Force Massive Growth in Energy Sources Like "Slow Volcano" Power Over the Next 1½ Years

California recently passed Senate Bill 107.

This bill says that 20% of electricity sold in the state must come from renewable sources by Dec. 30, 2010. And Gov. Schwarzenegger hurried to place a 33% target by 2020.

Let's put those numbers into perspective...

First, you should know that California has the world's sixth largest economy. That's big. Bigger than the entire countries of Italy and China!

And according to a 2006 estimate, over 36,000,000 people live in California. Further, the state adds 500,000 more folks every year.

So that means that by December 2010, at least 7.6 million Californians are slated to get all of their electricity from renewable sources like "slow volcano" power.

And when you add the huge amount of juice that runs the businesses such as Google and the Silicon Valley crowd, you have a massive and urgent need for increased renewable energy capacity.

That gives California just under a year and a half to meet a deadline that drastically increases the amount of renewable electricity sold in the state. That will benefit the producers of renewable energy like "slow volcano" power...

So renewable energy must grow a lot. And fast.

But just how much must it grow?

Well, right now, the state generates 10.2% of its electricity from renewable sources. So that means the amount of renewable energy must DOUBLE in just under a year and a half.

Quite an ambitious goal. A goal that could pay off for the investor willing to find the best California renewable energy play. And I've found the best way to play California "slow volcano" power.

I'll send you the name of this company right now in a free report called Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

This small company — a share costs less than a newspaper — is the only "pure play" on California's government-forced explosion in renewable energy.

I'll tell you exactly how to get the company's name in just a moment. For now, let's return to "slow volcano" power's potential.

You saw that the California state government has mandated the increased generation of clean and renewable power like "slow volcano" power. The U.S. Supreme Court has done pretty much the same thing...

U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of "Slow Volcano" Power

In April 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are pollutants under the Clean Air Act of 1970.

So now the Environmental Protection Agency has the power to restrict greenhouse gas emissions. As do individual state governments.

"Slow volcano" power emits no carbon dioxide. So this Supreme Court ruling should boost its development in the same way the California renewable energy law should.

Now, the common view is that cars and trucks emit the vast bulk of greenhouse gases into the air. False.

Power plants, by far, churn out the largest chunk of greenhouse gases in the U.S.A. For instance, power generation emits 29.5% of the carbon dioxide released into the air.

Coal- and natural gas-fired power plants spew out the lion's share of that carbon dioxide. So you know that "slow volcano" power should get a large boost when the individual states carry out the Supreme Court's decision.

To sum up, the California Senate, Gov. Schwarzenegger AND the U.S. Supreme Court are forcing energy sources like "slow volcano" power to grow very quickly in the near future.

That means "Slow Volcano" power grants you government-mandated profit potential.

You might have these questions: So what's so great about 'slow volcano' power? What makes it better than other renewable energies like wind, solar and hydro?

Good questions...

Why "Slow Volcano" Power Crushes Solar, Wind and Hydro

Let's lay out how "slow volcano" power beats the other renewable energies that California could use to meet its goal of 20% by 2010. You'll see that "slow volcano" power is the best-known form of renewable energy. It's also one of the cheapest to produce.

But let's start by comparing it to solar power.

How "Slow Volcano" Power Churns out Juice Nearly 4 Times as Long as Solar

"Slow volcano" power plants operate 24 hours a day. You can suck steam out of the ground around the clock. Obviously, solar cells don't capture any juice at night. Further, they capture less on cloudy days.

The percentage of time that a power source can make electricity is called "capacity factor." Solar power has a capacity factor of 25%. So over a one-day period, solar cells crank out juice for only six hours.

"Slow volcano" power's capacity factor, on the other hand, ranges from 90% to as high as 98%. So a "slow volcano" plant whips up electricity for at least 21.6 hours a day.

So on average, a "slow volcano" power plant can blast out electricity for almost four times as long as solar power.

Further, since demand for solar power has rocketed up so much over the past few years, a supply crunch has spanked the solar cell makers. The solar cells' main raw material is silicon. And silicon refiners have scrambled to refine enough silicon to meet the rising solar cell demand. This scramble tightened silicon supply.

The semiconductor industry's large need for this same silicon chokes the supply problem even more. And since it takes many years to get a new silicon refinery online, you know the shortage won't solve itself overnight...

Now, none of that means that solar investments have performed poorly in the recent years. Take a look at some solar stock performances:

First Solar for 492%

MEMC for 79%

Evergreen Solar for 66%

JA Solar for 219%

Trina Solar for 224%

SunPower for 236%.

Yup, solar top stocks of 2010 have had an impressive run so far.

Now, since we just proved that "slow volcano" power makes a better renewable energy source, don't you think it has more investment potential than solar?

Especially when you consider the California Senate mandate and that the largest "slow volcano" in the world sits right outside of San Francisco.

Kind of makes you wonder why no one talks about "slow volcano" power.

Kind of makes you want to know the name of the tiny 27-cent company that's the ONLY pure play on San Francisco "slow volcano" power.

Of course, you can have that best stock symbol.

Just ask for your FREE copy of Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

More on how to get your free copy of that limited-edition investment research report in a minute. For now, let's get back to showing how "slow volcano" power makes the best renewable energy opportunity...

We showed how "slow volcano" power beats solar power. Now let's compare it with wind power.

How "Slow Volcano" Power Can Help Heat Homes 3 Times as Long as Wind Power

When you read that solar cells can produce power only 25% of the time, I bet you immediately thought about wind power. After all, the wind doesn't always blow.

Wind power's capacity factor clocks in a tad better than solar, with an average of 30–40%. But obviously, the 90–98% capacity of "slow volcano" power trumps that figure...

Furthermore, "NIMBYism" makes it tough for wind power to spread to certain areas. "NIMBY" sounds funny, but it simply means "not in my backyard." In some areas, large groups of people object to large construction and industrial programs that could change the environment.

This "NIMBYism" happens frequently with wind power. In populated areas with high average incomes, few people care to watch a sunset sliced up by hundreds of towering windmills. Not from the deck of a million-dollar home!

"Slow volcano" power plants, on the other hand, look tiny. They're sometimes as small as houses. So few, if any, NIMBY complaints get lodged against "slow volcano" power generation.

So now that we've shown how "slow volcano" power outperforms wind power, let's take a look at how some top stocks to buy have done:

Vesta Wind Systems for 107%

Gamesa Corp. for 79%

American Semiconductor for 168%

NaiKun Wind Energy for 404%

Western Wind Energy for 132%

Kaydon Corp. for 31%.

Those gains look pretty good, don't they?

So if wind has done that well this year and "slow volcano" power performs better than wind power, shouldn't "slow volcano" power attract your investment attention?

Thought so... and you'll soon learn how to obtain your FREE report about the best pure plays on "slow volcano" power...

But for now, let's finish the comparison with the other possible renewable energies that California can use to boost its portion of renewable electricity generation to 20% by the end of 2010.

Let's turn our sights to hydroelectric power.

"Slow Volcano" Power Pumps out Juice More Than Twice as Long as Hydro

Hydroelectric power simply means power made from moving water. Here, we discuss large-scale hydro. That means power that comes from damming up a river and forcing the trapped water to spin a turbine.

Returning to the capacity factor question, large-scale hydroelectric power runs 35% of the time. As we saw above, "slow volcano" power runs at least 90% of any given day. So you see that "slow volcano" power works more than twice as long as hydropower.

In addition, in today's world, a new American dam would face extreme opposition.

The not-in-my-backyard crew would never allow the flooding of hundreds or thousands of acres that would stem from damming up a river.

You'd also get grief from environmentalists who want to preserve the existing river ecology.

In short, don't expect to see any new large-scale hydro dams built. Especially in a wealthy and liberal-leaning state like California...

Now, that said, we ought to take a look at how hydro top stocks of 2010 have performed ...

Canadian Hydro for 45%

TransAlta Corp. for 60%

Boralex for 65%

Brookfield for 20%.

Once again, if "slow volcano" power beats hydroelectric, don't you think that "slow volcano" should perform better as an investment? I think so, too...

Now let's quickly sum up the case for "slow volcano" power.

Why You Should Invest in "Slow Volcano" Power Right Now:

That explains my enthusiasm for "slow volcano" power. And it explains my eagerness to give you the only pure play on San Francisco "slow volcano" power.

This unknown little company sells for under 27 cents per share — so you can control a thousand-share block for just $265! I reveal this company's name in an exclusive memo called Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

But please allow me to introduce myself before I get ahead of everything...

Why This Old Rockhound Got Obsessed With "Slow Volcano" Power

Hello, I'm Byron King.

You may know me from the investment research newsletter Outstanding Investments, which I helm as managing editor.

Outstanding Investments focuses solely on resource-related top stocks to buy. We're talking gold, oil, cement, timber, alternative energy, uranium, coal and water. You know, all the "stuff" we need to live and build things.

Or you may have read my resource- and history-related writings in the internationally renowned e-letter Whiskey & Gunpowder.

You see, I focus most of my time on the resource, energy and commodity sphere of investing. And you've obviously seen my present obsession with the innovative resource of "slow volcano" power.

Why does the commodity segment of the market demand my time?

Enter the "old rockhound" part... I've studied geology for almost 40 years now. Back in the '70s, I graduated from Harvard with a geology degree.

I immediately went to go work in the exploration and production division of an oil major. The geologist's main task: to tell the oilman where to drill. Quite important, yes?

I've also held membership in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists for over 30 years. So after I stopped working as an active geologist, I turned all of my attention to discovering investment opportunities in oil and the resource sector in general.

That's why I love to research and write about commodity and resource hot stocks in Outstanding Investments.

I also have quite some pride in the fact that Outstanding Investments has been the best-performing newsletter in the world over the past five years. The independent watchdog Hulbert Financial Digest judged this.

Don't take my word for it, though. Let's look at some specifics:

How about some samplings of past triple-digit Outstanding Investments recommendations:

332% on Glamis Gold

668% on Metallica Resources

162% on Intrepid Minerals

137% in KeyWest Energy

263% on Coeur D'Alene

228% on Niko Resources

151% on Tocqueville Gold

104% on ICON Energy Fund

174% on PetroChina

160% on Western Oil Sands

182% on Talisman Energy

118% on Norsk Hydro

108% on Anglo American

147% on BG Group.

Of course, you should never frown on a nice double-digit gainer.

Outstanding Investments has pumped out a healthy helping of these kinds of gains, as well:

96% on EOG Resources

75% on American Water

84% on Corner Bay

57% on Waste Management

88% on Northgate Exploration

55% on Atacama Minerals

80% on Anadarko Petroleum

70% on Suez SA

86% on Kerr-McGee

73% on Wheaton River Minerals

85% on Precision Drilling

88% on INVESCO Energy Fund

83% on Placer Dome

78% on OMI Corp.

The above triple- and double-digit closed plays could've made my Outstanding Investments readers rather wealthy.

But just to complete the picture, let's take a quick look at some of the plays still open in the Outstanding Investments portfolio*:

361% and 119% on gold funds

712% on an oil sands refiner

237% on a sour crude refiner

235% on a natural gas driller

70% on a silver miner

144% on a construction company

25% on a gold miner

28% on an oil shipping company

94% on a Mexican cement maker

40% on an oil refiner

162% on a coal company

69% on a trash-to-energy generator

104% on a gold miner

29% on a geothermal power supplier

84% on a gold ETF

102% on a coal shipping trust.

* Please note:In fairness to existing Outstanding Investments subscribers, I can't reveal the names of the companies still open in the portfolio. All gains as of Aug. 19, 2008.

Here are a few comments from satisfied readers:

I Am Very Pleased With Your Newsletter
"Just wanted to write a quick note. I am very pleased with the Outstanding Investments newsletter. I appreciate the personal touch and the weekly commentaries, as well. And boy, do you guys know how to pick 'em. It's nice to find a buy-and-hold newsletter that delivers."

— Kevin S.

Thanks for Making My Family Money
"I just thought you would like to know that one guy out here is watching, impressed, happy, and has a few more shekels to share with his family."

— Randy Gale

Up Over 8% in Less Than a Day
"A tip of my hat to you. I have subscribed for some time now, but didn't act until yesterday, when I followed your recommendation and bought 1,000 shares. I'm now up more than 8% in less than 24 hours. It seemed like a gutsy call."

— Bruce

Profits of 560% and 652%... I'm up $45,000!
"Our financial year runs July to June, and so far, I am up some $45,000.

"On Monday, I sold for a profit of 560%. Today was my birthday, and you gave me the greatest birthday present I have ever had (financially) — a profit of 652%...

"I am absolutely rapt, as I have never traded commodities until now."

— G. Cockburn

52% in 8 Months
"My stock portfolio has increased 52% in eight months as a result of the insight of Outstanding Investments. I plan to be a subscriber for years to come. Thanks."

— Fred Handschumacher

I Made up the Cost of the Subscription
Within a Week!
"I made the cost of the subscription on my first buy, within a week or so. Your newsletter is a great deal!"

— A. Depalmer

Subscribing Was One of the Best Investment Decisions I've Made
"Thanks for all of the good advice. Subscribing to Outstanding Investments was one of the best investment decisions I've ever made."

— G. Wade George

So you wonder why I don't share my tiny "slow volcano" power company with Outstanding Investments members? Simple answer: because I can't.

You see, since Outstanding Investments has the best five-year record in the world, it has attracted a large number of eager members. Over 46,500, to be exact. And at under 27 cents per share, the California "slow volcano" play is just too small for that amount of interest.

But here's the thing... I'm so excited by the potential of "slow volcano" power I had to find some way to help Outstanding Investments readers take advantage.

Luckily, while I was researching the "slow volcano" phenomenon, I found a solution. I recommended the only midcap pure "slow volcano" play on a major American exchange. (There is no large-cap pure play in "slow volcano" power.)

Those lucky Outstanding Investments readers have had a chance to make a nice 29% — and still climbing — in just over a year.

Unfortunately, that's the only "slow volcano" pure play big enough to reveal to such a large number of potential investors.

But there's a world of difference between that 29% midcap gainer and the San Francisco "slow volcano" stock market in 2010.

There's no way I can possibly send out that "slow volcano" recommendation to the high number of potential investors who read Outstanding Investments.

You see, the company is so small that the stock is a microcap. It costs less than 27 cents per share. And further, a relatively small number of shares trade each day. This makes the best stock fairly illiquid.

If we told 46,500 people about a stock that small — frankly — all hell would bust loose.

The share's trading volume could get slammed up by all of the buying interest. This could artificially affect the stock's price. We can't have that...

But a problem comes up with my silence about this awesome "slow volcano" opportunity. This particular "slow volcano" stock has such strong profit potential that I can't possibly keep silent about it.

So I thought hard until I came up with a solution. I had to create a new research service that focuses only on these tiny, unknown microcap resource companies.

Companies so small that I can't recommend them to more than a small handful of skillful opportunists. Companies that promise outsized, underground gains.

Introducing Energy & Scarcity Investor

I call my new small and midcap resource stock research service Energy & Scarcity Investor.

Energy & Scarcity Investor follows the premise of my life's passion and present work in Outstanding Investments: finding great resource top stocks to buy. Resource stocks that promise incredible gains in the continued multidecade commodity bull market...

The basic tenet of the new service is to show you gains from the most necessary — and scarce — resources through the realm of speculative and tiny commodity and energy top stocks.

Stocks exactly like the 27-cent "slow volcano" power maker that I'll reveal to you in three minutes.

Whether those 2010 top stocks trade on the Amex, the Bulletin Boards, the Pink Sheets or even a foreign exchange like the TSX Venture... Energy & Scarcity Investor will scour any exchange, anywhere, to show you the best tiny, unheard-of commodity stocks.

For instance, the "slow volcano" play I'll reveal to you trades on one of the Canadian exchanges. On top of that, as we just went over, it's very small.

Now, we must have a word about risk and sophistication.

Why Energy & Scarcity Investor  Isn't Right for Beginners

Clearly, these microcap plays are more speculative than getting involved with, say, an established blue chip major like Exxon.

For this reason, you need an increased tolerance for risk to use the research in Energy & Scarcity Investor. As you know, the larger the chance for gain, the larger your risk. That simple fact will never vanish.

Now that doesn't mean we should shy away from the explosive profit potential that microcap resource plays like the San Francisco "slow volcano" company offers. It just means that we have to treat these companies with more diligence. We must approach the opportunities with more sophistication. With more courage against risk.

These important qualities make Energy & Scarcity Investor a smaller, more elite service.

Beginning investors probably shouldn't subscribe.

This necessary exclusivity has forced me to place a firm limit on the number of copies I send out at any given time of the free special report Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

The San Francisco "slow volcano" power play — and the four other "slow volcano" plays in your free report — are so small that currently I can send the report to only the next 2,500 people who subscribe. That's about 5% of my Outstanding Investments member base.

So less than one in 20 of my existing readers currently have the chance to get a look at this report. More on this limit in a bit... for now, let's take a look at some top stocks to buy in the sector that Energy & Scarcity Investor covers.

Explosive Gains From Tiny Resource and Energy Stocks

For proof of the concept behind my new service, let me show you some past impressive gains from micro- and small-cap resource top stocks just like the ones that Energy & Scarcity Investor will focus on:

700% on Almaden Resources

450% on Antares Minerals

1,258% on Bear Creek Mining

4,500% on Brett Resources

1,236% on Dynasty Metals

2,860% on Denison Mines

428% on Cirrus Energy

1,376% on Enexco

214% on Pan Orient Energy

211% on Ur-Energy

1,062% on Virginia Mines

958% on Seabridge Gold

1,076% on Minefinders

732% on Pan American Silver

208% on Compass Minerals

2,568% on Silvercorp Metals.

Energy & Scarcity Investor aims for those impressive quadruple- and high triple-digit gainers.

In fact, I have a good feeling that the "slow volcano" play that got me so excited has potential like that.

But wait. The San Francisco "slow volcano" play that I'm writing you about isn't the only pure "slow volcano" power play that you'll get in your free report called Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

In fact, I have four other impressive "slow volcano" power plays I want to send you.

First, I should point out that "slow volcano" power works in many more places than Northern California.

Massive "Slow Volcano" Potential in the Western U.S.

Put simply, the red areas hold "slow volcanoes" that broil close enough to the Earth's surface that you can drill into them to harness their heat to spin a turbine. The ideal potential lies in the states of California, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada.

And it just so happens that I want to tell you the names of some more tiny pure play "slow volcano" power producers in those states...

Western "Slow Volcano" Dynamo #1:

This unheard-of company controls 10.8 square miles of choice "slow volcano" land in southern Idaho. An independent firm estimates that this field can produce enough electricity to sell power to 110,000 households.

What's more, this company got lucky. This site started as a U.S. Department of Energy "slow volcano" power installation. So the government did all of the grunt work, proving the "slow volcano" resource could crank out a good deal of juice. Then this company stepped in and took over.

This company could get a big hit soon, though, because it just started generating electricity. If Wall Street takes notice, the $2 stock will move fast... so make sure you get your free copy of Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power. Right away.

Western "Slow Volcano" Dynamo #2:

Your second "slow volcano" pure play operates mainly in power-starved and growing Nevada. This company has a combined approach of generating power from proven "slow volcanoes" and acquiring potentially productive fields.

Their existing project has a minimum potential to power 30,000 homes. But the higher estimate states that the field could sell power to as many as 47,000 homes.

But the company's unproven fields show potential, too. It's bought the rights to three more fields in Nevada and Oregon. Just one of these sites at one time shot superheated steam out of the ground 147 feet into the air. Independent estimates state that this field should produce enough juice to power 50,000 households.

Western "Slow Volcano" Dynamo #3:

Your third "slow volcano" play holds interest in 15 geothermal projects in Nevada.

The initial estimates on the amount of power these fields can churn out amount to120– 245 megawatts. That's enough to power 120,000–245,000 homes. So you can see the massive potential of this tiny company...

Western "Slow Volcano" Dynamo #4:

This little "slow volcano" company operates in western South America, not the Western United States. Take a look at the following map to see the hottest "slow volcano" regions across the globe, colored in red:

This company operates in western Latin America. It focuses on Nicaragua. The project it's nearly completed has an estimated power generation potential of up to 277 megawatts — or enough to provide 277,000 homes with electricity.

So that sums up the five total "slow volcano" pure plays you'll get in your free copy of Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power.

As I explained, these microcap "slow volcano" top stocks for 2010 are so small that I have to limit the number of reports that I send out at any time to 2,500.

And this offer ends right at midnight on Aug. 28.

That means that you must accept your Energy & Scarcity Investor invitation before midnight on Aug. 28.

But there's even more urgency for you. If 2,500 people sign up before the midnight deadline on the 28th, I'll have to close the doors on the "slow volcano" report. I simply can't send it to any more people than that now. So it's wise for you to act quickly and accept your invitation.

Now let's cover the additional benefits you'll receive when you join Energy & Scarcity Investor...

Here's What You'll Get With Your Membership to Energy & Scarcity Investor  :

A FREE copy of Profit From the Gov't-Forced Boom in Renewable Energy With "Slow Volcano" Power. This special memo on microcap "slow volcano" companies contains five pure plays for you to take advantage of. I will e-mail you this report if you're among the next 2,500 people who subscribe. Value: $795

A full year of monthly Energy & Scarcity Investor issues. You'll receive at least one — possibly more — new recommendation every month. You'll get specific stock symbols and specific buy ranges. You'll get the issue immediately by e-mail, and we'll mail you a hard copy, as well. Value: $1,495 per year

Urgent updates at least once a week. These e-mails will update you on any urgent news on your open recommendations in the Energy & Scarcity Investor portfolio. Also, I'll weigh in on important developments in the commodity market and the general market at large. Value: $495 per year

Flash buy and sell alerts. Sometimes the market forces us to act swiftly. If an event arises that forces us to recommend you sell out of a position, we'll let you know anytime. That way, you won't delay locking in gains. Likewise, if I discover an opportunity that can't wait for the scheduled monthly or weekly updates, I'll send it to you right away. Value: $295 per year

Instant 24-hour access to the private, members-only Energy & Scarcity Investor Web site. Here you'll find everything I write to you in one convenient spot... your special investment reports, the monthly issues and weekly updates. You can also access a real-time portfolio that tracks all of your Energy & Scarcity Investor plays

Free subscription to the Agora Financial Executive Series. The series forms an exclusive benefit to our valued paid readers. It consists of Rude Awakening and The 5 Min. Forecast. Rude Awakening selects writings from all of Agora Financial's paid investment research and publishes the best and most profitable specific recommendations. The 5 Min. Forecast aims to sum up the day's financial news and mix it with profitable and lighthearted recommendations in one brief bulletin that you can read in 5 minutes or less

Total value of one year of Energy & Scarcity Investor = $3,080 per year

$3,080 looks pretty cheap, compared with what you'd pay for other high-end research services.

And you can bet you'd have the opportunity to recoup that $3,080 in no time if we showed you a triple- or quadruple-digit winner...

But don't worry: You won't pay nearly that much to accept your membership.

The price for one year is just $1,495. That's a 50% discount off the one-year value of $3,080.

Then I thought about it some more. To show how serious I am about this new service — and the potential for you to make gains with my "slow volcano" picks — I dropped the special price from $1,495 to just $995 per year. You save 33%!

But there's one last catch:

Hold on — you could actually get four months of Energy & Scarcity Investor completely risk free...

Why You Can Try out My "Slow Volcano" Power Research for $0

That's right. I want to give you the chance to pay nothing to try out my Energy & Scarcity Investor. $0!

How it works: You receive your "slow volcano" report. You decide if you want to invest in any or all of those hot stocks to buy. Soon, your monthly issues arrive. You get your weekly updates and exclusive password access to the member-only Web site...

You decide which recommendations you want to act on. Whichever you want.

My guarantee: If, after four months, you're not satisfied with the opportunities my Energy & Scarcity Investor picks have shown you, you can call me and demand a full refund.

You heard that right. If you're not satisfied with your membership, you pay nothing for it.

Even in the last hour of the 119th day. No questions asked. And you keep every single thing I've ever sent you.

I think that's the simplest guarantee in all independent investment research.

Couldn't be fairer than that, could it?


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