Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Market Lost 50%. We Went 600 for 637.

This economic crisis is unlike any we've seen in our lifetime, and don't be fooled by a few up days or a smattering of headlines declaring a bottom.

Nobody can predict what happens next, but two things are certain: 1) Volatility is here to stay, and 2) The pain we've already suffered will have lasting effects.

Last year, Americans lost 2.6 million jobs, and the trend continues.

During the same period, we saw our retirement accounts shrink by over $2 trillion.

Home equity for millions of homeowners has disappeared, taking with it trillions of dollars that would have otherwise driven our economy forward.

I'm not reminding you of all these things to put you in a foul mood ...

Rather, given all that's gone wrong, it makes the story you're about to hear all the more inspiring.

In short, on Tuesday, April 7, you will have the opportunity to put all of your financial pain behind you, regardless of how much longer this economic crisis lasts.

To explain how, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce hedge fund manager and trading educator, Teeka Tiwari ...
Let me begin by saying that what you're about to read is not hyperbole. I say this realizing full well that it might sound incredible or hard to believe ...

Between June of 2008 – when I launched the beta version of my new service, Sector Hunter – and the end of February of 2009, the DOW lost more than 43% of its value. The Nasdaq lost more than 45%. The broad S&P 500 index lost a whopping 47.5%.

But during that same period, as the total value of the stock market was literally cut nearly in half, subscribers to Sector Hunter's beta version received 637 individual trade recommendations ... and 600 of them were profitable.

Like I said, hard to believe. But true. And I'm telling you about this today because I'm making Sector Hunter available to a small number of investors on Tuesday, April 7th.

But before I get into the details behind my Sector Hunter service, and what you can do to qualify for a spot, I want to take a moment and introduce myself to those of you who may not know me.

My primary focus today is educating people on how to trade successfully in the stock market.

I write weekly columns in The Tycoon Report, I run a premium trading service called Point & Profit, I've authored one of the top trading courses on the market, ETF Master Trader, and I appear regularly on the new Fox Business Channel.

I also run an international hedge fund (which is currently closed to new clients), and have just released the live version of my new Sector Hunter service, which I'll tell you more about in a moment.

You could say that I've got a lot to keep me busy ... and that I've enjoyed a great deal of professional success ... but it wasn't always this way.

I first came to the U.S. as a teenager from England, where I had bounced around the foster care system. I arrived in New York at 15 years of age, alone, with literally $150 in my pocket and the clothes on my back.

I started out bussing tables in a restaurant at nights, and working on the docks by day.

How I got involved in the world of Wall Street is too long a story to get into here, but I'll give you the highlights:
At 18, someone at Lehman Brothers gave me a shot (but only after I offered to work for free)
Two years later, I became the youngest Vice President in the company's history
By the age of 23, I had made my first million
I then proceeded to lose everything, declare bankruptcy, and essentially start all over again
By 27 I was a millionaire many times over, and I haven't looked back
In 2006 I started to focus my talents and experiences toward helping average, everyday investors get a leg up in the stock market.

Once I got a taste of how rewarding it was to help people – rather than simply working to help make rich people even richer – I was hooked.

And that's a very abbreviated version of how I came to be here today, telling you about Sector Hunter, a service that has already changed many lives, and one that I hope you'll get to enjoy yourself.

What Exactly is Sector Hunter?

Over the years, as a result of many successes and an equal number of failures, I've developed a system for trading that I follow religiously as a trader.

I teach this system in my ETF Master Trader course, but I realize that not everybody has the time or interest in spending the time it takes to study and master it.

So in 2008 I launched the beta version of Sector Hunter, a service that automates my system and spits out recommendations for those who want an easier way to make money.

The basic premise behind Sector Hunter – and the reason for its name – is that fully 80% of the reason a stock or ETF gains or loses is due to the sector it is in.

Stocks move in packs, and that's why it's critical that you have a means for determining which sectors are going to outperform the market and which are going to lag, if you hope to be profitable. Otherwise, you're just guessing every time you buy or sell a stock.

When Sector Hunter determines that a sector is about to experience a strong move to the upside, members receive an Alert in their inbox to let them know. The same is true when Sector Hunter sees that a sector is about to experience a big drop.

Each Sector Hunter Alert gives members an average of 3 stocks and 3 ETFs that they can buy to take advantage of the coming move. These stocks and ETFs are investments that Sector Hunter has identified as those with the very highest probability of success.

"I'm Sorry, but Did You Say 600 Profitable Trades Out of 637?"

Two things stand out when I tell people about Sector Hunter for the first time.

The first is that it's one of the easiest ways to make money that you'll find. You get an email, read through the list of recommended stocks and ETFs, and decide which ones you'd like to invest in. Simple. Quick. Convenient.

The second thing that stands out is the track record.

During the best of markets, 600 out of 637 – a touch above a 94% accuracy rate – would be remarkable.

But since that track record was compiled during what many experts are calling the "worst recession since the Great Depression" ... it's simply stunning.

In fact, Sector Hunter's success was so unbelievably good that, when we launched the official version of the service to our own Tycoon Report customers earlier this month, we decided on a rather unique marketing strategy:

Instead of standing before people and telling them how great my service was and how profitable it had proven to be, I decided to let my existing members – those who had used Sector Hunter throughout its beta phase – tell the story for me:

There was Roger, a truck driver from St. Louis who, while recovering from treatment from a serious illness and out of work was able to use Sector Hunter to earn more than $11,000 for his family in just a few weeks.

There was Jim from Texas who earned $10,000 a month in his first four months with Sector Hunter.

There was Barry from Long Island, who had lost nearly $100,000 following some of those investing gurus on the internet, and then made it all back in less than six months with Sector Hunter.
In fact, there were hundreds of success stories, and simply letting my members share their experiences with the service was by far the best way we knew to convince others to give Sector Hunter a shot.

And boy did it work.

We launched the new and improved Sector Hunter to our own Tycoon Report readers on Friday, March 6th. We told them that only 1,000 spots would be released during the launch period ... and all 1,000 were sold out in a few days.

Join My Inner Circle to Learn More ...

Now that everything has settled down from our own in-house launch of Sector Hunter, I've decided to release a small number of additional memberships to investors outside of our own Tycoon Report family.

Several publishers came to us, asking if they could share Sector Hunter with their customers, and we whittled down the list to what I hope is a manageable number.

One of those publishers was StockResearchNewsletter, and as a result I'm thrilled to be able to offer you a chance today to get involved.

On Tuesday, April 7, I will be releasing 500 additional memberships to Sector Hunter.

But the only way to get an invitation on that day is to let me know you're interested by joining what I'm calling my Inner Circle waiting list.

Adding your name to my Inner Circle is not a commitment to buy Sector Hunter on the 7th, but simply a way of letting me know where to send invitations.

When you join, you'll also ensure that you receive all the details behind Sector Hunter, its track record, and the way it works, between now and our April 7 release.

You'll also hear my members' success stories, from their lips, in the form of videos and recorded phone calls that I had with them.

In short, joining the Inner Circle will guarantee you receive an invitation, and will guarantee that all your questions about the service are answered between now and then.

Join My VIP Inner Circle Here »

As soon as you sign up, I'll give you access to a blog that I've set up to provide you more details behind Sector Hunter and its track record.

Please Keep this Confidential

Please understand that this is a private, personal invitation. It is exclusively for readers of StockResearchNewsletter and should not be shared with anybody else.

I'm only going to release 500 spots on April 7th, and if too many people got wind of this, you'd only be hurting your own chances of securing one for yourself.

I can't tell you if this service will be right for you. That's a decision you have to make. But I wouldn't be writing to you today if I didn't think it would be worth your time to find out.

After all, a service with a track record for being right more than 90% of the time, in this market, should be used by people who appreciate the unique power of making money virtually every single time they invest.

One thing is for certain:

On Tuesday, April 7, you can be one of 500 people to take back control of your financial future. But when I hit "Send" on that email, the only way you can get it in your inbox is if you're on my Inner Circle VIP notification list.

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