Friday, March 27, 2009

How Sonoma Steam Power Play 2009 Top Stocks Market

Obama has talked a big gamed with his assertion that there will be 'no tax increases for the middle class'. Sounds nice...but when was the last time a politician said what they meant?

Our new president and both Congressional leaders are working with environmental extremists to cook up what you might call a 'stealth tax'.

While it won't raise a single tax rate, this stealth tax could yank $2,927 a year from each American's pocket. And it could be implemented as soon as April 2.

But you don't have to take this sitting can take steps right now to protect your hard-earned money from what's coming...and even turn that $2,927 loss into a $63,359 gain.

It is possible to get back at the politicians. Keep reading to find out how.

The politicians are wasting no time.

And your hard-earned wealth is at risk. No matter what your income is.

Sure, the new president talks a great game about no tax increases for the "middle class."

But right now, he and Congressional leaders from both parties are in cahoots with environmental extremists.

They're hatching a diabolical plan. A "Stealth Tax," you might say.

It won't raise a single tax rate. But it could yank an average $2,927 out of your pocket every year.

How will you feel $2,927 poorer?

And it's not just energy costs.

The cost of everything else you buy goes up too... because it takes energy to make it and transport it.

Add it all up, it could reach as high as $2,927, straight out of your pocket.
Every year.

But that's just the average. It might be even worse for you.

How bad could it be? I'll show you.

Look below, where I've included a state-by-state chart... so you can find out how hard it could hit where you live.

Now I don't know well-heeled you are. Or how big a bite that would take out of your lifestyle.

But as far as I'm concerned, any more money that we fork over for Washington, D.C.'s idiocy is outrageous. And I bet you think so too.

So you face a decision: You could fork over as much as $2,927 to Washington, D.C. every year, from now until forever, and just accept it. Or you can take proactive steps that could recover every penny. And then turn it into as much as $63,359.

Just know this: The "Stealth Tax" is nearly a done deal... thanks to years of pushing and prodding by environmental extremists.

Obama's behind this money grab all the way. "Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response," he said in November.

I'm not picking on the new president. John McCain also supported this money-thieving scheme during the 2008 campaign. "Americans... need to get serious" about this issue, he said.

Congressional leaders are behind this "Stealth Tax," too.

In fact, Democrats just removed the one committee chairman who would have stood in the way ― and replaced him with an environmental zealot.

Point is, there are just too many powerful forces in play to stop the "Stealth Tax."

But here's an even more important point: You can take steps today to protect your hard-earned wealth from what's coming.

Today you could bullet-proof your balance sheet from what's on the way... and even turn that $2,927 loss into a $63,359 gain. You could make your money back 21 times over.

But first, you need to know exactly what Washington has in mind. And how it could turn the worst recession of our lifetime into the next depression.

How Politicians Want to Turn This Recession Into the Next Great Depression

Here's what really chaps me about this "Stealth Tax."

Here we are in the worst financial crisis since the Depression. And they're talking about a massive, behind-your-back tax increase. Even worse, this tax increase could...Kill off 850,000 jobs by 2014... and 1.8 million more jobs by 2020

That's 1.4% of all American jobs, vaporized
Shrink the U.S. economy $116 billion by 2014... and another $116 billion
by 2020
That's on top of how much it's shrinking already
Shrink the output of U.S. industry by 3.7%
American manufacturing hollowed out even more than it is now
Jack up gasoline prices 69%
And as I said earlier, rob the average household of as much as $2,927 every year

In short, what's already the worst recession in decades would be certain to turn into the next Great Depression.

All of it because of a sneaky tax increase that Congress doesn't even have the honesty to call by its proper name.

I'm not pulling those numbers out of my rear end, by the way. I have a stack of four studies here on my desk.

Each was done independently, so the numbers vary a bit.

But every one of them reaches the same conclusion: This "Stealth Tax" will absolutely crater what's left of the U.S. economy.

Factories closed forever.

Millions of people jobless.

Gasoline unaffordable.

And as much as $2,927 of your annual income, sucked out of your pocket every year.

And yet... while fortunes will be lost during this meltdown, even greater fortunes will be made. I'll show you exactly where they could be made... and where you could grab your share.

Look, there's no stopping this train. The "Stealth Tax" is coming as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Washington will seize a portion of your wealth to make this happen. Perhaps as early as April 2.

And they'll do it without raising a penny of income tax, Social Security tax, gasoline tax, or any other tax. That's what's so devious, so disgusting. That's what makes it a "Stealth Tax."

So you need a plan to recover the wealth they'll steal from you. And then multiply what you've recovered. As much as 21 times over.

I'll show you exactly how you could do this... once I lay out the details of what the politicians have planned. Because only then will you know just how dire this situation is.

How the Environmental Extremists Are About to Get Their Way

Look, I don't know how you feel about global warming.

I'm not here to preach either side of the argument.

This isn't about whether the earth is getting warmer. Or whether humans are responsible for it.

This is about a group of EnviroNazis who think they're the only ones who have a solution.

They've had this "Stealth Tax" in the works for over a decade.

Maybe you've heard of their scheme by another name. They innocently call it "cap and trade."

It's insanely complicated. They deliberately make it that way to silence their opponents.

But the gist of it is this. Washington will dictate to nearly every American business how much carbon dioxide it's allowed to generate.

Big government will put a "cap" on everyone's greenhouse gas emissions.

Even if you believe the earth is getting warmer and humans are responsible for it, there's got to be a better way of fighting it than this.

But this is what the EnviroNazis want. And now, it's what they're going to get.

This isn't something dreamed up by a think tank that hasn't been put into legislation yet.

This was something that actually reached the floor of the Senate during 2008.

Republican opposition stopped it that time. But now Democrats have bigger majorities in both houses of Congress.

And many Republicans support the "Stealth Tax" too. One of them co-sponsored the bill. And on the campaign trail, John McCain spoke up for it just as much as Barack Obama.

And now, one of the last lines of defense against this bill has just been wiped out.

The Last Line of Defense Against the "Stealth Tax" Just Got Booted Out of Power

For three decades, the top-dog Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee was a Congressman from Detroit, John Dingell. He knew the "Stealth Tax" would kill the auto industry and he fought it big-time.

Guess what just happened?

House Democrats kicked Dingell out and replaced him.

Who's his replacement?

The king of EnviroNazis himself, California's Henry Waxman.

The New York Times calls Waxman "the darling of environmentalists and the liberal wing of the party."

As soon as he won the post, he said. "We have a new opportunity that maybe comes only once in a generation."

And believe me, he and the rest of the EnviroNazis will make the most of it.

And it's no better in the Senate. Who's the chairman of the Senate Energy Committee? Another EnviroNazi from California, Barbara Boxer.

They don't care that their schemes will send gas prices back into the stratosphere.

They don't care if your light and heating bills jump by more than a third.

They don't care if their "Stealth Tax" costs you as much as $2,927 every year ― or more.

All they care about is enacting their extremist taxation schemes.

And here's the kicker. Some of the biggest businesses in America are lining up behind the "Stealth Tax." Nike, Starbucks, Levi Strauss, Sun Microsystems. They've formed a coalition to lobby for cap-and-trade.

If major U.S. businesses support the "Stealth Tax," I don't know who's going to stop it.

And you have very little time to prepare for as much as a $2,927 annual hit to your income.

In fact, you need to start making plans today. Even if you're still trying to get your 2008 tax returns in order for the April 15 deadline.

Let me tell you why Congress could act as early as April 2.

Why the "Stealth Tax" Could Be Enacted As Soon As April 2

In the next few days ― probably no later than April 2 ― the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to make a big announcement.

The EPA will likely declare it has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide ― "greenhouse gases" ― the same way it regulates air pollution under the Clean Air Act of 1970.

This would be huge. It would give this one agency sweeping powers over "transportation, manufacturing costs and how utilities generate power," according to the New York Times.

And more importantly, according to the paper, "it could accelerate the progress of energy and climate change legislation in Congress."

Legislation including, of course, the "Stealth Tax."

Why April 2? It's the second anniversary of a Supreme Court ruling that ordered the EPA to decide whether carbon dioxide is a form of pollution.

And with Obama's commitment to the "Stealth Tax" already in place... there's no mystery how the EPA will decide.

It's this simple. Cap-and-trade is coming. The "Stealth Tax" is coming. You need to prepare yourself.

And here's how.

How to Protect Your Wealth from the "Stealth Tax" � And Even Turn It to Your Advantage for Triple-Digit Gains

You've got to turn the "Stealth Tax" to your advantage.

See, you can actually reverse that flow of money out of your pocket.

You can stick it to the feds. You can reclaim that $2,927 the "Stealth Tax" could take away. And then you can take that $2,927 and multiply it as much as 21 times over.

How, you wonder?

Think about it.

The new president wants to create five million new "green jobs."

What would those workers do?

They'd install insulation to make homes more energy-efficient.

They'd install wind turbines.

They'd rebuild our crumbling electrical grid.

And the new president is willing to spend your tax money freely to do it. $150 billion by some estimates. Starting with $15 billion already penciled in to the budget blueprint for the coming year.

That means the companies that create all these "green jobs" are in line for a $150 billion payday.

Invest in those companies, and you stand to make government-sponsored gains.

Let me be really clear. It doesn't matter whether or not you think this is good "policy." This is where the money is going to flow in the years ahead.

You need to set yourself up so you can collect your fair share. Because if you don't, you could be out as much as $2,927 every year.

And if you play this just right, you could collect a lot more than $2,927 every year. You could make 21 times that amount. You could make back all your losses from the "Stealth Tax"... and every other tax you pay Uncle Sam.

Wouldn't that sort of payback be nice?

Sure, you say, but what companies stand to make a killing from all this?

Where's the best place to put your money to get your "Stealth Tax" rebate?

Yes, there's solar power. And wind power.

And those will have their place in the years ahead.

But I know about an even better opportunity.

This is your single best shot at reclaiming the money the feds will take out of your pocket with the "Stealth Tax."

Act before Congress does... again, it could be as early as April 2... and it could mean a payout of $63,359.

Or even more.

Better Than Solar. Better Than Wind. How "Sonoma Steam Power" Will Put the Money in Your Pocket the "Stealth Tax" Took Out

What if I told you there was a renewable energy source that's both...

More reliable than solar and wind
More pleasing to the EnviroNazis

Yes, believe it or not, some EnviroNazis don't like solar and wind.

The photovoltaic cells that make solar power use toxic metals like cadmium and selenium. They're hard to recycle.

And EnviroNazis nearly stopped a project to build solar panels in the California desert. The reason? It would threaten the habitat of the ground squirrel!

Wind power? Chances are you've heard how birds fly into the turbines and the blades shred them to death. So EnviroNazis don't like that either.

Plus the turbines are ugly and noisy. That's why the Kennedy family tried to kill a wind project off the coast of Cape Cod.

There's even evidence they can cause migraine headaches.

But there's one power source even the EnviroNazis can like.

And guess what? It's even more reliable than solar and wind.

After all, the sun doesn't shine at night. The wind doesn't blow all the time.

But this power source is always on. 24/7.

It's your single best defense against the "Stealth Tax."

This Discovery from Gold Rush Days Can Deliver Your "Stealth Tax" Rebate

This power source has been around as long as the sun's been shining and the wind's been blowing.

But no one caught on to its potential until around the time of the California Gold Rush.

And the man who discovered it was no scientist. He was an adventurer named William Bell Elliott.

One day in 1847 he was out hunting bears in what is now California wine country. He climbed up a step embankment. He rounded the corner of a canyon. And suddenly, he found himself barely clinging to rocks above a 1,500-foot drop.

At the bottom of that drop was... nothing. Nothing he could see except roaring, steaming vapor.

William Bell Elliot was certain he'd glimpsed the gates of hell.

He recovered his footing and lived to tell about it. He called the area "The Geysers."

Soon a developer built a resort around these massive hot springs. It too was called The Geysers. Among its famous guests were Mark Twain, J.P. Morgan, and Theodore Roosevelt.

In the 1920s, a businessman named John Grant bought the resort and remodeled it. But he had bigger things on his mind.

He figured the hot springs could be harnessed to produce electricity.

His workers drilled a hole into the earth, deep into an area where temperatures reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Then they pumped water into the hole, boiling the water and producing steam. The steam powered a turbine to produce electricity.

America's first "Sonoma Steam Power" plant was in operation.

Today, the resort is long gone. But the region around The Geysers produces huge amounts of California's renewable electric power. More than solar and wind combined.

There's nothing an EnviroNazi can complain about with Sonoma Steam Power. It generates three times less carbon dioxide than our cleanest fossil fuel, natural gas. It's renewable, because these "hot spots" will always generate heat.

And as I said before, it also makes more economic sense than solar and wind. Sonoma Steam Power is always on.

Here's the most important thing. The Geysers aren't the only place where Sonoma Steam Power can make electricity.

In fact, much of the Western United States sits atop "hot spots" that can be tapped for Sonoma Steam Power.

And a handful of hidden penny-stock companies are doing just that. But when Stealth Tax fever hits, everyone will know about them.

So if you put your money in them now ― before Congress moves on the Stealth Tax as early as April 2 ― they could make you $63,359. Act aggressively, and it could mean your take is as high as $253,434.

Take Back Your "Stealth Tax" Losses ― and Make $253,434

How can I say that you'll grab $253,434 with such confidence?

Well, consider this: MSNBC reports that Sonoma Steam Power production could soon equal that of all 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Decades ago, when nuclear plants were first coming online, energy investors rushed in. And nuclear companies made massive profits for shareholders:

Entergy Corp. of New Orleans ran up 261% between 2000 and 2006
Dominion raced up 110% during the same period
Cameco Corp. (a uranium miner) returned 1,551%

Say you bought just 500 shares of each of these companies when nuclear power was coming into widespread use. You'd make $63,359 in pure profits.

If you'd taken a more substantial stake ― 2,000 shares ― you'd be looking at $253,434.

And that's the sort of potential that lies in Sonoma Steam Power right now.

I can't think of a better way to turn the tables on Big Government.

You could take back that estimated $2,927 they'll steal from you... and make it back 87 times over.

Sonoma Steam Power is your best shot at sticking it back to the government, even as it implements the EnviroNazi agenda.

It's not the only way. In fact, I'll tell you about three more once I'm done spelling out the incredible opportunity that lies within Sonoma Steam Power. And I've packaged all of these opportunities into a "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit that I'd like to send you absolutely FREE.

But the keystone to the "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit is a FREE special report I want to put in your hands right away ― before Congress and the EPA move on the "Stealth Tax."

It's called The Five "Sonoma Steam Power" Companies That Could Make You $253,434.

Inside you'll get the scoop on five companies leading the way with Sonoma Steam Power.

Every one of them has explosive triple-digit potential. The sort of potential that could be had with nuclear power in days gone by. The sort of potential you can start to unlock even before the feds move to enact the "Stealth Tax" as early as April 2.

Sonoma Steam Power Play #1: Take advantage of this company's 20-year exclusive deal. This company already produces Sonoma Steam Power at a site in Idaho. One day it could power 110,000 electric customers. The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded this company a $9 million grant to experiment with cutting-edge technology at this site to exploit "Sonoma Steam Power." And the firm is working to bring a second site online, with what it calls "the potential for prolific production."

Sonoma Steam Power Play #2: Another 20-year exclusive deal. This firm in Nevada has an exclusive 20-year agreement to power 24,000 homes in Nevada. Its site goes on line by the end of 2009. And the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded this company a $1.25 million grant to begin extracting energy from a second site.

Sonoma Steam Power Play #3: 70,000 acres of "hot spots" waiting to be tapped. This company owns rights to 15 locations in California and Nevada totaling 70,000 acres. Five of its sites are already in development. And now it's on Wall Street's radar. Standard and Poor's just assigned an analyst to follow the company.

Sonoma Steam Power Play #4: Access to 277,000 power customers in Latin America. This tiny dynamo expects just one "hot spot" south of the border to generate enough power for 277,000 people. And like the first two companies I mentioned, it recently signed an exclusive 20-year contract.

Sonoma Steam Power Play #5: The best of the bunch. I'm saving the best for last here. This company is an industry leader, with two major "hot spot" projects in the works. One is about 75 miles north of San Francisco, and it's the largest active energy-producing field in the world. The other is in British Columbia, and estimates show it could power 80,000 homes in Western Canada.

Now I want to underscore some things here. This isn't pie-in-the-sky stuff. This isn't stuff that "might" happen one day.

Better yet, even the most extreme EnviroNazis have no objections to Sonoma Steam Power. You can't say that about solar or wind.

Every one of these companies is finding "hot spots" to generate Sonoma Steam Power. Every one has signed agreements to sell Sonoma Steam Power.

And forget the credit crunch. Every one has the funding to work their business plans.

And every one of these companies can be yours for under a dollar a share.

You can load up on 1,000 shares of each for just $2,760. A little less than you'll get nicked for the "Stealth Tax."

But this opportunity won't last long. See, you're reading about this crushing Stealth Tax right now. But when Congress and the EPA act as early as April 2, everyone will know about it.

And within days everyone will know which companies stand to profit the most... generating gains of as much as $253,434.

That's why I want to get this information in your hands NOW. I want you to see the FREE special report called The Five "Sonoma Steam Power" Companies That Could Make You $253,434.

That way, you can act before the government acts... and before the crowd acts.

This brings up an important point. You can't think about where to make big profits in energy without thinking about what government does.

And the guy who brought Sonoma Steam Power to my attention thinks more about both of those things than anyone else I know.

Finding Government-Mandated Energy Riches that Pay You Triple-Digit Gains

His name is Byron King.

Maybe you're already familiar with his contributions to the daily free newsletter Whiskey & Gunpowder.

Or his monthly advisory Outstanding Investments, rated #1 over a five-year period by Hulbert Financial Digest in 2005, 2006, and 2007.

Outstanding Investments has delivered triple-digit gains, time and time again, on the best energy and natural resource stocks out there...

162% on Intrepid Minerals
151% on Wheaton River Minerals
668% on Metallica Resources
332% on Glamis Gold
263% on Coeur d'Alene Mines
228% on Niko Resources
182% on Talisman Energy
160% on Western Oil Sands
147% on BG Group
177% on Coeur d'Alene Mines (again!)
100% on a gold miner
135% on an oil and gas producer
147% on an oil refiner
237% on a Canadian oil sands firm
291% on a very well-managed gold fund

Byron pours a lot of effort into finding these opportunities. And yet, there are many others just as promising he has to pass up.

See, it's an ethical issue. The stocks I'm talking about are pretty small ― their entire market cap at $1.5 billion or less. Sometimes a lot less.

Think what would happen if he recommended stocks like those to his readership of 48,000. They could go ballistic overnight... only to crash back to their previous levels within days.

That's not good for his readers... or his reputation.

And because these stocks are so small, they're a bit more speculative.

They're long-term plays. The sort of thing you might have to wait two or three years for the triple-digit gains to pan out ― as the true fallout from the Stealth Tax sets in.

But... there's definitely a class of people for whom these stocks are just perfect. Someone with a little higher risk tolerance, and a little more patience.

Someone daring enough to stare down the Stealth Tax and take back what the government swiped from him... and more!

Someone nimble and sophisticated enough to take advantage of smaller, hidden, novel opportunities in the stock market.

I'm writing you today because I suspect you're that someone.

And Byron has an elite research service that's right up your alley.

It's called Energy & Scarcity Investor.

Its whole purpose is to identify the best micro-cap companies in the energy and natural resource sectors.

The ones that could double, triple, or quadruple your money. The ones smart and quick enough to take advantage of the government's high-tax idiocy. Like the five Sonoma Steam Power stocks.

Because Byron believes what you believe. Sure, energy prices are down for now. But the world won't stop growing. Chinese and Indians and Brazilians won't stop joining the middle class.

That means they'll be using more of the scarce energy and natural resources that make the modern world go round.

And the opportunities for the biggest gains can come from the smallest players. The kind of players you find in your FREE special report, The Five "Sonoma Steam Power" Companies That Could Make You $253,434.

As I said before, that report is just one gift I'd like to send you as part of Byron's exclusive "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit.

It's chock-full of plays that can help you beat the "Stealth Tax" ― and even profit from it.

Let me tell you about another one right now.

This is a company that could actually make solar and wind power profitable.

How a Century-Old Company... Using Century-Old Technology... Will Finally Make Solar and Wind Profitable

I told you earlier about one of the big problems with solar and wind power. The sun doesn't shine 24/7. The wind doesn't blow 24/7.

That means you need a way to generate power at night, and when the wind is calm.

Now here's the thing. Often when the sun shines, solar panels might draw in more power than customers need at the other end of the transmission line.

Same thing with wind. The wind can blow so hard, it generates more power than customers use.

So it's pretty obvious. There needs to be some sort of way to store that excess power.

So when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow, there's still power that people can use.

That's not just a matter of common sense. It's also a matter of economics.

Without some way to store that excess power for later use... it might never be cost-effective to generate solar and wind power on a large scale.

What's the best way to store that power?

It happens to be technology that's been around for over a century.

It's good old-fashioned batteries.

I'm talking lead-acid batteries, bigger (much bigger) versions of what's in your car.

Mega-Batteries: Built for Old-Fashioned Submarines, Ideal for Cutting-Edge Solar and Wind Power

These mega-batteries will be the key to storing up excess solar and wind power, then sending it down the line when people need it most.

And one company will lead the field. It's been an industry leader in lead-acid batteries for as long as it's been around.

This company has built batteries for submarines for over 100 years. They're so reliable, they supply power for every nuclear sub in the U.S. Navy.

And the firm's scientists are working their tails off to make even better batteries. They've already developed a method to ensure no leakage... even if the battery case is punctured. (EnviroNazis ought to like that.) And now they're also working on methods to make the batteries last longer.

Bottom line: I can't think of a better route to riches in solar and wind. Without this company's technology, large-scale wind and solar power just won't happen.

If big government is going to push power companies into solar and wind, this company can't help but benefit.

And so can you. In 2007, an index of solar stocks jumped 162%. Once this company makes large-scale solar power economical, gains of 162% in its shares could become a yearly phenomenon. A $5,000 investment becomes $13,100.

This is another great opportunity to turn the tables on Big Government stealing $2,927 of your hard-earned dollars every year... and make them back many times over.

Byron can't wait to tell you about it in another FREE special report. This one's called Mega Batteries: The Company That Could Double Your Money By Making Solar and Wind Profitable.

You can get it along with the other FREE report, The Five "Sonoma Steam Power" Companies That Could Make You $253,434.

They're all part of the "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit I want to send you absolutely FREE, with no obligation.

And I'm not done telling you about ways to take back the money the EnviroNazis plan to steal from you. Check out this method of "green" power generation.

"Pocket Power Plants" ― Clean, Green, and Efficient

Imagine taking a whole electric power plant and shrinking it to the size of a refrigerator.

No, it couldn't power an entire city. But what if I told you a power plant that size could power 250 homes? Or a big-city hotel?

And what if I told you thousands of power plants just like these are already in use?

This is one of the greatest open secrets in energy these days. I call them Pocket Power Plants.

Usually they rely on clean-burning natural gas. The gas feeds these Pocket Power Plants to generate electricity independent of the grid.

Pocket Power Plants already supply the electricity for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. That's a complex so huge, it houses the jet that served as Reagan's Air Force One.

Pocket Power Plants supply the electricity for the Manhattan Marriott hotel.

What makes them so great?

Well, for one thing, buying natural gas to generate your own electricity can be a lot cheaper than tapping into the grid.

And you don't have to use natural gas. You can use propane, butane... even the methane gas that builds up beneath a landfill.

So it's cheap, and it's clean.

Something else, too. And this is what the EnviroNazis will like. It's incredibly efficient. Not only do Pocket Power Plants generate electricity, they throw off heat that can then be recycled to run air-conditioning.

That's right. Pocket Power Plants can turn hot air into cold.

And they can run almost continuously. They need maintenance once, at most twice, a year.

And there's more.

How Pocket Power Plants Could Cut America's Dependence on Foreign Oil By One-Third

Pocket Power Plants can even work on trucks and buses. They're at work right now powering Beijing's city bus system.

Now maybe you've heard about natural-gas powered vehicles lately. That's the keystone to the big energy plan of the Texas energy tycoon T. Boone Pickens.

He wants to use compressed natural gas to power more vehicles on the road. That would slash American dependence on foreign oil by one-third.

Now, there's a fair amount of competition to make Pocket Power Plants. So which company is your best bet?

Byron knows of an American firm that has a leg up. It invested years ago in state-of-the-art robotics and software to make its Pocket Power Plants.

And that investment is starting to pay off big. Its order backlog has grown 458% in just a year. That's right, demand has grown by five and a half times in just a year.

So everyone from oil drillers to owners of big buildings like hospitals and office towers are beating down the doors of this company to get its products. And with its high-tech production line, it has the means to meet that demand.

Now I can't guarantee that 458% growth in orders will translate to 458% gains if you hold the shares for a year. But even if the gains were a quarter of that figure, you'd still more than double your money. A $5,000 investment becomes $10,725.

Byron can't wait to tell you about this company in another special report he's prepared as part of your FREE "Stealth Tax Combat Kit." This one's called Outsize Profits From Pocket Power Plants. This too is yours FREE with a membership in Energy and Scarcity Investor.

But there's one more FREE report we'd like to send your way.

This one's about the most traditional and dirty of fuels ― oil.

But what this company does to produce oil is something even the most hardened EnviroNazi can love.

Pick up shares today, and it could be worth 261% gains to you soon. And 465% gains later.

And incredibly, it uses the same technology you use to heat up a frozen dinner.

How the Microwave Oven (and a Tire Fire) Led to One of the Biggest Energy Breakthroughs in Decades

You know how a microwave oven heats up a quick meal.

But did you know that microwaves can also transform old tires into liquid fuel?

That's what dawned on a scientist in New Jersey one day as he turned on the local news. He saw a giant tire fire at an illegal dump. It belched acrid smoke for miles around.

What if, he wondered, you could blast a tire with just the right microwave frequency to break it down into the stuff it's made of ― including oil? Heck of a lot better than loading up landfills with tires. So he set to work. He experimented with different frequencies and watched what happened. Soon, he perfected a machine about the size of a phone booth. In minutes, it can transform a 14-inch tire into...

1.2 gallons of diesel fuel
50 cubic feet of combustible gas
7.5 pounds of carbon black (useful for making everything from ink to athletic gear)
2 pounds of high-strength steel.

Cost effective? You bet. This machine uses 50 cents of electricity to produce $5 worth of fuel and other products.

This Microwave Miracle Just Started Producing Oil. . . With 261% Profit Potential

This machine isn't some vague concept that's still years away. Testing of a prototype has just been completed. And it's a total success. Its manufacturer is ready to take orders.

So what kind of profit potential are we looking at?

Every year in this country, we throw away 290 million tires. With 1.2 gallons of oil inside each tire, and 42 gallons in a barrel of oil, that's 8.29 million barrels of oil.

With oil priced at $45 per barrel, that's $373 million worth of oil getting thrown away this year.

The company's current net worth is $77.5 million. (I told you it was a tiny company.)

If it could book the oil profits from just one half of the tires that get thrown away each year... it would be set to return you 261%.

Triple your money while reducing landfill waste? Not a bad deal, I think.

To say nothing of how the "Stealth Taxing" EnviroNazis will love it.

You can learn all about it in another special report from Byron. This one's called The Under $2 Stock Set to Make You 261% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil.

But you know what? That's not the biggest profit potential with this microwave machine. There's something else I'm about to show you that could be even more lucrative.

How This One Machine Could Make the World's Dirtiest Oil Clean and Green... and Deliver You 465% Gains

Chances are you've heard of oil shale.

It's a kind of rock that contains tiny deposits of a chemical compound called kerogen. When the rock is heated up, the kerogen releases petroleum-like liquids.

There's enough shale in the Western U.S. to equal three Saudi Arabias.

But producing oil from shale is a logistical nightmare. That's why you haven't heard about it coming to market.

And it's an even worse environmental nightmare. Really, it's the world's dirtiest oil. You have to basically strip-mine the shale. It wrecks the landscape and dumps tons of nasty chemicals like arsenic and selenium into the Colorado River.

But the same machine I just told you about could solve both problems.

Stick a drill equipped with the machine into the surface, and the microwaves heat up the kerogen.

Then it's easy to suck up to the surface in just a couple of months. That beats the three years that current technology needs.

Even better, this microwave miracle actually transforms the kerogen into useful fuel at the same time. It's like on-the-spot refining.

Here's exactly what you get once the machine does its thing with shale:

26% gasoline
30% diesel and kerosene
44% lube and fuel oil

Now... let's run the numbers on the profit potential. We'll do it the same way we did with the recycled tires.

There's an estimated 800 million barrels of oil trapped within western shale. Figure this machine is a bust and it's good to recover only one out of every 100,000 barrels.

But that tiny fraction would still be phenomenal. If this company booked profits from just 8 million barrels, that would translate to profits of 465%.

Byron reveals the name and ticker symbol of this company in another FREE report. This one's called, The Under $2 Stock Set to Make You 261% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil.

It too is part of your FREE "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit. It's yet another super opportunity to take the rotten hand the EnviroNazis will deal you, and turn it into big money.

I think you get the idea now.

You need to take action to protect your wealth from the "Stealth Tax."

I've just presented an action plan. Eight stocks that stand to benefit directly from the EnviroNazi agenda.

What's the overall profit potential? Well, I want to calculate this very conservatively. Let's just say you put the potential cost of the Stealth Tax ― $2,927 ― into each of these opportunities.

Based on the numbers I laid out for you earlier, you're looking at $37,411 in pure gains.

Again, that's a very conservative estimate. I showed you how the Sonoma Steam Power companies alone could generate up to $253,434. The upside potential is simply immense.

And you can learn how to take advantage of all of these opportunities FREE, with no obligation... all in the "Stealth Tax Combat Kit". It lays out all the details. Names of the stocks, ticker symbols, buy-up-to prices, everything.

Take Your Wealth Back and Turn $2,927 into $37,411 ― Become an Energy and Scarcity Investor

You can become a member of Energy and Scarcity Investor today and start taking back your wealth... even before the EnviroNazis seize it.

Here's what you get with your membership.The "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit: Four reports, packed with eight recommendations to help you recoup your losses from the Stealth Tax... and then multiply them many times over.
The Five "Sonoma Steam Power" Companies That Could Make You $253,434. The information in FREE special report could be worth up to 87 times the $2,927 that Big Government will take from you with the "Stealth Tax."
Mega Batteries: The Company That Could Double Your Money By Making Solar and Wind Profitable. This FREE special report reveals the one company that can make solar and wind power cost-effective.
Outsize Profits From Pocket Power Plants. This FREE special report tells you all about the key to cheap and efficient power generation for buildings... and even fuel for trucks and buses.
The Under $2 Stock Set to Make You 261% as It Turns Old Tires Back Into Oil. This FREE special report reveals the company using microwaves to turn old tires into diesel fuel.
Monthly issues of Energy & Scarcity Investor. Every month, Byron identifies yet another company set to transform scarce natural resources into triple-digit gains.
Weekly Energy & Scarcity Investor email updates. Every Friday afternoon, Byron updates the state of your recommended positions, along with any news that affects the outlook for natural resource stocks.
Flash Buy Alerts via email. From time to time, a buying opportunity will emerge that can't wait for the monthly issue. So Byron will issue a Flash Buy Alert while the opportunity is hottest.
Members-only access to the Energy & Scarcity Investor website. Here you can review archived issues and email updates using a password you'll get as soon as you receive access to your FREE special reports.

Plus you get a free subscription, if you don't already have one, to Whiskey & Gunpowder ― the daily e-letter for resource profit hunters and freedom lovers like you.

And you get the Agora Financial Executive Series. The morning Rude Awakening and the afternoon 5 Min. Forecast give you access to the entire universe of Agora Financial's research.

Now... How much do you think this sort of research is worth?

Let me tell you, it doesn't come cheap.

After all, the companies we're talking about here are tiny. So most of them don't get analyst coverage on Wall Street.

Look at it this way. The "Stealth Tax" could yank as much as $2,927 out of your pocket every year. Over five years, that's $14,635. Vaporized from your personal balance sheet.

But look at the chart above. Take the positions Byron lays out for you in the "Stealth Tax" Combat Kit, and you could make ― conservatively estimated ― $34,411.

Now how much would that guidance be worth to you?

Before you answer that, let me ask you this: What if you could try this service FREE, with absolutely no obligation, for the next two months?

Try Energy & Scarcity Investor  ― Yours FREE for Two Months

That's right. With the April 2 Stealth Tax Deadline announcement breathing down your neck ― maybe just days from now ― I'm offering you the chance to try Energy & Scarcity Investor FREE for two months.

The annual membership fee is just $1,495.
Price SLASHED until April 2 potential "Stealth Tax" announcement. Click button below to see your final discounted membership fee.

For a conservatively-estimated profit potential of $34,411, I think that's a pretty fair deal.

Considering how an aggressive position in the Sonoma Steam Power companies alone could net a gain of $253,434, I think that's an outstanding deal. Especially since Byron logged 36,000 miles of travel to identify just those five companies.

Now... about those FREE reports. I said there's absolutely no obligation.

Those aren't just words. Here's my guarantee to you: Give Energy & Scarcity Investor a try. If after 60 days you decide it's not for you, I'll cheerfully refund every penny you paid for it.

It's that simple.

Take 60 days to study the FREE special reports, the monthly issues, the weekly e-mail updates, the members-only Web site. Follow along with Byron's recommendations.

If at the end of those 60 days, you're not absolutely convinced of the profit potential that comes with a membership in Energy & Scarcity Investor, all you have to do is pick up the phone and ask for your money back. Every penny.

You'll get the toll-free number to call at the same time you get your FREE special reports. You can keep those special reports and all your issues, with our compliments. There's nothing to lose.

I wouldn't be making an offer like this if I weren't sure you'll be pleased with the profitable analysis you can get only from Byron and Energy & Scarcity Investor.

But don't waste time acting on this. The EnviroNazis won't wait long on their plans. It could be as early as April 2. So you shouldn't wait long to prepare your defense. And I'll say it one more time. This is the best way I know how.

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