Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ripping the U.S. Dollar Apart

Every day more and more people around the world are starting to recognize the once great U.S. dollar as what it has become... an IOU for nothing!

This new world awareness is a beacon signaling lucrative investment returns on the horizon. Let me explain...

Since the early 1970s, the value of the U.S. dollar has bounced up and down against a basket of currencies as measured by the U.S. Dollar Index. Since the inception of that index the dollar had a value as high as 160 at its strongest point and as low as 71 at its weakest point one year ago.

Before the U.S. Dollar Index was created, gold and silver were the world's international reserve currency. These metals were used by virtually everyone based on an agreement made in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire shortly after World War II. Gold and silver were also the primary instruments in which governments, central banks, financial institutions, and millions of individuals around the world kept their savings.

The Bretton Woods agreement continued until 1971 when the U.S. government successfully pulled off the greatest financial hoax of all time... convincing the world to accept the U.S. dollar as a substitute for gold and silver.

Since that event, governments, central banks, and large institutions around the world have been hoarding fiat U.S. dollars as they once hoarded physical gold and silver.

Because the U.S. was able to maintain economic strength, military supremacy, and the benchmark currency status, the world has allowed the U.S. government to create dollars seemingly without limits or consequences.

That is, until now!


Ripping the U.S. Dollar Apart

The value of the U.S. dollar plummeted last week after the Federal Reserve surprised markets by escalating its quantitative-easing program and signaling a more aggressive approach to keeping longer-term yields low and stabilizing the credit markets in the U.S.

The greenback sold off sharply and broadly after the Fed said it would expand its purchases of mortgage-backed securities by an additional $750 billion and spend as much as $300 billion to purchase U.S. Treasuries.

The announcement created a frenzy in the gold market, skyrocketing the price of the great yellow metal up nearly $70 an ounce in one day!

Gold investors saw an impressive 8% gain, while Mining Speculator members who own my new "gold-doubling effect" investment recommendation saw a 16% gain in less than two hours after the Fed's announcement. More on that in just a second.

With the Federal Reserve creating new money faster than ever before, the world is finally starting to open its eyes and question the long-term sustainability of the U.S. dollar.

In fact, as Reuters reported last Wednesday, a U.N. panel will recommend this week that the world ditch the dollar as its main reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies!

Currency specialist Avinash Persaud told a Reuters Funds Summit in Luxembourg the proposal was to create something like the old European Currency Unit, which was a hard-traded, weighted basket.

Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of currencies and gold, but the U.S. dollar has dominated as the most convincing store of value. This is despite the fact that its value wavered in recent years as the United States ran up massive budget and external deficits.

But it won't last long.

Sooner or later, the U.S. dollar will collapse. It's imminent. When the U.S. dollar does collapse, governments, central banks, financial institutions, and private investors will flee to the world's only true store of value: Gold.

This rush to gold will spark the final mania stage of the bull market and turn the yellow metal's parabolic upswing into a blistering price spike.

Gold is, and always has been, the safest investment in the world. Fortunately for us today, we have the opportunity to double our profits from gold. Here's what I'm talking about . . .

Double Your Gold Profits

Earlier this year, one of the world's leading international investment managers launched a new, one-of-a-kind investment vehicle designed to double the monthly return of gold prices.

Mind you, this investment has been all but ignored by media since its launch. Gold, after all, has never been understood or appreciated by the mainstream, despite its historic economic significance.

Still, for every 1% increase in the price of gold, this new gold investment vehicle delivers a positive 2% return!

You won't have to open a special account to get in on the action. It trades on the NYSE. Plus, it's completely liquid. . . and easy to add to any stock account you own right now.

The upside here is tremendous, and the risk is virtually non-existent, making this investment a true no-brainer.

Even if gold prices go to the minimum of what everyone ― including the mainstream analysts ― is predicting, the gold-doubling investment promises a 325% gain. And that's in the safest investment in the world!

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