Saturday, July 4, 2009

Returns of Over 52% From Best Stock Investment Within 10 Days

This has been a bad week for the Dow, to say the least. On Friday, it saw its biggest weekly drop since October.

There have been a lot of long faces on Wall Street lately - but there's no reason you have to be one of them. In fact, it would prove to be quite a bit more profitable (not to mention less stressful) for you if you just steered clear of stocks all together.

If removing yourself from Wall Street's nastiness sounds like too big of a leap for you, we urge you to keep reading. We promise there is big money to be made...and you won't have to touch stocks with a ten-foot pole.

Imagine using a "Shadow Market" technique to double your investment in less than two weeks.

Without ever buying a single best stock, bond, commodity or managed fund.

Doesn't seem possible?

I've seen it done. I'll show you.

And in the next 24 hours, you could have a chance to profit just as big ― or bigger.

You see, Phase 3 of a brand new "Shadow Market" trading technique has just gone public for the first time.

And it has the potential to be the biggest recession-proof money making opportunity Agora Financial has ever offered you.

686 privately invited Phase-1 and -2 testers have already made 100% returns in as little as 48 hours. Now, the opportunity is finally open to you.

And, by side-stepping the mainstream markets to harness hidden "Shadow Market" gains, Phase-3 is on track to make you even more.

With hold times of as little as a few days.

Other Phase-3 testers are already starting to take record gains from this "Shadow Market."

And they'll be happy to continue taking those gains whether or not you decide to join in.

Today, I'm offering you a chance to be one of the lucky ones raking in quick "Shadow Market" gains.

A chance to sit back and watch your account fill up with cash.

Understand...the "Shadow Market" seems very easy to play.

And it is.

Yet it is not easily tamed.

Warning: the "Shadow Market" can drain every penny in your account

I'm not going to lie. The "Shadow Market" is brutal.

Conservative investors...weak-stomached investors...stop reading now.

If you're hoping to make a mint using your last $500 let me assure you...

This opportunity is not for you.

The "Shadow Market" moves at a break-neck pace.

Unlike every other market in the world, the "Shadow Market" never closes.

It's open 24 hours a day, five days a week.

And even the tiniest movements in this market can make or break you in a matter of hours if not minutes.

That means never leaving your computer screen ― keeping one eye fixed on your indicators at all time.

Playing it successfully requires every minute of your time.

Sleep? Playing the "Shadow Market" won't give you time for sleep.

Investments are made, money changes hands, "regular people" are made and then broken... 24 hours a day.

And that's yet another reason why it still lurks in the shadows ― who wants to be up all night, trading?

The "Shadow Market" can triple your losses in a matter of minutes

The money needed for a typical investment can be substantial.

When you play the "Shadow Market" you are highly encouraged to leverage your investments 100:1.

Sure, that gives you the opportunity to get in with very little out of pocket.

But, toying with that kind of leverage, even a tiny move against you means your losses can be crushing.

In a matter of minutes, you're on the hook for way more than your initial investment.

But what if you found out some way to tame this market, to keep its power in check... it IS possible, you see...

While every other market is in a historic slump. . .This "Shadow Market" trading technique is banking returns of 100%, 42% and 70%

Phase 1 experiments began back in July 2008.

686 of Agora Financial's most elite readers volunteered to put this great new money-making strategy to the test. They had heard about the power of the "Shadow Market" and volunteered to test-run a new research service that aimed to profit from it.

These test subjects received their first recommendation on July 30, 2008.

Using just a fraction of the power locked in this unorthodox trading technique, 686 Phase 1 testers set their sights on average gains of 10% every month.

If they were successful, they would have doubled their money in just over eight months.

But the numbers just didn't add up. So our intrepid 686 "Shadow Market" volunteers were hungry for more ― much more.

So we turned up the juice and launched into Phase 2 just three months later.

The first buy recommendation went out to the same 686 test subjects on October 27, 2008.

What happened over the next 10 days was astonishing. As you can see in the chart below, just $1000 in the first three plays would have landed you a profit of $1566.33...a mere 10 days later.

That's more than $156 a day in pure "Shadow Market" profits.

If you'd invested $5,000 in each play, starting on October 27, and followed our first three recommendations to a "T", you would have been sitting on $12,831.50 in pure profits just 10 days later.

And $10,000 would have turned into $25,663...that's a daily average of over $2,500!

How would you like to double your money in little more than 10 days. . . by using my secret technique in a little-known "Shadow Market"?

Not a bad start for a test run, wouldn't you agree?

Especially a test run that started on October 27, 2008. Barely a month after the hot stocks market took one of the worst tumbles in history.

But as you can see, we're not talking penny profits here.

Phase 3 could easily mean solid, consistent, five-figure profits in as little as two weeks. Regardless of what the other markets do!

Sure, not every play is going to double that fast. In fact, Bill picked a couple of losers along the way too. But I'll bet a few back-to-back plays averaging 52.2% would look pretty nice right about now.

Am I right?

I mean, we're all scared to death in this economy. And rightly so...

Many investors have completely pulled their money out of stocks, commodities and funds.

The conservative investors tuck their cash under a mattress for a rainy day (what they have left of it anyway).

Meanwhile, the lucky Phase-2 "Shadow Market" volunteers had the chance to double their money in a matter of days.

Grabbing gains like:

23.39% gains in just two days...

33.24% gains in one week and...

100% gains in just 24 hours...

And projections for Phase-3 are far greater than anything we've seen yet.

Learn how to tame the "Shadow Market" and grab insane profits ― in any market

You see, more than $4 trillion changes hands in the "Shadow Market" every day. That's more than triple the amount of all top stocks and futures combined.

Making the "Shadow Market" the single-largest market in the world.

And yet it remains virtually unknown and untouched by comparison.

But why is it so cut off from the mainstream?

Because although the "Shadow Market" is massive and is equally dangerous and terrifying.

That's why it remains hidden in the shadows.

Sure, the profit potential is virtually limitless.

But so are the losses.

So it can be scary.

Those who slip into the "Shadow Market" without the right know-how, crawl home broke and battered ― with barely a shirt on their back.

In a market that moves this quickly, thousands of dollars can be lost in a matter of days, if not hours and minutes.

And that's why you must tame it before you can take steady profits...

So give me just a minute and I'll show you how you could not only tame the "Shadow Market," but use its fullest power for some unbelievable profits.

686 Agora Financial's Phase 1 and 2 volunteers have tamed the "Shadow Market"

With the help of a self-made "Shadow Market" tamer, they've been using a cutting-edge investing strategy that landed them average returns of 52.2% in the first 10 days.

And in just another minute, I'm going to offer you the opportunity to join the just-opened Phase 3 so you could take similar "Shadow Market" profits.

Profits that could make Phase 2 look like pocket change.

Offering double and triple-digit returns:

Without buying a single stock, bond or commodity

Without throwing money away in a fund

Without waiting weeks, months or years

During a time when hot stocks 2009 are down almost 50%, Phase 1 and 2 testers have had the chance to more than double their money.

And as Phase 3 opens to the public, you'll have the chance to profit right along with them.

Using a proven strategy for taming the "Shadow Market" that's fast, safe and won't take more than 10 minutes out of any given day.

My "Shadow Market" Taming System REVEALED!

You might have guessed that the "Shadow Market" is my name for the Forex market.

It's virtually untouched and uncharted financial territory to even the most seasoned traders.

But, we've found a way to make safe, fast, double and triple-digit gains.

The tamed FX market represents the largest most powerful money-making machine on the planet.

And I'm going to show you just how easy it is to make its power work for you.

Best of all, no matter what happens to stocks, commodities, real estate and funds of every shape and size ― as long as the world keeps spinning we'll be there to profit from every move.

Phase 3 uses the power of options to tame and benefit from the wild "Shadow Market"

If you've ever played the stock market 2009, chances are you've heard of options.

But even if you've never bought a stock, you can put this strategy to work for you with just a few simple, easy-to-follow steps.

I'll show you exactly how it works in just a minute.

But the gains I've already told you about are proof that using options allows you to make staggering profits from the single-biggest market on the planet.

But what really sets this taming strategy apart from the "Shadow Market" is that these profits come with:

Virtually limitless profit potential

Extremely fixed and limited risk

A standard stock-trading account (no special accounts or
brokers necessary)

Plus, using options means you don't need to watch the "Shadow Market" around the clock.

Not only do these "Shadow Market" options protect your risk, they allow you to make killer profits without giving up your sleep!

Make staggering Forex gains, no matter what's going on in the other world markets

The tamed Forex system works.

And happy Phase 1 and 2 testers are proof positive:

"I made 27% on my first trade....what a psychological boost in this current bear market."

� Michael S.

"Thanks for another great option call! 30% in 48 hours―nice!

Thanks again."

� Jack M.

Nice call! 22% in 24 hours. Thank you!

� Andrew T.

That's because, up or down... big or small... there is money to be made in any fluctuation in the FX market.

And thanks to hundreds of social, political and economic variables, a currency's value can go up and down several times in a single day.

For the diehards, that means taking huge risks, watching the charts all night and eating every meal in front of the computer screen.

That's why I want you to have your chance to jump on Phase 3 of my Forex trading system...

Playing the Shadow Market market means there is money to be made 24 hours a day, five days a week.

But don't worry.

When the Shadow Market's tamed, using options plays, you don't have to keep those kinds of hours to take quick profits.

Our cutting-edge "Shadow Market" trading strategy
actually tames the FX market for you

Our "Shadow Market" tamer watches the charts, gauges his technical indicators and does all the work for you.

Using simple options plays, we can actually slow down the "Shadow Market," minimize your risk and super-charge your profit potential.

What kind of profit potential am I talking about?

How about doubling your money in just 48 hours.

How easy is it? It couldn't be easier

In fact, it's no different than buying or selling a stock.

All it takes is a single click of your mouse or a single five minute phone call and you're in.

A twelve-year old could do it.

Because, once you're on board, you'll get an email with all the details you'd need to buy into each play―what to click or what to tell your broker, word-for-word.

Two Easy Steps to Tamed Shadow Market Riches:

Decide if you want to act on the urgent play emailed to you

Then we'll email you again when it's time to get out and bank
your profits

Boom, boom, you take your gains.

Even if you've never bought a stock... know nothing about options... have never even heard of the FX market...

You'll find everything you need to know, spelled out, in the pages of The Easy Way to Trade Currency Options.

This report strips away the "investor-ese" and shows you exactly how FX options work, how to set up an account (if you don't already have one) and start grabbing incredible gains.

Just another minute of your time, and I'll show you how to get your hands on this report, absolutely FREE...

So you too will have a chance to see 23.39%. . . 33.24%. . .100% returns, or better!

It's practically fool-proof.

But before I explain how you can put this strategy to work for you...

Let me tell you about the "Shadow Market" genius behind these profit plays.

He's the man watching the computer screen 24 hours a day so that you don't have to.

And his name is Bill Jenkins.

The son of a carpenter and a homemaker, he's the fifth of seven brothers, a minister, a father of eight and a husband of 26 years.

And although you wouldn't know it after speaking to him, he doesn't have a degree in business, finance or economics.

He didn't spend years on the trading floor, wiping the boiler room sweat from his brow.

But he just might be the hardest working man we've ever brought onto our team.

Bill went to college and then seminary school in Western Pennsylvania. From there he went straight into the ministry...

"Minister's salaries being what they are, and having a growing family, I was quickly forced to find a way to supplement my income. 

Somebody told me I could make money in the best stock investment..."

The stock market had its ups and downs for Bill. But the real money came rolling in once he learned how to tame the FX market.

Interestingly enough, he got his start with his brother.

"My oldest brother, Jim, and I made a little money trading stocks, but we made the most on a pair of currency options on Eurodollars. 

It was 1993, and we bought 2 Euro calls for $200.00. 

We cashed them out at $1,200.00." 

That was a quick gain of 500%. And, naturally, Bill was HOOKED.

Over the next 15 years Bill tried his hand at stocks, commodities and real estate with mixed results.

He was raising a family, running a church and he launched and ran his own construction business.

At the same time, he devoured everything he could. Books, newsletters, arcane charts ― he analyzed every building block of trading.

But, more than anything else, Bill realized that you learn more by doing than by reading and studying.

So he put all of his other investments aside and dove headlong into the madness of the FX market.

His success came slow at first.

But the more he played, the more he learned.

And the more he learned, the more cash he started raking in.

Bill knows how to trade currencies and currency options like no man I've ever met.

And that's why he insisted on opening the Phase 3 round of his Forex system to you, if you want to join.

So you'll have a chance to profit right along with him...

Minimize your risk, super-charge your profits and cash in on the power of the FX market

Like I said earlier, the FX market is easy to play ― but it's wild and it's dangerous.

It took Bill's cutting-edge strategy to tame it.


If you're looking for a tame, safe, easy way to play the FX market...

If you enjoy making steady double and triple-digit gains with barely any effort at all...

If you're looking for a profit-driven strategy that keeps your risk known and at a minimum...

And if you enjoy getting eight hours sleep each night...

Then our brand new Master FX Options Trader research service is your key to cash-grabbing success in 2009.

You read that right.

The fastest, easiest, most direct way to grow your money. . .

It doesn't matter if you've never played options before.

In fact, you don't need any investment knowledge whatsoever.

Because, when you sign up for Master FX Options Trader today, we'll send you a copy of The Easy Way to Trade Currency Options absolutely FREE.

We'll show you everything you need to know to get started.

Even if you've never bought a single stock, when you've got an FX master like Bill Jenkins in your corner calling all the shots, it couldn't be easier!

Like I said before, our Phase 2 beta test delivered average returns of over 52% in the first 10 days!

Best of all, it takes less than 10 minutes to get in on each of Bill's recommendations.

A few clicks of your mouse or a few minutes on the phone, and you're in.

How does it work?

Every week Bill will send you an email to let you know what's happening in the world currencies market. And how it can impact each of the major currencies.

He's got a pretty complicated analysis. He uses candlesticks, trendlines, moving averages, Bollinger bands, stochastics and a series of proprietary grids.

Here's just one simple example of the kind of thing Bill looks for:

You see that spike? Bill saw it coming a mile away.

He keeps one eye on his indicators and the other on the international news.

Using his knowledge and understanding of the FX market, he combines those charted trends with any major announcement...

Then bang!

When the timing is right, he'll tell you word-for-word, in plain English, which options play to get what price...and why.

If you like the play, you can actually call your broker and read him Bill's email word-for-word.

Just to show you how easy it really is, here's a copy of the alert that Bill sent out on October 27, telling his readers about the British pound calls that would land them 100% returns just two days later...

As you can see, Bill lays everything out very clearly.

If you decide to take advantage of his recommendation, you can actually call your broker and just read him Bill's email ― it couldn't be easier.

Best of all, unlike playing the "wild" FX market, Bill's "taming" strategy means your out-of-pocket is rarely more than a couple hundred dollars per position.

Your risk on tamed Forex options plays are fixed. You always know exactly how much is at stake ― it's strictly known and completely manageable.

You are 100% in control.

So while a typical FX trade could easily drain your account a hundred times over with a single position...

With tamed currency options:

There's no fine print...

No hidden danger of losing more than you put in...

And your profit potential is virtually limitless!

Of course, not every play is going to be a winner.

Like I said before, even someone batting 1.000 is going to swing and miss from time to time.

That's why only serious readers should take advantage of Bill's Phase 3 Forex system.

Even though Bill's track record has been overwhelmingly profitable so far, you must be able to admit the possibility of a losing play...

But unlike any other investment, Bill's "taming" strategy works in any market environment.

It doesn't matter what happens to top stocks and bonds...

It doesn't matter how many hedge funds go bust or how many CEOs go bankrupt...

It doesn't matter what happens to gold or silver, oil or coal, gas or corn...

As long as the world keeps spinning, currencies will continue to change hands and Bill Jenkins' Master FX Options Trader will help you profit, every step of the way.

A chance to grab returns of 100% or better in just 48 hours! Sign on today for 50% off and start seeing profits as early as next week. . .

Maybe you've seen the late-night Forex infomercials. They tout $10,000 FX services claiming to make you money "while you sleep."

They're pretty hard to miss. And they're equally hard to believe.

And for the most part, they go out into the Wild Forex market, exposing you to unlimited risk. In fact, I've never even seen one that uses options to tame the FX markets like Bill does...

For $10,000 they'll send you a CD, a flimsy report and a fast, one-way ride to financial ruin.

But the brand new Master FX Options Trader won't run you anywhere near that.

Plus, with the Master FX Options Trader you get:

Specific options plays: Bill keeps one eye focused on his charts at any given minute, so you don't have to. And when the time is right, he'll immediately fire off an email with all the details you need to get in on his next play. Up to 52 plays a year!

Breaking news: At least once a week, you'll get the latest on what's going on around the world. You'll get an update on any open positions, details on what's happening in the currency markets and how they can impact your FX options plays.

Expert experience: 15 years worth of Bill's investing experience, uncanny instinct and targeted investment recommendations. Laid out in easy-to-follow language that even an amateur could follow with ease.

FREE Gift #1: Our brand new currency options report, The Easy Way to Trade Currency Options, is yours FREE. It'll tell you everything you need to know about the FX market. How it works, why it can be dangerous, how we've used options to tame it and the easy steps you can follow, in just minutes, to set up your own options trading account (if you don't already have one).

FREE Gift #2: Elite level access to the Master FX Options Trader web site. In it you'll find detailed archives, current alerts, our profit portfolio, free reports and more.

And of course, beyond all of the above...

You get the opportunity to join Phase 3 of Bill's Forex research service to rake in double and triple-digit gains while the majority of investors lose sleep.

So how much will the Master FX Options Trader service run you?

Like I said, a service of this caliber could easily go for $10,000 or more per year.

Especially when you consider that a $5,000 investment in the right recommendations during Phase 2 would have paid for your subscription and then some... in less than two weeks.

But, I want you to have every opportunity to hit the ground running with Phase 3. So we've decided to keep it at a very reasonable $2,000.

However, since I want to make sure there's nothing stopping you from signing up today, I cut the price in half.

That means a full year of Master FX Options Trader will run you just $995!

But I can't guarantee this price forever. My publisher may jack it back up to $2,000 at any time.

Now, I have to warn you:There are no sure things in this world. . .

Is Bill going to make the right call 100% of the time?

Of course not.

23.39%...33.24%...and 100% returns, in the first 10 days were a heck of a good start!

And although Phase 2 came out ahead of the game, his fourth and fifth plays were losers.

So you see, there are very few sure things in this world. And even someone who bats 1.000 is sure to take a swing and a miss from time to time.

But the gains he's achieved have more than made up for the occasional losses.

So, if there's anything keeping you from signing up for Master FX Options Trader, let me offer you this safety net.

If you choose to enroll as a Phase 3 tester today, you can put Bill's insights to the test RISK-FREE for the next 60 days.

That means, a chance to get in on as many as four options plays.

But, even if you don't make any investments of your own ― even if you just paper trade for the next month ― if he doesn't show you an opportunity to make at least double your money on at least one play, as reflected in his track record, just give us a call and we'll refund every penny of your subscription price.

No questions asked.

There's no such thing as a "slow down" in the Forex market

Bill's taming strategy and the launch of Phase 3 can be the safety net you're looking for during the worst economic slump in more than two generations.

His next triple-digit profit opportunity could come at any moment. And I would love for you to profit right along with his lucky Phase 1 and 2 readers.

So why wait another minute? Visit this link, sign up today and save 50% on a full year of Master FX Options Trader now!


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